Without exchanging a few words, the three of them walked out of the hotel. San Yueqi patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. He felt much more relaxed.

"Alas~ I am really not suitable to deal with such serious people."

She is a very cheerful person. Even if she meets a very boring person, she can liven up the atmosphere. But if she is in a very formal occasion, she will feel completely restrained. She also has to avoid accidentally saying something inappropriate and attracting everyone's strange looks.

Xing nodded. She thought so too.

Luo Yu said that he was the boss, so the man just now should be his subordinate, and he was a close and trusted subordinate, so he greeted them.

But soon the three of them stopped dwelling on this matter.

After the episode, it was time to get back to the topic. They had the main task of sealing the star core.

"But where should we start to find out the news about the star core?"March Seven observed the streets of Beloberg.

How should they act?

The three of them briefly discussed the matter and finally decided to separate and look for clues.

The new star was not very clear about this matter, but March Seven and Dan Heng were already accustomed to it.

Usually, when they arrive at a new planet, they will find out the news and look for clues.

If they find out about strange events, such as people always disappearing strangely, or some hidden conspiracies and tricks.

They will follow the investigation and always find the organization behind the evil and find some news about the star core.

Or if there is a crisis and the official forces are worried, they will go directly to the leader here to cooperate, help solve the problem, and then get the information they need.

In short, they are too familiar with this kind of thing..

The three of them separated after discussing it, but unlike the two friends who were full of confidence, calm and reliable, Xing, who had just joined, looked confused and had no idea where to start looking for clues. He walked around aimlessly on the streets of Beloberg.

Occasionally, he would be attracted by something new and would observe it for more than ten minutes with great interest, looking at strange buildings, visiting roadside shops, and rummaging through trash cans.

Until Xing found a girl hiding by the wall, cautiously looking around.

The other person had cute cheeks, and was wearing clothes that looked very warm. She wore a knitted hat with a small white fluffy ball on it. From the edge of the hat, you could see some golden hair showing.


The girl is observing carefully by the wall, looking like she is avoiding something. The expression on her face changes very slightly, but it is this slight cautiousness that gives people a sense of cuteness with a contrasting cuteness.

"What are you doing?"Xing walked behind her and asked in confusion

"Ah!" Ling Ke suddenly heard a voice from behind. She screamed in surprise and turned around to see Xing Xing standing there, looking at her with a puzzled expression.

"When did you come here?……"Seeing that it was someone she didn't know, Ling Ke was relieved. She began to wonder, and then paused for a moment before saying,"Something... scared me."

"I just walked here normally, but why are you sneaking around like that?" Xing shook her head and said

"Ah...sneaky?" Ling Ke was confused. After a long while, she let out a confused"ah" and fell into deep thought, as if doubting her own cognition. Finally, she started talking to herself.

"So, in the eyes of others, my behavior just now seems very sneaky?"

She was just observing whether her brothers and sisters were around, and she didn't think about how her behavior would be seen by others.

"Sorry, I don't mean any harm, I'm just avoiding people I know." Ling Ke explained briefly, not wanting to be misunderstood. Her expression changed slightly, and even her tone did not fluctuate when she spoke. Then she looked up and down at Xing opposite her and tilted her head.

"Strange, you don't look like a Beloberg."

"I came from outside the universe."Xing said the truth, with a simple expression.

"Ah... outside the universe?" Ling Ke opened her mouth slightly, very surprised, but because her expression changed slightly, this expression did not show surprise, but rather a bit dumb.

At this time, the two were talking face to face, but Xing saw Ling Ke suddenly exclaimed, and after looking in a direction, her expression suddenly became panic, as if she had seen the person she least wanted to see.

Xing turned her head and looked over there. Not far away, a woman who looked quite mature, with long blond hair dyed with a few strands of purple, walked by, and when Xing looked over there, the other party was about to turn her head to look over here.


Xing didn't think about it. Seeing Ling Ke's emotions just now, he directly blocked her in front of her. His figure, which was much taller than the other party, directly blocked the girl.

"Hmm? Why did I hear Lingke's voice?……"Shiluwa stopped and looked in the direction of the familiar voice, only to see an unfamiliar girl with a cold temperament. She left while muttering to herself in a strange way. She still had to help repair the equipment.

"Are you okay?" Xing stopped blocking Ling Ke until the other person left and turned to ask her.

Ling Ke breathed a sigh of relief and immediately thanked her in a serious tone without any emotion:"Thank you, if it weren't for your help, I would have been discovered by my sister."

"Why are you hiding from her?" Xing was puzzled, but the other party's panic expression was not fake:"Could it be that this combined family will bully you?"

"No... no... how could such a novel-like plot happen? Of course it's my biological sister." Ling Ke immediately waved her hands and complained

"only……"Ling Ke looked worried and slowly explained to Xing.……

"Star train, travel the universe, so cool……"Ling Ke's expression showed some longing and yearning.

"If you want to come, you can. The train will never refuse others to join."Xing saw the other party's yearning and invited him with his hands.

"This... Although I really want to go on an adventure, my brother and sister will definitely not be at ease with me."Although Ling Ke really wanted to experience the interstellar travel that the other party talked about, she sighed when she thought of her own situation.

The two of them, a beautiful woman with a few expressions and a cold style, and a beautiful girl with few expressions, the chat between the two seemed very harmonious. The two people talked without any defensive psychology, and soon understood each other's situation.

The two people couldn't put together half of their minds.

Xing also learned that the other party was called Ling Ke Landau, and had a brother and sister.

The young man Jeppard who was wearing armor and holding a large shield they met on the snowfield before was her brother, and the woman who passed by before was her sister.

The reason why Ling Ke avoided the two was because her brothers and sisters cared too much about her.

She knew that the two were very powerful and excellent people, and she also knew that they were concerned about her and worried that she would be in danger, but she was no longer the child who needed care before.

She had reached the age where she could grow up independently.

If she didn't avoid the two, the purpose of going out to the snowfield to see the aurora would definitely be ruined, and the two would definitely stop her.

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