"Wait! What do you mean? You mean Heart Demon is still alive?" The Devourer was a little messy.

It quickly denied, "This impossible, Heart Demon Tribulation has passed, you have already become the emperor, how could Heart Demon still exist?"

Heart Demon will never There is a possibility of recurrence, but Mu Qing has just passed the Heart Demon Tribulation and eliminated Heart Demon. Now it must be in a safe period.

"I always feel a little weird, that Heart Demon has the ability to switch between existence and non-existence at any time, will he let himself be in non-existence, avoiding the suppression of the power of the sky forbidden bottle?"

Mu Qing frowns.

Heart Demon disappeared, this is something he has been worrying about recently.

I originally thought that the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle could suppress the pale Demon God, even absorb it, and kill it by refining!

Just as the sky forbidden bottle can absorb the opponent's rules, Mu Qing originally thought that the sky forbidden bottle was enough to restrain the pale Demon God's ability.

In fact, it is really restrained.

But then, Mu Qing did not find the pale Demon God in the sky forbidden bottle.

It is very possible that the impact of the pale Demon God at first's ability was indeed restrained, but then the pale Demon God should regain control of his ability and make himself non-existent.

As time goes on, Heart Demon Tribulation will naturally disappear.

Mu Qing feels that he has not really survived the Tribulation of the Great Emperor.

This Heart Demon Tribulation needs to kill Heart Demon himself, but he did not kill it, but Heart Demon took the initiative to disappear.

Universe Rule has no way to detect the existence of Heart Demon, so Mu Qing succeeds in crossing tribulation by default.

"So, your Heart Demon is likely to appear at any time?" The Devourer felt a little horrified.

It has never seen such a special Heart Demon.

Since it met Mu Qing, it has seen so many special things, I don’t know how many times it has been surprised.

"It stands to reason that Heart Demon is mainly based on your ontology. If you have it, Heart Demon will also have it."

"On the contrary, the ability that Heart Demon has, you It should be obtained too."

The Devourer reminded Mu Qing.

The ability of that pale Demon God is extremely abnormal. It thinks that Mu Qing can study it. If it can obtain this power, then even the upper emperor Peak will not necessarily be able to kill Mu Qing.

Even when Mu Qing's strength is up, I'm afraid Supreme has no way to help him!

"I know, but I don't have any clue."

Mu Qing shook the head.

After he has seen the power of the pale Demon God, he has been thinking about going further in the use of Tao.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing has no clue.

He can achieve the unity of 80 Demon Gods in an instant.

But that is just the power of eighty Demon Gods.

The power is fused, but the eighty Demon Gods exist in his body. These Demon Gods are manifested in the way of the Tao, and they will not merge into one.

Not to mention Demon Godization.

What makes Mu Qing feel a headache is that he can cover his whole body with demonic energy, and he can also incarnate one of the Demon Gods.

But this is not what he wants.

Simply increase in strength a little bit.

There is no special ability!

"How on earth can I integrate the power of 80 Demon Gods and transform myself into Demon God..."

Mu Qing is thinking hard.

When he came back to his senses, he had already come to the inner area of ​​imperial city.

The imperial city of Aite is divided into outer area, inner area and core area.

The outer zone is the largest and also very prosperous. Many different races will also appear in the outer zone, and the super-large Space Transmission Array is also there.

The inner area is where some of the Aite people are located. There are many mansions, most of which are powerhouses that control some of the stars of the Aite people.

The core area is the smallest, with only one imperial palace, where the Imperial Family lives.

In the inner area where Mu Qing came, there were not many people on the street, all of them were Aite clansman.

At the same time, many patrol guards of the Heavenly God Realm can be seen.

In the Peak race, the god emperor is already the mainstay and has a higher status.

However, these patrols and investigations did not stump Mu Qing. With the strength of him and the Devourer, he would not be discovered at all.

What makes Mu Qing concerned is that many people are heading to a certain place in the inner area.

Mu Qing followed along.

Finally, he came to a hall not far away, where special blue crystals are everywhere, splendorous and majestic, and it contains rich Heaven and Earth energy!

"Good guys, there are ten high-level Divine Stone mineral veins. This Aite is not very powerful, but the wealth is quite sufficient!"

The Devourer saw the name at a glance. .

Under this dim-blue hall, there are ten high-level Divine Stone veins buried!

The price of an advanced Divine Stone vein can be worth an Emperor Treasure.

Of course, the main function of the Divine Stone vein is to continuously produce Divine Stone and change the intensity of all around Heaven and Earth energy.

There are ten high-level Divine Stone veins buried under this blue palace, which almost turns the palace into a cultivation Holy Land. Not only that, but the entire inner area has benefited. Heaven and Earth has significantly more energy than the outer area. Improve a lot.

For the average Peak race, it would be good to have two or three high-level Divine Stone veins.

"I'm afraid where I stole it from." Mu Qing sneered.

The Starry Sky Dynasty died and became a ruin.

Most treasures have been raided by the Celestial Court, and the remaining treasures may be insignificant to the Celestial Court, but they are very precious to the Peak race.

This high-grade Divine Stone mineral vein of the Aite tribe, I am afraid it was taken from the time when the starry sky dynasty was shattered.

Moreover, the dim-blue crystals in this place shed a little starlight, which at first glance contains the power of stars.

"If you can, if you eat these ten high-level Divine Stone veins, my strength will be restored a lot." Devouring Demon's eyes were a little hot.

At this moment, Mu Qing's eyes are on the side of the hall.

At the entrance of the hall, there is a high platform. The Sixth Imperial Prince looks proud, wearing a golden cloak, and the special logo of the Aite tribe is printed on the cloak.

He is awe-inspiring, possessing the strength of a fifth-order lower emperor, and his breath escapes, making the powerhouses of the many Aite tribes amazed.

Here is a gathering of most of the Aite people with heads and faces, and many powerhouses.

They are all here to witness the ceremony of the Sixth Imperial Prince being established as the King of Aite!

The Sixth Imperial Prince has infinite scenery and is worshipped by many Aite clansman.

Secretly, the other princes gnashing teeth, their cultivation base is uneven, some only have Heavenly God, and some have God Emperor Peak.

Among the many princes, the only one who can reach the emperor is the Sixth Imperial Prince!

"Sixth Imperial Prince is indeed the posture of the sky. Just after the breakthrough to the emperor, he increased at an alarming rate. How long has it passed? It hasn't been there for half a year, and this is the fifth-order lower emperor!"

A god emperor sighed.

This is a veteran of the Aite tribe. I was following Eldest Prince. Now after seeing the breath escaping from the Sixth Imperial Prince, I have some thoughts in my heart. Maybe it's time to change the team.


At this time, a majestic voice spread all around, only to see a big man wearing a crown came out with a golden handle in his hand. -bright and dazzling sword.

Ait Huang!

Under the stage, many Aite powerhouses lowered their heads, and some eyes gathered in the sky.

Some of the lower emperors of the Aite clan were not present, but with the power of the Great Emperor Realm, you can see what happened here at a glance.

However, no one can find Mu Qing and Devourer not far away.

"On the front-end days, our Aite tribe encountered the greatest peril in history. A severely wounded and dying emperor broke into our Aite tribe and began a brutal killing. There are three stars in the north of the Star Domain. of life!"

"The badly injured emperor must pay a price, and the other party is hidden, even I am imperceptible to..."

"But! Our Sixth Imperial Prince, he found clues to the great emperor. Today is the grand ceremony of King Aite's establishment, and it is also the day when he sent troops to crusade!" Emperor Aite's voice was loud and echoed throughout the inner area.

After he said, his tone was even more agitated.

"My dear six sons, as my father, I will use the blood of the emperor to witness you become the king of my Aite clan today!"

Emperor Aite laughed.

After a while, I didn't hear the Sixth Imperial Prince's response.


Emperor Ai was puzzled, turned his head, but found that the Sixth Imperial Prince, who was still next to him just now, had disappeared.

"Emperor...emperor! Sixth Imperial Prince, he...he disappeared out of thin air!"

An Aite veteran witnessed everything next to him, his face was terrified Scream.

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