"this……"Everyone looked at the situation ahead, Xier looked embarrassed.

Dan Heng frowned and analyzed:"This place is deliberately blocked. They are obviously up there, and they already know we are coming. We must hurry up."

"But how to get there?"Xing certainly understood what Dan Heng said, but at this moment they had the intention but not the ability.

She turned to look at Xier, with a questioning look in her eyes."

Can't you teleport? Can you take all of us there?"

When Xier saw her look, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she also responded with a look of what was she thinking.

What a joke, she thought she was a god, who could teleport at will. The conditions for traveling through space are very harsh. Traveling through space in an unfamiliar area is very dangerous, and the energy consumption is also very large. She doesn't use it unless it is necessary, and she doesn't have the ability to take people through quantum space.

"I have a solution." When everyone was at a loss, Luo Yu suddenly spoke up, attracting everyone's attention.��

Everyone look over here

"Luo Yu, what can you do?" San Yue Qi asked expectantly, and guessed with some surprise:"Can you fly?"

"How is that possible? Luo Yu shook his head and denied San Yueqi's guess, and chuckled and said,"Although I can't fly, I have a unique way of 'traveling' that is unique to memory destiny."

"The unique way of traveling by Memory Destiny?"Xing scratched his head, not quite understanding. Xi'er didn't know what Luo Yu was trying to say.

Only Dan Heng was stunned for a moment. He thought of the mysterious way of traveling by the messenger of Liuguang Yiting in the records.

Although Luo Yu said that he had no relationship with Liuguang Yiting, Dan Heng had never heard of the"Memory Destiny Traveler". He had only heard of the"Messenger", so it was hard for him not to make associations.

"Yes." Luo Yu looked at everyone's puzzled eyes and smiled.

"Come, close your eyes and relax. Luo Yusheng instructed everyone to follow his movements. Xing and the others looked at each other and could only believe it. They followed Luo Yu's words, closed their eyes and relaxed.

Luo Yu's gentle voice seemed to have some magical power to relax people. Their tense nerves could not help but relax.

""Okay, open your eyes." At this time, Luo Yu's voice came again, and the group slowly opened their eyes.


However, the scene that came into view stunned everyone.

Xing looked around with eyes wide open, vaguely able to make out that they were still in the snowy mountains, but it was chaotic and upside down. Some roads were in the sky, in some places countless broken fragments were lingering and pieced together, and some rifts were reversed, as if they had come to another gradually collapsing world, and the surroundings seemed to be covered with a layer of mysterious darkness, and the end of the world was deep black.

March Seven clutched the clothes on his chest, looked at Luo Yu nervously and asked quickly:"Luo Yu, where is this place... It's so weird..."

"We are no longer in the original world. This is the world of memory. We can call it memory space or memory space. It is connected to the world, but it is also independent of the world."Luo Yu raised his hand to signal everyone to look at the upside-down road in the distance, and said

"Look over there, that's the farthest road we just saw."

Luo Yu said as he led everyone forward. Under his control, the disordered fragments around him gathered together to form a passable road, but the broken world and deep darkness around him still made that person feel uneasy, as if he would fall into an abyss without paying attention. He couldn't even look up or down, because the upside-down and chaotic world made him feel dizzy at a glance.

So everyone followed Luo Yu's footsteps.

"You still have this ability... um, I mean, you still have this ability?" Xier was dumbfounded all the way, and her words were a little confused. After knowing each other for such a long time, this was the first time she saw Luo Yu have this ability.

"Haha, controlling the memory and carving the light cone requires some special means, right? It's no big deal."Luo Yu just smiled modestly and stopped.

Because there was no road ahead.

"Is this a dead end?" Xing looked up at the high wall blocking the way ahead. It was not a wall, but a rift valley, where a rock wall was formed upside down.

"In the world of memory, there is no such thing as no roads. Everything here is chaotic, and the directions are not accurate. Don't bring your original world judgment into the memory space."Luo Yu said, and then, in the shocked eyes of Xing, he landed lightly on the wall and stood on another plane, as if he was in two different worlds.

"How did you do that? Everyone on March 7 was stunned.

"Haha, you can do this too. I've already said that you should abandon your original world's thinking and judgment here, imagine that this is the normal direction, and then walk up boldly and keep your balance."Luo Yu said, and stretched out his hand to Xing:"Come on, give it a try."

Hearing this, Xing hesitated and looked back at the other companions, and found that they were also looking at him.

Xing:"……Are you trying to test the waters on me first?"Where are the companions as agreed ?"

She complained in her heart, and after retracting her gaze, she raised her foot and gently kicked the rock wall in front of her with her boots. She looked at Luo Yu again, nodded to him, closed her eyes and took several deep breaths.

Then she walked up in one go, feeling a little weird, but it was okay. When she opened her eyes again, Xing saw Luo Yu standing in front of her.

Luo Yu smiled and said,"See, it's very simple."

The people below looked at Xing who was standing horizontally in another direction and waving at them. They all fell silent. Xier said in astonishment,"No way, it actually works."

With the example, the others also came up, but they were not as adaptable as Xing, who was walking on flat ground. They looked a little unbalanced when they first came up.

Xing herself was already enjoying the novelty, running up and down and everywhere.

She experienced the charm of the memory world a big version in advance.

But when it was her turn on March 7, she made a panicked sound and fell backwards. Luo Yu reached out and pulled her up. He helped her to adjust her sense of direction for a long time before she stood firm and thanked Luo Yu backwards.

"Thank you Luo Yu"

"Haha, it's okay, but your sense of direction doesn't seem to be very good, Sanyueqi."Luo Yu joked

"I... I just don't quite get used to it." Sanyueqi explained in a low voice.

"Yes, she fell down when the train was jumping. However, Xing answered Luo Yu for her and directly ruined her plan.

"Hey! There's no need to say this kind of thing!" Sanyueqi immediately stopped him angrily, trying his best to maintain his image.

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