After unfathomable mystery and greed emerged in his mind, Mu Qing finally realized who they became such a source...

It’s Mo Mori!

Mo Sen of the Ruthless Temple, when he first met Mu Qing and the Celestial Court, said some strange words.

He told everyone that Wanke is actually the nirvana Supreme, as long as the opponent is killed, it is possible to obtain the inheritance of nirvana Supreme.

In this regard, everyone naturally snort disdainfully, and they don't really believe it, because Wanke has no basis, and everyone is more willing to believe that Wanke got the inheritance of nirvana with the help of evil gods.

At that time, Mawson suddenly proposed that Wanke was the Supreme Being, which was very strange, and then he stopped mentioning it again.

Until now, Mu Qing and the others rushed towards Wanke uncontrollably, and the idea of ​​killing Wanke came to mind.

As long as you kill Wanke, you can get the nirvana inheritance!

This idea lingered in my mind, and at the same time, the greed in my heart became more obvious.

All this is out of control!

Mu Qing doesn't understand how Mo Sen did it, but there is no doubt that the most suspicious person is him!

"Interesting." Wanke was stunned, then chuckled.

He felt underestimated.

The dignified upper emperor Peak, even if he is injured, is not comparable to the lower emperor and god emperor Peak.

Is it true that you have fallen into peace?

A trace of anger rose in Wanke's heart, and a terrifying imposing manner suddenly erupted on his body.

The Holy Spirit appeared behind him, but vaguely, it looked more like a rays of light.

Wanke’s Holy Spirit is wounded!

Even if this is the case, Mu Qing and the others cannot be dealt with!

He raised his hand and pointed, and suddenly there was a horrible force that made one's heart palpitating.

Quiet Finger!

Supreme Divine Ability!

A vicissitudes and death-like power swept all around.

Tianyin and the other three were directly hit hard, and their bodies slowly dissipated in front of this dying power.

However, they still moved towards Wanke!

This is completely out of control, even if the fleshy body is destroyed, Divine Soul still rushes towards Wanke.

This is more like a death.

"Ruthless Hall! My Celestial Court and you are irreconcilable!" Hu Yibiao roared.

Tianyin is also a gloomy face with a terrifying expression.

Obviously, they also realized that they had been manipulated by Morson in the Ruthless Temple.

On the other side, the curse spirit that was supposed to be Transcending Tribulation rushed uncontrollably and shot Wanke.

Although Wanke was a little surprised by the performance of the guys in front of him, after all, the two sides were in a hostile relationship. Since he was sent to the door, he would not be polite.

The nirvana refers to piercing through, and the body of the curse spirit is wiped out. Divine Soul resists the nirvana power while dealing with Thunder Tribulation.

Originally, the curse spirit relied on the power of the curse flower to survive Thunder Tribulation quite easily.

But Mu Qing hit the cursed flower with a punch before, this peculiar plant was hit hard, and there was no power anymore.

Even Mu Qing was pointed at by Wanke, pierced through his body, and most of the dead tree was wiped out.

It's hard to resist!

Wanke has cultivated the power of nirvana, as well as the Supreme Divine Ability of nirvana!

That is True Paragon-level divine ability.

"en?" Wanke wanted to kill the group of guys in front of him, but his brows suddenly frowned.

Hu Yibiao, Lei Ting, and Tianyin are full of power.

A terrifying force belonging to the extreme powerhouse!

Even the curse spirit is the same. After being severely traumatized, a transcendent force surges in the body, and the breath is quite terrifying.


Wanke cursed secretly.

He knows what these forces are.

These people present are Heaven's Chosen, and there is a certain risk in this operation, so almost everyone of them has a power left by the extreme powerhouse.

This power is enough to save their lives.

Even if Wanke's strength is strong, he does not dare to touch the powerhouse powerhouse. Even if it is only a small force, it can destroy his high-ranking emperor.

Behind Tianyin, an illusory shadow emerged. It was a Sword Immortal of Immortal Palace, an extreme powerhouse!

At the same time, the illusory shadow of Emperor Zhentian appeared behind Hu Yibiao.

There is also a black silhouette emerging behind the curse, which is the extreme powerhouse of the evil palace.

The illusory shadow behind Lei Ting is the lord of Lei Palace.

These illusory shadows have no specific consciousness, only instinct. After all, they are just derived from power, and are not doped with the strength of Divine Soul of extreme powerhouse.

After all, once the amount of Soul Power is separated, it will have an impact on one's own state.

Even if the extreme powerhouse can separate Divine Soul to create a self-conscious Avatar, it will not do it.

Wanke gritted his teeth. With the power of the four extreme powerhouses, he can't afford to offend.

The bottom of his heart has begun to retreat, secretly thought Heaven's Chosen is really not easy to kill.

However, at this time, Wanke discovered that a special force appeared, which made him startled.

"What's the matter?"

Tianyin's face was shocked.

He found ripples in the space all around, in the sky, there was a strange sound coming.

The sound is not clear what it means, as if it is a whisper that exists, but there is one after another ripple spreading.

The ripples touched the Sword Immortal illusory shadow behind Tianyin and let it fall apart.

The ripples continued to spread, touching the illusory shadow of Emperor Zhentian behind Hu Yibiao, the illusory shadow of the lord of Thunder Palace behind Lei Ting, and the powerhouse illusory shadow behind the curse spirit.

The four extreme powerhouse forces that have been hiding in them are falling apart!

Completely dissipated!

"Someone! Someone has been staring at us from behind!" Tianyin's face was extremely ugly.

Don’t think about it, it should be the powerhouse of Ruthless Palace!

In order not to leave a weak spot, the opponent did not personally kill them, but through the hands of Wanke!

"so that's how it is, it has already blocked all around, so that everyone in the Celestial Court in the distance can't notice it."

The Devourer was also surprised, this time it It turns out that there is still a powerhouse hiding in the dark.

The powerhouse blocked this place by some means, so Tianyin and the others were injured, but there was no movement on the Celestial Court.

A smile appeared on Wanke's face.

This is easy.

"It's time to kill you." Wanke grinned.

His eyes fell on Mu Qing.

Now that the evil god has regained the Supreme strength and has a fleshy body, Mu Qing is no longer needed.

However, there is another thing on Mu Qing, which is very precious!

Ancient dead tree!

Originally, the Demon Ancestor used Death Aura to pollute the Ancient Life Tree, turning it into an ancient death tree, which will also be more in line with the power of evil gods.

The evil god originally wanted to use the power of the ancient dead tree, but later failed and Mu Qing escaped.

Now, Wanke has encountered Mu Qing again. If he kills Mu Qing and takes away the old tree of death, the evil god will definitely have a great reward!

Maybe it can make him a breakthrough!

The evil god regards Mu Qing as a target, but Mu Qing can barely control himself sometimes.

Tianyin and Hu Yibiao couldn't control themselves and rushed to Wanke first.

Wanke frowned, cursed in a low voice, "Trash, do you want to court death with such a strength?"

His nirvana finger came out!

bang! bang!

The two fleshy bodies burst completely, and the power of nirvana wiped out the Divine Soul of both of them.

Lei Ting's face was shocked, and the expression of Shu Ling was a little moved!

Tianyin and Hu Yibiao, these two Heaven's Chosen from Celestial Court.

Destroyed on the spot!

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