"Okay, leave the two strongholds in the north to me, an old man. With only these people, the underground fire can still be taken." Oleg said solemnly.

"Well, after Luo Yu and I have dealt with those termites in the east, we will go over to support them."Xi'er said to him.

She and Luo Yu were in charge of the three wanderer bases in the east.

When Xing asked Luo Yu if he wanted to go with them, Xi'er showed an extremely tough attitude. She was not at ease with Luo Yu following anyone. Only by following her and having her protection would he be absolutely safe.

"You too, must be careful."After talking to Oleg, Xier looked at Xing and the others. She has always been concerned about those who came to help.

"Don't worry, we will never put Panyan Town in danger." Xing put his hand on his chest and said, his golden eyes were full of reassuring seriousness.

"I believe in you, but you must also pay attention to safety. Don't force yourself when you encounter something you can't solve. This operation is very important to Panyan Town, but your safety is equally important to everyone present."Luo Yu looked at the three of them with a gentle expression and a caring tone. San Yueqi touched the back of his head and laughed twice.

She felt a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Luo Yu, we have seen much more dangers in the space station before, but we are still standing here safely. It's just a matter of cleaning up these bad guys. It's not a big deal." San Yueqi confidently assured him by citing his previous experience.

"That's all because of me." Hearing this, Xing pursed her lips.

During the battle on the space station, the beam cannon of the antimatter engine of Doomsday Beast almost hit March Seven, but she stepped forward and blocked the antimatter beam cannon with her body to save the other party, so she was also hit by Uncle Yang with a crutch.

"Oh, of course I haven't forgotten that you saved me." Sanyueqi saw Xing looked unhappy and helpless:"I'm talking about us, of course, the experience of us Wumingke saving the space station together, and Jizi and Uncle Yang, none of them can be missing."

The two of them started arguing, and the group had already walked out of the hotel. Before leaving, Luo Yu warned Pera and Lingke

"Pay attention to your own safety. Those wanderers have no sense of morality. In order to win, they may use any despicable tactics."

"Thank you, please rest assured. However, I am also a Silver Mane Guard, please believe in my ability."Pella, who was concerned, replied softly, and then showed her usual serious and calm expression when handling official business, which did give her a more reliable feeling.

"Well, don't worry about us." Ling Ke also nodded seriously.

Seeing their attitude, Xier felt relieved.

Pera and Ling were in charge of the group of wanderers in Panyan Town. At the beginning, everyone was actually against it. Although they were indeed dealing with this group of people, they were small in number and could rely on their appearance to surprise them. Their combat effectiveness just met the standards of this operation, and they were competent and would not be wasted.

But at the same time...the two were only fourteen or fifteen years old. Although they were fate walkers, they were not the type who were very good at fighting. At this age, it was inevitable that people would be worried about participating in such things, not to mention that the group of more than twenty people was actually a bit dangerous.

Those wanderers did not go to rob miners, but came to Panyan Town. Obviously, there were other more important things, and this node must be related to the weapons prepared for war. After analysis, the secret transactions of these people were most likely large-scale weapons of mass destruction, explosives, or artillery shells.

The unexpectedness was great. In the densely populated Panyan Town, encountering the secret seller being besieged by a joint attack, it was not necessarily with the real battle. There were only more than 20 people in the intelligence.

It is precisely because of this high degree of unexpected uncertainty, and considering that the two are still young girls with little experience, that makes people feel more uneasy.

Xier suppressed this worry.

But the current shortage of manpower is indeed the best choice, and it is also their own choice. At this time, whether to replace two people on the scene or to let anyone replace Pera Lingke's task is a waste of personnel.

Knowing that everyone was scattered at the entrance of the hotel and rushed to the direction of their tasks, Luo Yu also looked at the gradually receding backs of Pera and Lingke with worry. He was not worried about the three people of Xing, San, Yue, Qi, Dan, and Heng. After all, they were the protagonists with the aura of the protagonists. There was no need to worry too much about Dihuo, because there was also Natasha there.

After thinking about it, Luo Yu summoned the black knife assassin and asked him to follow them and help secretly when needed.

Xier, who had been worried and distracted, also watched the two young girls leave with an uneasy expression. Suddenly, she remembered something and froze and her expression gradually became astonished.

No... What did Pera just say?

Silver Mane Iron Guard?!


After more than 20 minutes of traveling,

Xing, Sanyueqi, Danheng, and Sangbo arrived near a target station in the large mining area and hid not far away to observe.

"Let's split up and surround them from all sides, don't let any of these bad guys escape, and then rush to the next camp." March 7th observed the gathering place not far away, and then waved his little fist and suggested.

Everyone had no objection, and passed the idea unanimously, and spread out from all directions to surround this homeless camp that had no idea of the impending disaster.

After a while, Xing waved the baseball bat in his hand, looked at the few homeless guards who were still dozing off at the main gate, and rushed straight up with blue light and arcs jumping on the bat. The aggressive appearance and extraordinary momentum scared the homeless guarding the gate, and they woke up and picked up their weapons, but the bat was already in front of them.

"Rules are meant to be broken!"

"Come and have a taste of this girl’s power!"

"The cave is transformed, the long dream is broken!"

"Hehe~ Bang!"

Attacks came from different directions at the same time in an instant, and the battle immediately caused chaos in the entire wanderer camp. All the wanderers were in a mess and had no idea where to respond. Everywhere was the effortless attacks of Xing Sanyueqi and others and the screams of the wanderers.


"These termites are really enjoying themselves, I wonder where they got them from."Xier said with disgust as she looked at the camp, then looked at Luo Yu, her expression instantly changed to another attitude:"Let's go Luo Yu"


Without any plan, the two of them just walked past.

Several homeless people at the entrance of the camp were roasting some meat over a fire. There were several drunk homeless people lying on the ground around them, and empty bottles of wine were scattered around. The rest of the homeless people were sleeping in their tents.

Seeing the uninvited guests, the homeless people at the entrance stood up and picked up their weapons.


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