"I...I had a breakthrough?!" Wu Hong was stunned, feeling the turbulent demonic energy in his body, and his eyes were shocked.

It feels like a dream!

Although Wu Hong is already Heavenly God Peak, he has been stuck on this bottleneck.

I want a breakthrough to the emperor, but I don’t know when!

But now, Mu Qing directly helps him breakthrough, and even his Demon Race bloodline has become a lot richer!

"Many thanks, the Great Emperor Wanmo!"

Wu Hong quickly knelt down with a look of excitement.

He can be regarded as the youngest Elder in Demon Domain.

On the seats around, Luo Daozhong and the others are quite envious.

I don’t know how much effort and effort it took when they broke through the emperor, but Wu Hong was in a blink of an eye. It's a breakthrough.

"The meeting is over."

"Luo Daozhong, report to me after the investigation is clear."

Mu Qing loudly shouts, and then the whole person is distorted by the black hole power , Disappeared.


Even if Mu Qing has left, Luo Daozhong still responded to the first seat.

Later, Luo Daozhong looked towards Wu Hong, said with a smile: "Don't be too restrained, you will be the top of Demon Domain in the future."

"However, don't be too slack, this The position of Elder is not so easy and easy to take. With the current development speed of Demon Domain, I am afraid that without the Great Emperor Realm in the future, they will not be eligible to be the Elder!"

Luo Daozhong warned again.

These words made Wu Hong's expression stagnant.

The god Elder Huang was surprised.

"What do you mean?" A god Elder Huang frowned.

Their God Sovereign Realm is very high in the Peak race.

Luo Daozhong shook the head and whispered softly: "Your thoughts are too simple. Now Demon Domain is only initially developed, so we can mix up Elder positions, but in the future there will be more and more powerhouses, even When the great powerhouse appears, who will be given these positions?"

"The great powerhouse will appear one after another in the future, and we will be eliminated sooner or later, so if we want to sit in this position, we must improve our strength!"

Luo Daozhong can see clearly.

The identity and origin of the King of the Demon are not simple, and the three magic skills alone are enough for the development of Demon Domain.

With some means of the other party, the current Demon Domain is by no means comparable to the average Peak race!

There is a hunch in Luo Dao, and then Demon Domain will become stronger with unimaginable speed.

If they are not self-motivated, I am afraid they will be eliminated.

When the time comes, someone with stronger and more innate talent will replace them.

"Okay, it's time to thoroughly investigate those betrayers." Luo Daozhong's eyes fell gloomy.

Asura Race’s powerhouse suddenly appeared and attacked them. Didn’t expect a traitor to appear in the Demon Domain!

This is definitely a hidden danger and must be resolved.


"How is it? How many people have you attracted?"

On a certain star in Demon Domain, a seemingly poor and rudimentary room Inside.

A young man in the middle of Heavenly God held a communication rune, and a gloomy voice came from it.

Hearing this voice, the youth body trembled.

He quickly looked respectful and said: "Big...sir, things are going a little difficult."

There was a trace of fear and fear on the face of the youth, swallowed saliva and said, Cautiously said: "In the Demon Domain, there are hundreds of people in the True God powerhouse who are willing to take refuge in Asura Race, and there are five in the Heavenly God Realm, but none of the Law Enforcers have agreed."


A curse suddenly came from the newsletter rune.

Heavenly God Realm is okay, but True God, Asura Race really look down on it!

It took such a long time to win over such a few people. Asura Race powerhouse on the other side of the newsletter rune even wondered if this young man did his job well.

"My lord, I really did my best!"

The youth was sweating and hurriedly said: "Those Law Enforcer dísciple, I don’t know what thoughts have been instilled, even if I will My lord, the condition and benefit you gave was tripled, but you didn't agree!"

He recalled the Law Enforcer demonic cultivator he had contacted.

In the beginning, when he drove out the conditions given by Asura Race, none of these Law Enforcers explicitly rejected them, saying that they would consider it, but after that, it got longer and longer.

"Idiot!" The Asura Race powerhouse in the newsletter rune said, "Run right away! Can't you notice it? Those people are deliberately dragging time and not answering you!"

Asura Race powerhouse flustered and exasperated, he hasn't seen this kind of idiot yet, and he is showing that he is deliberately delaying time, maybe all the actions of this guy have already been spotted.


The youth's face suddenly turned pale.

He suddenly had a bad feeling, and he felt that he was being stared at by countless eyes!


Suddenly, the entire house of the youth was crushed by a force, and the dust filling the sky flew up.


The terrifying coercion shrouded, and the youth couldn't bear it, and was directly pressed on the ground, and the skeleton on his body broke.

Severe pain swept through the body.

He struggled to lift the head and looked towards the front.

A group of people are condescending, and all around is covered by a layer of pale black Formation.

"I was found..."

The young man's head suddenly roared.

He knows that all he has done has been known, and the few condescending silhouettes in front of him are the Law Enforcer demonic cultivator dísciple that he tried to instigate before!

Wu Hong strode forward, the aura of the emperor crushed all around and the ground collapsed, and the pressure made people suffocate.

"Rui Duan! You are suspected of colluding with Asura Race and instigating Demon Domain against Demon Domain. The evidence is solid. According to Demon Domain rules, you should be killed on the spot."

Wu Hong has no expression on his face, indifferently said.

Rui Duan's eyes are blurred, and the aura of the god emperor is too strong.

But he still barely saw the appearance of the powerhouse in front of him, Wu Hong.

"Why...why, when did you break through." Rui Duan was very difficult to speak, and he spit blood at the same time.

"You don't need to know this." Wu Hong gave him a cold look.

After that, Wu Hong gestured to a demonic cultivator dísciple next to him.

This is also a powerhouse, with the cultivation base of Heavenly God Peak.

However, this dísciple was not selected into the Law Enforcer, but was cultivated in the three magic arts.

He walked in front of Rui Duan, grabbed the opponent's head, the demonic energy unique to the Soul Book rushed into his mind, destroying Divine Soul!

After a while, Rui Duan's face was dull and he had completely lost his consciousness.

He became a parasite!

"Who is behind the scenes?" Wu Hong asked indifferently.

After being parasitized, Rui Duan opened his mouth. It was difficult to speak, but he could still hear clearly.

"Asura Race...Lord Rojo..."

After a while, most of the things Rui Duan knew were controlled by the Soul Book and vomited out.

Wu Hong expression turned cold.

It's not that Asura Race finds the Rui Duan, but after the Rui Duan has obtained the Nine Ways of Swallowing, he takes the initiative to contact Asura Race and become an informant of Asura Race's annexation of Demon Domain!

Rui Duan tried to benefit from Asura Race, and Asura Race saw the power of swallowing nine methods, and wanted to swallow Demon Domain and completely occupy it.

Unfortunately, neither Rui Duan nor Asura Race's Rojo can think that Demon Domain actually hides a lot of power. Only a few people know the existence of Mu Qing!

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