At this moment, the majestic demonic energy on Mu Qing's body burst out, and twelve Demon Gods roared behind him.

The old dead tree takes root in the void!

Although Divine Soul's injury has not recovered much, Mu Qing now looks more like a demonic cultivator powerhouse than before!

The power of the twelve Demon Gods is completely integrated. He holds the Thunderclap Spear and points directly at the Tianyin trio!

No fear at all!

Mu Qing, with bloodshot eyes, has only one thought now.

That is to kill!

Kill all the roadblockers!

"It still happened, Heart Demon Tribulation." The Devourer was not far away and glanced at Mu Qing's current state, sighed.

Mu Qing's current state, it has seen countless times when the demonic path was prosperous!

Heart Demon!

The Heart Demon produced by the demonic cultivator is much more dangerous than the Heart Demon of Buddha.

Generally speaking, Heart Demon Tribulation will appear when the demonic cultivator becomes the emperor.

Chengdi Thunder Tribulation of the demonic cultivator is Heart Demon Tribulation!

Of course, this is for those geniuses who have the qualifications to become emperors. The general demonic cultivator may encounter Heart Demon Tribulation in realm such as Heavenly God and God Emperor.

After the Heart Demon Tribulation, you don’t need to worry about Heart Demon for a long time, and you don’t even need to worry about it for the rest of your life.

If you continue to cultivation, then there is still the possibility of Heart Demon recurrence.

The Devourer glanced at Mu Qing's state, his eyes condensed slightly.

There is no doubt that Mu Qing is fully qualified to achieve ten temperings.

He is Heaven's Chosen with the appearance of Supreme.

Why does Heart Demon Tribulation appear after nine tempering?

"What's the situation? He wants Transcending Tribulation?"

Tianyin and Hu Yibiao looked at each other.

The breath now escaping from Mu Qing's body is exactly the breath of Thunder Tribulation brewing.

"You give up the opportunity to impact tempering ten times and want to become emperor directly and improve your strength?"

Hu Yibiao sneered, he understood Mu Qing's thoughts.

Nine tempering is not weak anymore. If you reach the emperor with nine tempering breakthrough, your strength will inevitably be a huge leap.

When the time comes, it is said that if their three people are not good enough, they will all be killed by Mu Qing!

From God Emperor to Great Emperor, it is a qualitative transformation.

Why do these Supreme forces' Heaven's Chosen want tempering principles?

I want to make the foundation more solid, so that the road in the future will be broader and the achievements will be higher.

"Very decisive, directly Transcending Tribulation." Tianyin also exclaimed.

Mu Qing's state is not optimistic now. Facing the siege of their three people, it seems that only a temporary breakthrough can have a chance to survive.

"Unfortunately, this decision of yours does not seem to have been carefully considered. After nine temperings without Perfection, can you successfully survive Thunder Tribulation?"

Tianyin loudly shouts, Go straight!

A dazzling sword glow pierced through, stirring up an endless sword qi, and shrouded Mu Qing from all directions.

If Mu Qing has tempered the Dao Ze nine times to the level of Perfection, then everyone in Tianyin might still be afraid.

After all, for them like Heaven's Chosen, the tempering way is perfection, not to mention that Transcending Tribulation is easy, but it can still be passed without too much cost.

However, Tianyin, Hu Yibiao and the others all know in their hearts that Mu Qing has not reached the level of nine tempering Perfection at all.

He faced Thunder Tribulation with Divine Soul seriously injured, and it was bound to be dangerous, not to mention the three Tianyin intervening!


Faced with the sky full of sword qi and sword glow, the twelve Demon Gods behind Mu Qing did their work, and the branches of the ancient dead tree are also like lance It usually penetrated the void, but was still injured.

Although most of the sword qi and sword glow were wiped out, there were still dozens of channels running through his body, stabbing bloody holes.

The power of the ancient dead tree swayed down, and Mu Qing's fleshy body recovered and healed at an extremely fast speed.

His eyes are cold!

"Wait for me to become an emperor, you will die!"

Mu Qing's voice seems to come from under Nine Nether.

He didn't want to delay time, but facing Heaven's Chosen, the three Heaven's Chosen, he wanted to quickly defeat them. It was very difficult in his current state.

There is only breakthrough!

Supreme, this realm is too far away from him, he doesn't think about it.

He only knows that he is racing against time.

Currently, the fastest way to increase strength is through the Great Emperor Realm!

What if you cannot break through Supreme in the future?

Now he just wants to kill the three in front of him, and then find the Divine Soul of his parents.

"If I'm not mistaken, he seems to have taken the initiative to lead Heart Demon Tribulation."

"It's over...Heart Demon Tribulation is more dangerous than ordinary Chengdi Thunder Tribulation. A lot higher, he has not reached the level of nine tempering Perfection."

"Forced Transcending Tribulation...consigned to eternal damnation!"

The Devourer suddenly became a little anxious Up.

In its eyes, Mu Qing's behavior is like death.

"The previous ten thousand zhang giant was the benefit of the Supreme invincible. He owes Mu Qing a favor. If you kill Mu Qing, Celestial Court will inevitably face huge trouble in the future!"

The Devourer was loudly roared directly in an attempt to warn Tianyin and the others.

It can’t help Mu Qing in the past, otherwise, swallowing Mu Qing’s Heart Demon in one bite will help Mu Qing survive Thunder Tribulation easily.

Unfortunately, now it is stopped by Lei Ting.

"Little girl, let me go, otherwise, when I recover my strength, I will swallow you directly!" The Devourer roared.

It feels ashamed, the dignified extreme Peak, the old monster who has lived for so many years, was actually stopped by a God Sovereign Realm's Heaven's Chosen.

"It's anxious, Mu Qing really has nowhere to survive?" Lei Ting did not respond, just thinking to herself.

The emotion of Devouring Demon does not seem to be false, which shows that Mu Qing may really have no other means.

It's just that Lei Ting has a bad feeling.

"Forget it, my task is just to stop this monster." She tossed her thoughts away.

"Little bitch! Get out of my way!"

The Devourer scolded again, this time he changed his name directly.

Suddenly, Lei Ting's face was frosty, and countless strength of Thunder suddenly burst out of her body. A whole number of Thunder Dragon roared out and rushed towards the Devourer.

You're welcome to devour the devil, take a sip of Thunder Dragon.

Although she was entangled, Lei Ting wanted to hurt it, but it was not enough.

"It seems that Mu Qing is really going to fall, should I think about retreat?" Devouring Devil's heart has already begun to figure out the future.

At the same time.

A patch of pitch black cloud has been condense on Mu Qing's head.

He was attacked by three people, and his body was destroyed at least seven or eight times.

Especially the curse spirit, this woman is muffled, she doesn't speak much, but she is the most ruthless. With the power of the curse flower, it is enough to directly erase Mu Qing's fleshy body.

And Divine Soul, who was already seriously injured, was once again traumatized.

Mu Qing now has no way to fight back, and can only defend as much as possible. The twelve Demon Gods are also broken and condensed, guarding three directions.

Mu Qing throws out some Divine Items from time to time, including Heaven Grade Divine Item, and Sovereign level. The power after detonation is considerable.

"Thunder Tribulation of mine, it seems a bit special."

He lifts the head and glanced at Heart Demon Tribulation.

He felt that the negative emotions, such as anxiety, mania, etc., were gone, but the more so, the more he had a bad premonition.

It's like the tranquility before rainstorm!

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