"Whether there are some cultivation techniques in the demonic path that can make the clansman of the Diluo tribe also cultivation." Mu Qing looked towards Devouring Demon.

After the lower emperor, he can condense a thousand magic seeds, but not too many.

This means that Mu Qing has at most one thousand Demon Race subordinates.

But a thousand people are still too few!

Mu Qing wants to ask Devouring Demon for the cultivation technique of demonic path cultivation.

Back then, there was no bloodline restriction on the demonic path cultivation method, and even low-level bloodline creatures could grow up quickly and become a god emperor or even a great emperor!

This is the terrifying of Dao Cauldron in his prime.

Low-level bloodline, unless there is a fortuitous encounter, the limit of a lifetime is True God.

But as long as you become a demonic cultivator, let alone True God, even Heavenly God has no difficulty!

Magic skills are quick!


"No problem, I will give you three kinds of magic skills, which were created by the Mozu himself." With a wave of Devouring Devil's claws, a beam of black light penetrated Mu Qing's eyebrows.

In an instant, a flood of information emerged in Mu Qing's mind.

There are three magic skills!

"Swallow Nine Methods."

"Send Soul Book."

"Red Magic Technique."

Mu Qing whispered, Then he frowned.

These three magic skills seem to correspond to the abilities of Devouring Demon, Red Demon and Parasitic Demon respectively.

But the three magic skills all reveal evil!

Nine methods of swallowing, one method of repairing swallowing, eight methods of repairing transformation.

The more creatures swallowed, the faster the cultivation, and the most important thing is digestion.

Mu Qing unimaginable, what kind of experience it is to devour all kinds of creatures alone.

The cultivation is okay in the later stage. It directly turns the devoured creatures into pure energy, without feeling anything.

But at the beginning of the early stage, there is no digestion method after cultivation. It is really devour raw meat and fowl!

The other two magic skills, the soul-retaining classics require countless Divine Souls and soul sacrifices, while the Red Magic Arts uses the flesh and blood of various creatures as fuel.

There is even an article dedicated to refining the Demonic Artifact in the Red Magic Artifact, which uses bones to form bone lamps, and uses flesh and blood to make lamp oil. It takes out at the time of battle, which can burst out a surging heavenly demon flame. !

"These magic skills..." Mu Qing's eyebrows still wrinkled.

The three magic powers are far from the magic power he created.

These three magic skills are all aimed at killing people!

Swallowing Demon is rare and strange, indifferently said: "Demonic path, this is the case, in order to enhance the strength of realm, it is unscrupulous, and it is precisely because of too much killing that Heart Demon will be produced."

"Of course, if you are in conflict, these three magic skills can only be used on the enemy in the future. How to use it depends on the cultivator."

The Devourer chuckled and said:" The magic skills I know about are these three. In fact, the magic ancestor created the Six Sect magic skills, which correspond to the abilities of six monsters. The other three magic skills are more harmful to the world, which absorbs grievances and tortured a person for longer. The more resentment, the faster the strength will increase after absorption."

"There are also those who specialize in refining corpses and body possession others, countless changes."

Mu Qing said solemnly: "But if these magic powers are passed on, once some people have malicious intentions, it will cause loss of life and bloodthirsty blood."

He can see that these magic powers are all advocates. Killing, basically as long as you kill enough people, the stronger you can improve.

If this kind of magic is passed on, some people cannot bear the temptation and may stretch their hands to those around them.

Or innocent creatures.

"Yes, the demonic path of the year also had this problem. Many demonic cultivators were killing all around, which caused much trouble to the demon ancestor."

"Later, the demon cultivator was created. With the Law Enforcer, headed by our six monsters, we thoroughly check all the demonic path dísciples every other month, and if there is a wanton killing, we will kill it on the spot!"

Swallow Demon said.

The situation of the demonic path is actually quite serious.

In fact, the demonic path can develop by relying on the Six Sect magic power of the ancestor to kill the Quartet and become a region's Overlord.

It's just that with the restrictions of Celestial Court and other parties, the demonic path has also converged.

After the demon ancestor established a branch of Law Enforcer, the one third dísciple in the demonic path was killed on the spot, all of them were conscientious people in order to improve their strength.

"Your magic heart trick is very difficult to deal with. Although it has no special abilities, it allows the cultivator to have the Demon Race bloodline, and the demonic energy from the cultivation is very pure and strong."

"The most important thing is that these people are controlled by you. You can make these people of the cultivation magic heart tactics act as Law Enforcers and manage other people of cultivation magic power."

Swallow The demon suggested.

It is difficult to control the people of the cultivation demonic path. The Demon ancestor was at a disadvantage.

When the demonic path was created, the Demon Ancestor had a lot of trouble, because the demonic cultivator couldn't control it.

Therefore, Devourer suggested that Mu Qing establish a Law Enforcer at the beginning of the development of power to strictly control the demonic cultivator.

Mu Qing nodded, it is a way to be strictly guarded.

"For these three magic skills, you can cultivation anyone from the Dilu tribe, but remember that every month, you must cultivate the demonic cultivator of these three magic skills. A thorough inspection found any indiscriminate and unreasonable actions to kill innocents, kill them on the spot!"

Mu Qing shouted, then waved his hand to Luo Daozhong's three magic skills.

Strict control, mainly or for not to provoke too many enemies.

"Emperor Ten Thousand Demons, can we...can cultivation?" Luo Daozhong carefully explored the three magic skills in his mind, and he was frightened.

However, according to the description of magic skills above, you might be able to quickly increase your strength, or even hit the Great Emperor Realm!

Mu Qing looked towards Devourer.

The Devourer shook his head and said: "You are all cultivated the Magic Heart Technique, it is difficult to cultivation these three magic skills, and the demonic energy you have obtained through the Magic Heart Technique cultivation is more pure and does not cause much It’s almost impossible to encounter Heart Demon. This is the result of many demonic cultivator yearn for something even in dreams."

The magic heart formula is also good, that is, the chance of Heart Demon appearing is very low. , It is very likely that there will only be ordinary Great Tribulation.

As for why the Heart Demon Tribulation appeared in Mu Qing's Great Tribulation, Devouring Demon couldn't explain it, perhaps because Mu Qing's mood changed too much at that time.

After Luo Daozhong got the three magic skills from Mu Qing, he quickly retreated with a group of Elders.

He has to choose one hundred clansman who are good innate talents and plant the magic seed.

Then there are the rules of Law Enforcer and cultivation magic. Mu Qing just mentioned a few words, and he needs to make detailed rules for the specific rules.

After watching Luo Daozhong and the others leave, Devouring Demon's eyes fell on Mu Qing.

It suddenly opened the mouth and said: "They can’t cultivation, but you should be. You have the purest Demon Race bloodline. This is something the Demon ancestor couldn’t do. Race bloodline, completely able to control the power of the three magic arts without being affected."

"The ancestors of the magic ancestors practiced six magic arts, the strength connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, and the ability to compete with Celestial Court’s The old Celestial Emperor has fought back and forth. You should still be able to do the three kinds of magic skills."

Mu Qing hearing this, raised his brows.

These three kinds of magic skills can be regarded as some methods, and now he has exploded the Death Magic Knife, he may be able to cultivation the Red Magic Technique, which contains a method of refining Demonic Artifact!

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