"The evil god? Is the guy who controls all kinds of negative forces?"

"He left me with power? How can..."


The parasitic demon wanted to refute Mu Qing's words, but suddenly felt something wrong.

"Impossible, I am the creation of the devil ancestor, I am the extreme Peak, even if the evil god is Supreme, it is impossible to leave power in my body without a sound, not to mention that we still have a gray mist Shelter."

The parasitic demon started to be a little bit unbelievable.

When they fight against evil gods, they are sheltered by the gray mist. With the power of the gray mist, they transform into six-headed monsters, and they also have the ability to continuously resurrect.

This is why the evil gods call them reincarnation beasts.

In fact, even the evil god has not seen through, his opponent has always been the power of the gray mist.

The parasitic demons, although they secretly urge their energy to fight against evil gods, they have no real contact with evil gods!

Therefore, the parasite has doubts about Mu Qing's words.

Across the gray mist, they have not even seen the face of the evil god, how did the other party penetrate the power into the gray mist, and even stay in it?

"You are lying to me!"

The parasitic demon suddenly roared, it became very irritable and wanted to slap Mu Qing with a paw.

"I lied to you? The evil god's means I know best, you actually feel it yourself?" Mu Qing sneered.

The parasitic demon was dull.

It did notice something wrong with it!

The idea of ​​betraying the Demon Ancestor and forcibly controlling the core of the gray mist actually exists in its heart.

But according to its character, it will definitely arrange everything and make sure it is foolproof before doing it.

But it started early, and his recent emotions have been in a state of irritability.

If someone stimulates a little bit, I can't help but think of slapped him to death!

Be aware that among all the monsters, the parasitic demon is the most tolerant one. It usually lives behind the scenes to control various parasites to fight the enemy.

"Why...my emotions are abnormal?"

"Am I really passive?"

The parasite began to doubt himself.

Its pair of scarlet vertical pupils, sometimes clear and sometimes chaotic, seem to be fighting against the evil divine force!

This is the horror of evil gods.

Even the ancient extreme Peak powerhouse such as the parasitic demon, I usually don't notice what's wrong with me.

Until Mu Qing spoke, the parasitic demon could barely perceive the power of the evil god.

The Devouring Demon is still a dark light group, it has no power anymore, only remaining consciousness.

It also pays attention to the parasitic demon. Indeed, the parasitic demon is much more irritable than it thought, and it seems that something is really wrong.

The Devourer looked towards Mu Qing again.

It was very surprised, didn't expect at this time, Mu Qing could actually save his life.

If the Devouring Demon had just started to pay attention to Mu Qing because he possessed the devil blood, then it would have been a bit impressive.

"We are still trapped by the parasitic demon. I don't have any resistance. Do you still have a back hand? Take me!"

The Devourer mobilizes the final power sound transmission Mu Qing.

It has no power to escape and escape.

Mu Qing could not help but cursed secretly when he heard the voice in his mind.

It’s troublesome for me to run away, so I want to bring you?

The Devourer thinks Mu Qing has some means.

In fact, Mu Qing is just using this to delay a little time, where does he have any means?

The gap is too big!

A God Emperor Peak, an extreme Peak!

How much realm is the difference?

Mu Qing has not even reached the Supreme posture, and the realm strength of Parasite Demon is almost a terrifying powerhouse with one foot in Supreme!

Want to escape from this powerhouse?

Mu Qing felt that he could not figure out a way to grow 10,000 more brains.

The strength gap is too big, just like a moat!

"There is no way, wait for death..."

Mu Qing sound transmission Devouring Demon.

At this time, the parasitic demon is resisting the evil divine force in the body, but there is no time to eavesdrop on Mu Qing and the sound transmission of the devourer.

The Devourer was taken aback when he heard Mu Qing's words, and finally let out a long sigh.

The dream of freedom that has been longing for has not yet been realized, will it fall here?

On the other side, Mu Qing is silent.

Is there really no way?

Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!

The reason why Mu Qing mentioned the evil divine force is to let the parasitic demon solve the emotional impact in his body first, and this will create a period of time.

This time is an opportunity!

"Hope it works! Please!"

Mu Qing is full of despair on the surface, silent, but in fact, in the black hole space, strands of demonic energy are condensed into The lines are imprinted on the magic knife and the upper Emperor Treasure fairy sword.

Even...forbidden bottles!

The power in Mu Qing's body was eroded by the gray mist, and a trace of power could not be exerted, and all the demonic energy collapsed.

But don’t forget, his bloodline is Demon Race bloodline!

Blood is magic blood, which can give birth to demonic energy on its own!

Relying on these demonic energy, Mu Qing condense one after another texture, rune, mysterious mystery, imprinted on those Emperor Treasure and even Supreme Item.

This is exactly the detonation secret technique given to him by the Holy War angel of Tianxun!

Can detonate Divine Item's secret technique against the sky!

Tianxun relies on this secret technique to detonate the Sovereign level Divine Item, but it can explode with the power of the lower emperor's blow.

Although Tianxun has not detonated Emperor Treasure, it is absolutely feasible for those Emperor Treasures.

As for whether the power of a higher realm can burst out, I don't know, everything is unknown.

Now, Mu Qing's only reliance is this detonation secret technique!

He did not brand those Sovereign level Divine Item and lower Emperor Treasure.

Because the target is a parasitic demon, he is a powerhouse of extreme Peak.

Even if the lower Emperor Treasure is detonated, it is impossible to cause too much influence on the parasitic demon.

Only the upper Emperor Treasure and above!

Upper Emperor Treasure, Mu Qing has five!

Among them, the Magic Knife of Death is regarded as one, and there are four high-ranking Emperor Treasures, all of which are fairy swords, which were obtained by Mu Qing in an important stronghold of Celestial Court in the Sea of ​​Nirvana.

Now, these five upper Emperor Treasures are all branded with self-destruct lines. As long as Mu Qing's mind moves, it will explode completely!

Finally, Mu Qing's energy is placed on the sky forbidden bottle.

He thought that this secret technique had no effect on the Sky Forbidden Bottle, after all, the Sky Forbidden Bottle was the Supreme Item.

However, he succeeded in branding the self-destruct pattern!

"Tian Xun, you are a damn genius!"

At this moment, even Mu Qing can't help but admire Tian Xun, how did this guy create this? Occult?

Can even the Supreme Item detonate?

This is too terrifying!

"Although I don't know if I will be killed together, but at this time, I can't sit and wait for death."

Mu Qing breathes deeply.

Everything is ready, he sound transmission to Devourer.

"I may be able to resist the parasitic demon, or even...may blow it to death. When we are powerless to defend himself, do you have any way to take me to escape as far as possible?"


The Devourer, who had fallen into despair, was suddenly startled when he heard this.

Blow up the parasite?

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