"Sura God? You look not simple."

Mu Qing indifferently said, there are not many ups and downs on the surface, but there is a trace of weirdness in my heart.

Because when the god Shura, who called himself Asura Race patriarch, appeared on Rojo, Rojo's breath had directly reached the God Emperor Peak.

It is even comparable to the five times tempering of Taoism!

You must know that this Shura god did not come in person, but used some means to bless him on Rojo.

Only this has allowed Rojo's strength to reach the peak of God Emperor, comparable to Dao's five times tempering.

Mu Qing guessed that this Shura God was at least the Great Emperor!

"Thank you, your Excellency is not simple, and what I didn't expect is that there will be a powerhouse in your Demon Domain." The cracked mouth on Rojo's cheek continued to open the mouth and said.

Rojo himself has no movement at this moment, his eyes are dim and godless, only the scarlet eyes on the center of the eyebrows flicker with rays of light.

Obviously, this Shura god occupies Rojo's body.

Shura Divine Heart is quite fearful!

He has no way to fully feel Mu Qing's specific cultivation base strength!

This also means that Mu Qing is either cultivated some kind of concealed aura means, or his strength is far above him.

"Doesn't your Asura Race also have a great powerhouse like you? On the contrary, I am more surprised." Mu Qing lightly said with a smile.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was startled.

Asura Race’s patriarch is the great powerhouse?

Luo Dazhong glanced at Elder with a shocked expression.

Asura Race is Peak race?

In the past, Asura Race did have been promoted to the Peak race, but that was just a flash in the pan. Before the peak race had a foothold, the Great Powerhouse had fallen, causing Asura Race to fall from the Peak.

But at this moment, Mu Qing said that the Asura Race patriarch, the god of Asura Race patriarch, who currently occupies Luohuo's body, is actually a great emperor!

"Are we Peak race?" Those Asura Race people were stunned.

They carefully felt the bloodline in their bodies. Although the Shura's divinity in the bloodline was strong, it was far from the point of Peak bloodline.

If it is really Peak bloodline, then they can break through the powerhouse of Heavenly God Peak with no difficulty.

"This guy is really stronger than me!" Shura Divine Heart was startled.

He is very mysterious in Asura Race, rarely appears in front of others, has a set of concealment methods, and now the body has not come, Mu Qing has already seen his strength.

"Your Excellency, this time it is our Asura Race have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai. For the sake of my face, can we spare Rojo's life?"

God Shura did not respond to the matter that he was the great powerhouse, but took the initiative to lower his posture.

Obviously it is the patriarch of Asura Race, but the god Shura does not have any violent aura, and even voluntarily surrendered.

The god Shura paused and said: "Our Asura Race will give Demon Domain ten medium Divine Stone veins as compensation, I hope you will not pursue it anymore."

Ten medium Divine Stone veins !

I am very rich.

The original Diluo race is also a high-level race, but there are few medium-sized Divine Stone veins.

Asura Race can take out ten at once, which is enough to show that Asura Race is rich and imposing.

Of course, these Divine Stone veins are probably also robbed by Asura Race. This Asura Race burns, kills, loots and fights many Star Domains all the year round.

Mu Qing nodded with a smile, said: "Very good, ten medium Divine Stone veins are indeed a great gift."

Sura God is hearing this relaxed in his heart.

He took the initiative to admit counsel, mainly because he didn't want to be surprised.

Since its glory years ago, Asura Race has always regarded itself as a high-level race. The appearance of the god Shura this time is also compelled by circumstances.

In the Arint Star Domain, in addition to Rojo, there are also many Heavenly Gods. They are a large Asura Race army. If it is damaged, Asura Race can't afford to hurt it!

Including that the god Shura cut off the connection between his bloodline and the entire Asura Race, and he didn't want others to notice the presence of the great powerhouse in Asura Race.

But soon, Mu Qing's smile immediately converged.

He said indifferently: "But, I want the entire Asura Star Domain more than a gift."

The god Asura was surprised and immediately realized what Mu Qing wanted to do.

He controlled Rojo's body, bleeding power exploded up and down all over his body, blasted the space with a punch, and forcibly opened a space channel.

This space channel is not stable, and void storms can be seen in it.

But the god Shura can no longer control so much.

Even if you die in a void storm, it is better than being killed directly by Mu Qing.

"The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons..." Luo Daozhong glanced at Mu Qing, but found that the other party did not move, a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

Mu Qing lightly said with a smile: "Don't worry, they can't run away."

The god Shura looked towards Mu Qing and found Mu Qing standing still, the same kind of Bad premonition.

"Not good! Come out!"

Sura God suddenly sensed something and quickly yelled at the space channel.

It's too late.

In the space channel, all Asura Race powerhouses have rushed in.

Soon, there was a scream from the space channel.

"quickly retreat!"

In the space channel, a Asura Race powerhouse's eyes were cracking and roared loudly.

The passages all around, one lance penetrates in, and penetrates the bodies of these Asura Race powerhouses, and the Divine Soul is instantly annihilated!

Moreover, this space channel itself is unstable, and it is now destroyed, one after another void storm blows in.

Some Asura Race powerhouse was blown by the void storm, and the body was directly turned into powder.

The space channel opened by the god Shura is fifty meters deep in the void.

The void storm inside can only be carried by the Emperor God.

And Mu Qing's strength can completely enter the 100 meters deep level of the void.

The moment Shura God opened the space channel, the ancient dead tree had taken root in the sky and attacked the space channel.


The space channel has been riddled with holes and cracks everywhere.

Finally, it collapsed with a bang!

Asura Race Thousands of Heavenly God, all of them have fallen!

"Okay! You are fine!" Luo Huo's scarlet eyes stared at Mu Qing, gnashing teeth.

He absolutely didn't expect, and he agreed to give ten medium Divine Stone veins, but the other party still kept the killing intent and wanted to kill them all.

"I bowed my head before, just because I was afraid of causing trouble, but if you insist on taking action on my Asura Race..." The god Shura said solemnly, "We are not afraid!"

After saying this, the blood-colored power gushes crazily from Rojo.

The breath skyrocketed, and it directly reached the fifth-order level of the lower emperor!

It's even continuing to rise!

Mu Qing's face showed a hint of surprise.

It's just being possessed by strength, and it is actually able to raise Rojo's strength to this level!


Mu Qing sneered, what about the lower emperor?

The fifth level of trifling is even just comparable to the aura, not even Dao!

Mu Qing's mind moved, under the astonished eyes of God Shura, twenty Demon Gods appeared.

The aura of each Demon God is extremely powerful, and it surrounds the Shura God group.

Under the chaotic fist, the space burst into pieces, and countless emptiness was chaotic.

Sura God just helped Luo Huo improve his strength, he was bombarded before he could do anything, and he didn't even leave a trace of Remnant Soul!

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