After the battle with Mu Qing, this great emperor from Celestial Court found that Mu Qing's horrible power was already comparable to the upper emperor!

If you want to kill Mu Qing, with the strength of his rank 2 lower emperor, it is estimated that he can't do it.

Of course, his overall strength is still higher than Mu Qing's. Perhaps he will be given a certain amount of time to defeat Mu Qing, but he wants to kill Mu Qing very slowly.

Simply, the emperor of the evil palace simply dragged Mu Qing, anyway, the two sides couldn't help each other in a short time.

He has been dragging, waiting until Saintess breakthrough.

Since Mu Qing's nine tempering Perfection Chengdi has such strength, the curse spirit, as their evil clan Saintess, ten tempering Perfection Chengdi, should be more powerful.

When the time comes unite with Saintess to kill Mu Qing in front of him, naturally with no difficulty!

"get out of my sight!"

Mu Qing roared.

He saw Shusiyu and Shuling turned into two rays of light, digging into the heart of the cursing spirit!

Seeing this scene, why doesn't he understand?

The curse is refining both!

Once the refining is successful, she will completely reach the tempering Perfection ten times.

Mu Qing didn't want this to happen, he blasted out with one blow, and his fist shattered all the surrounding space.

Eighty Demon Gods merge the power of one, too terrifying!

The complexion of the emperor of the evil palace changed slightly, even if he did not dare to take over this power easily.

He evaded and defended quickly, and even ruined a lower Emperor Treasure, which caused a pain in his heart.

There was a look of shock in the eyes of the emperor of the evil palace.

I just knew that Mu Qing's fleshy body is very strong.

But now, he can be sure.

Mu Qing's fleshy body has definitely reached a level comparable to the upper Emperor Treasure!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to directly blow one of his lower Emperor Treasures.

"You have no chance, want to save people?" The Emperor of the Evil Palace held the long spear tightly in his hands, and one after another energy poured into it, bursting out a breath belonging to the upper Emperor Treasure.

He sneered said with a smile: "At this time, Lord Saintess has completely refining the two, and in a moment, Lord Saintess will pass the Thunder Tribulation with ten tempering Perfection gestures!"

As soon as the words fell, a cloud of robbery slowly brewed over the cursed flower!

Mu Qing was silent for a short while, one after another bloodshot appeared in his eyes.

"If this is the case, then use your life for your life." Mu Qing's throat made a hoarse voice.

Behind him, twenty Demon Gods suddenly appeared, separated and moved towards not far away.

The goal is Tianyin and Hu Yibiao!

Since Shuling is refining Shusiyu and Shugu, then he killed Tianyin and Hu Yibiao!

After the breakthrough to the Great Emperor Realm, Mu Qing's Tao became stronger and stronger, and the strength of the derived Demon God was even more terrifying.

Not to mention there are twenty full!

Tianyin and Hu Yibiao's faces changed suddenly, and they cursed cursing in their hearts.

Don’t you usually use the life of the evil palace dísciple to break through? How did it change this time?

Also making Mu Qing so irritable, it must be the lives of the two of them!

Tianyin and Hu Yibiao ran away quickly.

They all know themselves.

They are still God Emperor Peak, and when they were in the tempering Dao Ze period, Mu Qing was already better than them.

And now, Mu Qing has become an emperor directly, not to mention, it is definitely not something they can resist.

The whereabouts of the twenty Demon Gods are weird, they appeared in front of the two in the blink of an eye, and they were besieged.

"Help me!"

Tianyin loudly roared.

The two Celestial Court emperors looked at each other and quickly shot.

As a result, ten Demon Gods appeared in front of these two Celestial Court emperors in an instant.

Twenty fists fell at the same time, and the violent demonic energy contained a certain degree of Monster Race energy burst!

bang! bang!

Two blood mists exploded, and Divine Soul was crushed!

One of the Demon Gods took away the Emperor Treasure of the two Celestial Court emperors.

After that, the Demon Gods continued to kill Xiang Tianyin and Hu Yibiao.

Although the two are Heaven's Chosen, they are definitely not the opponents of Mu Qing now!

Mu Qing used twenty rules to reveal Demon God, naturally, he wanted to kill the two completely.

"courting death!"

The emperor of the evil palace was furious.

He left the frontal battlefield to protect Saintess, already taking a great risk.

If this is the time, two Heaven's Chosen from Immortal Palace would fall in front of him, the consequences would be disastrous!

In Celestial Court, Immortal Palace is the largest!

If Tianyin and Hu Yibiao fall, there is no doubt that Immortal Palace will go to war with the evil palace, and even the Imperial Capital of Zhentian University will personally shoot!

Behind Tianyin, there is also an extremely high-level executive!

"Without the power of twenty principles, what would you use to fight me?"

The Emperor of the Evil Palace made a decisive move this time, and the long spear in his hand burst into Heavenspan completely. spear glow, the thirteen paths in his body are also soaring.

Originally, Mu Qing had eighty rules and Demon God's power was one, and he could fight the Evil Palace Great Emperor.

But now, Mu Qing has separated twenty ways, and his strength will naturally drop by a level.

Emperor Xie Gong thinks this is an opportunity.

Maybe you can kill Mu Qing!

No matter how bad it is, I will also force Mu Qing to put pressure on him and let him take the other twenty ways back.

In terms of Taoism, Mu Qing's Taoism is a special kind.

Just like the Tao of Little Fatty can be transformed into a treasure hunting Eight Trigrams Mirror, the Tao of the Third Young Lady can derive countless talisman, and the Tao of Xuanmu and Purple Gold can manifest itself. For the flame.

Mu Qing's Taoism manifests Demon God, which is even better than Avatar.

However, he still has the ability to integrate with one hand, and he can separate and combine!

This point is incomparable to ordinary people's Tao.

For example, the Dao of the Great Emperor of the Evil Palace manifests evil power, but it is only for improving strength and has no other purpose.

Including Tianxun, the Holy War angel, whose way is also to improve strength, but he cannot separate out a Demon God like Mu Qing.


Mu Qing took out the sky forbidden bottle, crushed down by boundless gravity!

The emperor's body was stagnant, and the complexion was greatly changed.

The spear glow was crushed to pieces under the terrifying gravity.

The Emperor of the Evil Palace quickly stabilized his Taoism, because he found that his Taoism was beginning to stir at this moment, and he felt that he would be separated from him!

"How is it possible?"

"What power is this?"

"Higher Emperor Treasure? Or extreme Emperor Treasure?"

The Emperor of the Evil Palace is unbelievable.

This is the first time he has seen that he has the power to take away the principles of others!

Fortunately, he stabilized his Dao in time, otherwise his Dao would really break away from himself!

It’s just that the Evil Palace Emperor couldn’t guess that it was a Supreme Item!

Even the Supreme Item that restores a small amount of power is not comparable to the extreme Emperor Treasure.


Suddenly, at this time, a crisp sound came from the bud formed by the cursed flower.

Mu Qing complexion changed, but the emperor of the evil palace has a happy look in his eyes.

I saw one after another crack appearing on the black power condensed heart, which suddenly shattered at this time.

The curse spirit walked out of it, the aura on his body was strong, and he had reached the tempering Perfection level ten times!

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