After Sangbo sent him to the upper area, he ran away and didn't know what he was doing.

Luo Yu returned home and first went to the warehouse.


Suddenly, all the messy things fell to the ground, and he felt his strength rising steadily.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. This time the improvement was almost comparable to all the gains in the lower area.

After that, Luo Yu stayed in the warehouse for more than ten minutes, simply classified the things he got, and then went to the study, sat on the chair and wrote a letter.

It was about the museum.

The museum is very meaningful, allowing people to enrich themselves and improve themselves. Because of this, Luo Yu felt obliged to contribute his own help


She was wearing a well-cut uniform of an Iron Guard intelligence officer, her hair and clothes were meticulously groomed, and her eyes also added a bit of serious temperament, but the girl's cheeks were a little childish and she was not tall.

Obviously, she was not very old, but despite her young age, Pera's ability was outstanding, she was serious about her work, she was very smart, and she never made mistakes at work.

"There is a letter for you, Commander Pera."Pera had just returned when a subordinate handed her a package.

She was stunned for a moment, then took it:"Hmm? Okay, thank you."


After walking to a place where no one was around, Pera opened the package and saw a letter first.

When she opened the envelope and saw who the letter came from, Pera's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

It was from Mr. Luo Yu.

She looked up and looked around vigilantly again, and after making sure that no one was around, she continued to read quickly.

The more she read, the happier Pera's face became. After reading it, she folded the letter again and put it in front of her chest. She looked excited and impatient.


She has been looking forward to it in a few days.

Then Pera remembered that the package was only opened a little, and it looked thick underneath.

After opening the package, Pera covered her mouth with an exclamation, showing a rare look like a little girl. She picked up the book in the package and couldn't put it down. Her eyes were full of little stars.

It turned out to be a hardcover reprint of"Snow Country Adventure Tales". This one is a limited edition, and there are beautiful pictures and illustrations. She didn't buy it last time because of work. She regretted that she couldn't sleep for several nights.

【Give Pera"Snow Country Adventure Tale Deluxe Edition", a four-star gift, and gain: Destiny Energy +60, Low Temperature Impedance】

【Low temperature interference: Use low temperature with special electromagnetic to disrupt the target, so that its life energy can be controlled and blocked, destroying the target's constantly gathered energy and interrupting special gain effects.

Luo Yu, who was far away at home, received the news and smiled.

Well~ Helping others without hesitation makes me feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

After dinner, he was busy with the fundraising for the museum in a few days. While he was busy, he heard a reminder again, and a light screen appeared in front of him, but this time the content was different from usual. It was not a reminder when giving gifts.

Luo Yu stopped moving

【Task: First stage assessment】

【Please hunt down a high-risk Rift monster within fifteen days. 】

It also lists the types of mission targets that can be completed.

Deep Frost Wanderer, Burning Wanderer, Guardian Shadow, Devourer Shadow, etc.

There is no reward or punishment written on it.

Luo Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

He thought that his system was already a separate damaged module, a battle-damaged version.

Now it seems that it is still"connected to the Internet".

When issuing tasks to him, it is obvious that the system's condition is not as simple as he imagined.

Although the task does not indicate what will happen if it succeeds or fails.

But after all, it is clearly written that it is an assessment, so it must be passed. If it fails, nothing good will happen.

Luo Yu looked at the time limit again.

Fifteen days. It's a long time, but there is no need to rush.

He will be busy with his own things in the next two days. He has already agreed to donate to the museum's fundraising and cannot miss the appointment. Moreover, this matter is the result of Luo Yu's preparation for a long time, and it will be completed in these two days.

It can also enhance another wave of strength.

When the time comes, it will be more relaxed when going to the Rift area.

It's just an elite monster, and it's very easy to solve.

Luo Yu was not worried that he would be unable to find the monster when the time came, which would eventually lead to failure.

It was difficult to survive in the Rift, but it was easy to run to a dangerous place if you wanted to die, because the Rift was full of dangers. If you wanted to find excitement, you could just go to the most dangerous place in the Rift.

It would be better to deal with the things that had been agreed upon first, because they were all large rewards... I mean, it was a rare opportunity to do charity, something meaningful, and to show the value of one's wealth.

After deciding, Luo Yu was busy taking care of it these two days, from the collection of his own rewards, and from the collection of his subordinates, he sorted out some decent exhibits.


In the central square of Belloberg, Pera waited not far from a gift shop, looking forward to it. She would adjust her hair from time to time to keep herself in the best shape at all times. Although she was already excited and impatient, and had not slept well the whole night, she still took a deep breath and suppressed her excitement, reminding herself to pay attention to her image.

She must be steady and not show an unreliable attitude.

After waiting for a while, Pera finally saw the familiar figure and hurriedly went to meet him.

"Mu, Eluo... Hello Mr. Luo Yu, I guess you've been waiting for a long time.……"

After she finished speaking, Pera herself fell into silence, feeling hopeless.

I was so excited that I made a mistake in my first greeting! What on earth am I doing?

Luo Yu did not show any strange expression, but just smiled and greeted:"Good morning, Miss Pera, it's great to see that you are still so energetic. Thank you for your attention and coming in person.""

"No, no, no, I should be the one to be grateful."Pella waved her hands in embarrassment.

"Thank you Mr. Luo Yu for supporting me, um, I mean supporting the reconstruction of the museum."

She had met Mr. Luo Yu before and they had been exchanging letters. She had received a lot of help, which made her feel that she owed him a lot. This time, he gave her a large number of exhibits, which made Pera feel embarrassed to accept them, because she really didn't know how to repay him.

But rebuilding the museum was something she had always wanted to do. She had no way of collecting enough exhibits of satisfactory quality on her own, so she couldn't refuse such help.

Luo Yu shook his head and smiled gently,"It would be most meaningful to give these things to Miss Pera and make the best use of them." He was so selfless and conscious that Pera didn't know what to do.

Mr. Luo Yu was indeed a super good and kind man.

"Let's talk while we walk. I have stored the exhibits in a nearby warehouse. Miss Pera, please come this way."

""Okay, okay!"

Luo Yu invited, and Pera quickly agreed when she heard the voice.

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