="Quick Back!"

Tianyin shouted.

The curse spirit has already felt a deadly threat, and he hastily retreated from the curse flower.

In front of me, the old dead tree emerged from in the sky, trying to leave it behind.

At the same time, a dazzling group of five-color lights rushed.

That is the Forbidden Bottle!

After all, the Sky Forbidden Bottle is a Supreme Item, and it is also the Supreme Item of the old Celestial Emperor. For this point, Mu Qing absolutely cannot let the Sky Forbidden Bottle appear in front of everyone in the Celestial Court.

Otherwise, when the time comes Mu Qing should face the extremely high-level Celestial Court!

Mu Qing made the sky forbidden bottle burst with dazzling multi-colored light, covering itself, and then the terrifying gravity swept away.

This power is far more amazing than ever!

Because Mu Qing is now consuming the energy of the corpse of the extremely powerful Monster Race emperor, he stimulates the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle!

Maybe one day, Mu Qing has a deeper understanding of stealing the sky, and he may even use the energy in the enemy's body to deal with the enemy.

"Damn! If it's heyday, these guys won't be able to prove it!"

Mu Qing gnashing teeth, his body will burst in a place every moment.

While refining the Monster Race energy in the body, while fighting, it feels uncomfortable.

Even the backlash caused by the incompatibility of Monster Race energy with itself.

If his Divine Soul is not seriously injured, he can control this Monster Race energy even further, not to mention the pale Demon God, for these three Heaven's Chosen of Celestial Court is still very easy.

"Yes! Pale Demon God!"

Mu Qing eyes suddenly shrank.

After forcing the three Heaven's Chosen from Celestial Court back, he almost subconsciously forgot the existence of the pale Demon God!

This is very wrong!

Pu chi!

A huge claw squeezed Mu Qing's body!

I don’t know when the pale Demon God has appeared behind Mu Qing, watching the fleshy body shattered, leaving only Mu Qing in the seriously injured state of Divine Soul. Under the pale helmet, a bloody mouth split open. wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

"Existence and nonexistence, this is me..."

The pale Demon God let out a hoarse laugh, and he planned to swallow Mu Qing's Divine Soul in one bite.


Suddenly, a boundless gravity rolled down, all around the space directly collapsed, and the colorful divine clouds rippled.

Mu Qing relaxed, he was imprisoned by the power of the pale Demon God just now, and now he can finally move, and immediately got into a black hole to escape.

The fleshy body is restored within one breathing time.

Mu Qing re-looked towards the pale Demon God, his face is full of solemnity.

This guy is very scary!

Existence and nonexistence, this kind of ability is quite weird.

Mu Qing can see the pale Demon God, and can also hurt the pale Demon God.

But just now, the pale Demon God doesn't seem to exist anymore!

This is not to make Mu Qing insensible by some means, but to completely eliminate the sense of existence!

At that time, not only Mu Qing, but everyone present did not seem to remember the existence of such a pale Demon God, until the opponent reappears and started to become aware.

The ability of the opponent can switch back and forth between existence and nonexistence!

"Twelve Demon Gods are united, can they give birth to such abilities?" Mu Qing tightened frowns.

This ability is too amazing.

And if he can also possess this power...

"Are you surprised? The Way of Ten Thousand Demons is like this, integrating all the power of Demon God to make yourself a special one Demon God, it’s a pity that you are far from reaching this realm, and you don’t have the qualifications to call yourself Mu Qing again!"

Pale Demon God lifts the head, bloody vortex-like eyes Staring at Mu Qing seems to be laughing.

This is Heart Demon mocking Mu Qing.

Mu Qing did not respond, but the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle exploded. The multi-colored light filled this space, and the boundless gravity rolled down.

He also has a trace of fear in his heart, the ability of this pale Demon God is too weird.

Just when the Mu Qing fleshy body burst and Divine Soul was imprisoned, he couldn't do anything. Fortunately, he could control the ancient dead tree and let it urge the Sky Forbidden Bottle to attack the pale Demon God.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Only I am as special as I can come out of the crisis just now." Mu Qing breathes deeply, his face dignified.

He is speeding up the refining of Monster Race energy in his body.

Mu Qing's Divine Soul is relatively special, because it is bound to the ancient dead tree.

It can be said that there is a Divine Soul in his fleshy body, and the ancient dead tree is also a Divine Soul.

However, the ancient dead tree is more like an Avatar of Divine Soul. If the ancient dead tree is destroyed, then Mu Qing can give birth to another ancient dead tree from Divine Soul.

But if the Divine Soul in the fleshy body is destroyed, the dead tree will also be implicated.

"Not good!"

Suddenly, Mu Qing eyes shrank.

He saw the pale Demon God's body fade away, and finally disappeared!

next moment.

Mu Qing was shocked!

"This is..." He squinted, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

Aren't you fighting the three Heaven's Chosen from Celestial Court?

Why use the sky forbidden bottle to suppress an empty place?

Pu chi!

Almost the same plot.

Mu Qing's body was once again torn apart by a pale claw.

The silhouette of the pale Demon God emerged, and a husky laugh came out.

"Do you think that relying on the power of Forbidden Bottle that day can really suppress me?"

Existence and nonexistence!

Even if the pale Demon God is suppressed, he can still escape easily.

As long as he enters a state of non-existence and disappears in this universe, when he reappears, he is behind Mu Qing!

This kind of ability can be said to be against the sky!

The pale Demon God, this time very fast, directly imprisoned Mu Qing's Divine Soul, and then the claws moved towards the ancient dead tree tore away.

Mu Qing's Divine Soul is imprisoned, only relying on the power of the ancient dead tree to control the sky forbidden bottle to suppress the pale Demon God can get out of the trap.

And this time, the pale Demon God immediately attacked the dead tree, not giving Mu Qing this opportunity.


Even though the ancient dead tree was hidden in the sky, it was still found by the pale Demon God. The opponent tore the space and shredded the ancient branches.


But Mu Qing still reacted. He was trapped in his Divine Soul, and he controlled the dead tree with branches all over the sun, and then the sky forbidden bottle rushed over. , Boundless gravity rolled down.

The pale Demon God's ability is against the sky and perverted, but his own strength realm is ten tempering Perfection, not strong enough to ignore the Supreme Item.

Mu Qing has the energy of two Monster Race corpses as a backing, with a lot of money, and has no scruples in urging the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle!

In normal conditions, he might be able to squeeze out most of the demonic energy by activating the Sky Forbidden Bottle.


After the Heavenly Forbidden Bottle once again suppressed the pale Demon God, Mu Qing's own Divine Soul got out of trouble, he recovered his fleshy body, and suddenly shouted out loudly.

The sky forbidden bottle is shrouded in multi-colored light, but there is a surge of suction, aimed at the pale Demon God!

Mu Qing is very afraid of the pale Demon God's ability, so he plans to put it in the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

Perhaps only in this way can we restrain the opponent's existing but non-existent ability!

"Don't think about it!" The pale Demon God roared.

"Suppress me!"

Mu Qing also roared.

The blue veins on his neck burst, and the energy of the two Monster Race corpses was injected into the body again, and the pores all over his body were gushing with Monster Race power!

Mu Qing was pushed to the height of five zhang high and directly carried out the black hole teleportation, and appeared next to the sky forbidden bottle.

He personally sacrificed the Sky Forbidden Bottle, and the Monster Race energy in his body continuously poured into the Sky Forbidden Bottle.

At the same time.


A powerful breath rushed out of Mu Qing, he refining a part of Monster Race energy, and finally reached nine tempering Perfection!

"Kill you! Directly become an emperor!"

Mu Qing doesn't care, if he continues to refining Monster Race energy, he can definitely rush to tempering Perfection ten times in one breath.

But time is running out, and he is not sure whether he can hold on under the siege of the Celestial Court.

You can only become an emperor directly!

Kill the pale Demon God and survive the Tribulation of the Emperor!

Achieve the Great!

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