Xing had just finished a hot spring bath and was now exploring the spacious room in loose and comfortable clothes.

The maid working in the corridor was confused when she saw Xing wandering around the rooms in the corridor, looking here and there, opening the door of a room and going in to look for something, and then coming out and moving to the next room, as if looking for something.

Xing: Treasure chest! I'm looking for a treasure chest!

Xing suddenly stopped in a room and saw the screen that was still on. She was surprised to find that there were many video games on it, and there were so many of them, from action to strategy to cute types, at least hundreds of them.

"There are game consoles here!"

And they are all games she has never seen before.

Because of the star core, Beloberg has been cut off from the universe, so it is naturally impossible to put games into the universe market.

But, Beloberg... does it have game consoles?

Xing asked a question that went straight to the soul. Her impression of Beloberg was that it was a civilization that developed very slowly due to the harsh climate and lack of resources.

Here, because of the harsh environment,���The limited supplies and population have caused Beloberg's technology to be quite backward. The only source of black technology is the technology left over from pre-civilization archaeology. As long as some of the remaining technologies from the previous civilization are discovered, the technology in this area will advance by leaps and bounds.

Although Beloberg has technologies such as autonomous robots, the rest is hard to describe.

Here, communication devices are even military products.

Anyway, she has never seen electronic games like mobile phone and computer games in the upper area.

Could it be that Luo Yu made it himself?

With a curious and exploratory mentality, Xing picked up the handle and opened a game.

Although Xing has opened her eyes for less than a year, she considers herself to be a veteran player in the gaming industry for 20 years.

With her many years of gaming experience, she can try it out for Luo Yu and give some suggestions.

Although the banquet is scheduled to start soon, isn't there still time? Just play for a while.

An hour later……

"Xing, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time, and you are still playing games here!"There was a clang of the door being pushed open, and San Yue Qi finally found someone. Seeing Xing playing the game heartlessly and clicking the handle, he suddenly shouted angrily.

He dragged Xing away.

After Xing, who had lost her life in the game, came back, everyone was finally together. Luo Yu chose a banquet hall that was not too big. It was originally a celebration banquet, and everyone was in a very happy mood. There were exquisite dishes, accompanied by exciting lights and music. Luo Yu personally presided over the banquet, gave a speech and congratulations, and played two fun banquet games. Soon the atmosphere in the celebration banquet became hot.

It's just that the atmosphere may have been a little too hot, causing everyone to drink a lot of wine.

Luo Yu was still fanning the hot atmosphere while hosting the venue, and suddenly realized Something was wrong at the scene.

Dan Heng sat alone in the corner with his head down, feeling awkward.

Sanyueqi and Xing were snuggling together and whispering intimately. They both drank a lot of wine, their cheeks were rosy and their eyes were blurry, exuding a pink and charming aura.

Seele was pulling Bronya by the collar.

Luo Yu was shocked.

Wait! What are you doing in public!

Oh, it turns out they are about to fight.

The two girls of similar age are very compatible in character and philosophy, and they get along very well, but because of their different positions, they often quarrel over their positions.

Bronya's character is quite straightforward, and she became even more straightforward after drinking a lot of wine. At the celebration banquet, they had another dispute over the matter of Klipperburg.

The exciting lights and music continue


"Well……"Xing covered her forehead and groaned as she sat up from the bed. She felt dizzy and her head seemed to still be echoing with the exciting music from the banquet hall.

The quilt slipped off her body, revealing a large area of fair skin, delicate and beautiful collarbones, and a waist and abdomen without any excess fat exposed to the air, with tight and sexy lines.

How did I get back yesterday?

Her brain was a little dizzy and confused. The last scene in her memory was still stuck on the hot atmosphere of the celebration banquet. She woke up here the next second.

Rubbing her forehead, Xing lifted the quilt and sat down on the edge of the bed. At this time, she was only wearing a close-fitting outfit that looked like a sports lining. The next thing she saw was March 7th sitting at the round table in the center of the bedroom.


How come I opened my eyes and found a March 7th in my room?

Xing rubbed his eyes in confusion.

"You wake up……"Sanyueqi heard the noise, looked over, said hello weakly, then turned his head back and drooped weakly, looking autistic.


Xing found her own clothes on the small cabinet beside the bed, and without any shyness or restraint, she picked them up and put them on, while asking Sanyueqi in confusion:

"What's wrong with you? You look listless.

This is not like March 7's usual self.

"Don't mention it!" March Seven looked over when she heard this, her face full of autism, and finally she covered her face and cried out in shame.

After drinking too much at the celebration banquet yesterday, her behavior was simply shameful. She kept sticking her body to Xing and talking nonsense. Her image! It's too shameful, I feel ashamed to see people.

I will never attend a banquet hosted by Luo Yu again! Never drink again!

Xing saw her covering her face and scratching her hair in confusion. She felt confused, yawned, and went out with messy gray hair, ready to take a bath. She felt very uncomfortable now.

Like her, she never cared about the image of a beautiful girl.


After everyone had a good rest and adjusted their state. In the afternoon.

Bronya convened and announced the matter about the star core and the rift. Yesterday, the sky was dyed golden by the beam of light. Naturally, the reason needed to be explained earlier to avoid rumors. It was announced that from today, Beloberg would no longer be troubled by the rift. The help of Xing and others and Luo Yu's elimination of the rift were announced one by one.

The ice and snow of Beloberg for seven hundred years will melt. At this node towards a new future, I hope everyone will work together.

Of course, the information she announced was modified, changing the star core to everything behind the scenes, and finally defeating it.

This unbelievable news made everyone present quiet, followed by cheers that resounded through the world.

Seven hundred years of ice and snow, constantly threatening the rift of life, this sudden good news made everyone feel like they were dreaming, a dream that they dared not wake up from. They finally had a chance to walk out of the fortress and step on the warm lawn and flowers to see the outside world.

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