His existence represents knowledge, wisdom, formulas and rationality, questions and answers.

The universe can be understood calmly and objectively.

Related to the fate of knowledge, at the moment when Luo Yu completed his research, the"sight" from Bo Shi Zun's consciousness fell on him, and at first glance, he found that he had the imprint of memory on his body. This situation is actually very common, and he would ignore it calmly as usual.

However, it was this moment of sight, the sight that could see through everything, through Luo Yu's appearance, and saw his true appearance.

Bo Shi Zun stopped.

Bo Shi Zun cast a strange look.

What did he see, Fu Li? No, Fu Li's trumpet?

After his sight stayed and explored, Bo Shi Zun was silent.

What the hell is this?

He discovered that Luo Yu was connected and not connected to the Memory Star God, and that the power of an almost completely independent memory was not affected by anyone.

Unheard of.

The Memory Star God had already been born, so what the hell was this?

Bo Shi Zun was more depressed than unheard of.���What is behind it is the creation out of nothing.

This has violated the most basic law of conservation in the universe.

Obviously, I didn't do anything, so why was my memory destiny broadened? And Luo Yu's own power has also increased.

To be precise, he did it. The other party was doing an experiment, but this obviously has nothing to do with the power of creating something out of nothing, otherwise He would really have to fight with the Memory Star God. He walked through the door of my knowledge, but broadened the path of your memory. Is this fair? Bo Shi

Zun stared at Luo Yu, and time passed by, and it had already surpassed the moment of a glance.

Bo Shi Zun was silent.

Bo Shi Zun was calculating.

Bo Shi Zun understood everything.

There are countless algorithms in the universe, and the same problem has different solutions.

For example, He can completely replace Luo Yu's memory blessing with the wisdom blessing.

Just change one unit in the solution, and it becomes an incomparably beautiful formula.

Oh~ This is a perfect answer.

Just as the Star God of Wisdom was looking at Luo Yu, there was a pair of eyes staring at him from behind.

Boshizun noticed the gaze and followed it, and was met with a pair of calm, deep, and unruffled...



The two Star Gods looked at each other without saying a word, but from the chill emanating from the Star God of Memory, one could tell what he wanted to express.

Being watched calmly by Fu Li, Boshizun remained silent, and eventually the projection of consciousness began to slowly dissipate under his gaze.

Fu Li was calm and unruffled, and after seeing the other party's behavior, the chill on his body slowly withdrew.

Still sensible.

【(Broadcast to the entire universe) The new genius #85 Luo Yu has joined the Genius Club and become the 85th member of the club. He has made many contributions and achievements in the study of imaginary number flow and quantum mechanics. 】

But in the moment before Bo Shi Zun disappeared, he left a message that spread throughout the universe.

Fu Li:"???"

The extremely horrifying coldness made the creatures of countless planets shiver. The chill almost froze their souls, making them dull and sluggish.

In the laboratory.

Concentrating on controlling the power of thought, the crystal sword has been completely formed. Luo Yu smiled as he carefully carved the patterns on it.

It was just the last bit, and he was finally about to succeed.

But suddenly, a large wave of intellectual destiny power was infused into his body, and another kind of power was suddenly stimulated. The change in control and the increase in energy level made Luo Yu, who had originally been stable in thought, shudder.

The surging power, the originally carefully controlled power of thought, was poured in all at once.

Under this violent infusion, the crystal sword became a lot fatter, from a flat crystal sword to a wide cross.

The thought was overflowing, and the crystal was completely fixed and no longer received the power of thought. The cross was suspended in the air, emitting a golden glow, and then lost control and fell at Luo Yu's feet with a clang.


Luo Yu froze in place, his mouth opened and closed unconsciously, his pupils dilated, he lowered his body and touched the cross with trembling hands, the beautiful patterns carved on it told Luo Yu that he was not dreaming.

I... I have been researching for several days... just the last few seconds.

His beautiful oracle ruled that the crystal sword was gone, and the beautiful and solemn crystal sword became the oath of Judas.

Just the last few seconds... just the last few seconds... snap! It's gone.


"Here is it!!!"Standing in the starry sky, a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar showed a fanatical look. Seeing the indescribably majestic existence in front of him, he was extremely excited, but he hurriedly dragged his trembling body to prostrate himself.

The Wisdom Star God, who represented knowledge and technology, was right in front of him. How could he not be excited to have the opportunity to meet the Wisdom Star God? His heart was beating so hard that he couldn't control it. He trembled and said,

"Dear Bo……"

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a flash before his eyes. The audience with the starry sky and universe seemed to be a bubble illusion that only lasted for a moment and then disappeared. The middle-aged man was stunned when he looked at his surroundings.

No... what happened just now, did I pay homage? It seemed that I did, but I only said four words!

His chance to become famous in the universe... just disappeared like a joke?

But at the end he seemed to feel something, a chill that pierced his body and soul as if it froze his body and peeled off his spirit.

The same thing is happening everywhere in the universe. The universe is so big. Although those who set foot on the destiny are one in a hundred thousand or even rarer, with such a vast base of people in the universe, destiny walkers are born almost every moment, but the current time has been greatly affected.

The reason is from the two fighting star gods. To be precise, the star god of memory is hunting down the star god of wisdom.

Of course not���On the surface, the existence of the Star Gods has long surpassed the constraints of the body. The battle between the Star Gods is the intersection and battle of two different destinies, which cannot be perceived by ordinary people, and it is difficult to tell a winner.

To truly"kill" a Star God, you must dismantle its destiny, destroy its body, and erase its existence. If any one of them is missing, it will not succeed.

Although it is the intersection of destinies, the creatures in the universe cannot perceive this battle at all, but it does not mean that the original existence is above the creatures, and other other Star Gods cannot perceive it.

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