"If there is anything I can do to help, Clara will try my best!" But in the end, Clara clenched her hands and put them on her chest and said, her tone still showed some lack of confidence in her ability, but she did not hesitate to answer this question.

What a lovely and good child!

"Don't worry, I will help you when the time comes. You are not the only one who can help. Luo Yu smiled.

It was just a simple promise, but Clara immediately felt her panic-stricken heart calm down, and a lovely smile appeared on her face.

"Hmm!"He gently put his hand on her head again and touched it. Luo Yu smiled without saying anything.

Clara suddenly became reluctant when she noticed something. She whispered

"Um, is big brother leaving?"

Luo Yu said in a gentle and comforting tone:"It's just a short separation. We will meet again soon, Clara. When the time comes, let me see that you are determined."

"I will!" Clara nodded vigorously.

After saying goodbye, Luo Yu and the others left.

Clara clutched the corner of her clothes tightly as she watched the figure gradually walk away until he disappeared.

Can we really meet again?


On the contrary, Luo Yu was in a very good mood.

Staying calm, analyzing the problem, and then striking decisively when the opportunity arises, this is an essential quality for an investor.

Because there is no upper or lower limit, using a gift system that is purely based on operation, Luo Yu has now developed a good and excellent habit.

If you have a hobby, find the hobby, and then send gifts to get the maximum benefit.

If you don’t have a hobby, cultivate a hobby, and then send gifts to get the maximum benefit.

When you encounter a problem, find the need, and then send gifts to get the maximum benefit.

If there is no problem, then create a problem, and then find the need and send gifts to get the maximum benefit.

There is no nanny prompt, and what reward you get depends purely on operation.

Luo Yu smiled confidently and meaningfully.

As it happens, I am quite good at this.

【Give Clara"Father's Love", a five-star gift, and gain: Advanced Mechanical Knowledge +200, Fate Ability +130, Stigma: Otto (Medium)]

His steps suddenly stopped.

Luo Yu's confident smile froze on his face, and he fell into a deep silence, causing the black knife assassin next to him to stop and look at him.


Once is a coincidence, twice is not a coincidence.

Originally, I just wanted to be a friendly and respectable person of Yinhe, but once or twice, how come I became a parent of Yinhe?

Do I really have a strange temperament?

With the facts in front of me, Luo Yu couldn't help but doubt herself.

"Black Knife Assassin, come here."Luo Yu waved to the Black Knife Assassin who was looking at her.

The Black Knife Assassin hesitated for a moment, but still came over, but her eyes were always on Luo Yu's hand. It was obvious that she was guarding against someone's sudden attack.

"Come, squat down. Luo Yu gestured to the black knife assassin in front of her to squat down.

The black knife assassin squatted down, but even if she squatted down, the height of the two people was only equal.

But at this time, Luo Yu did not pay attention to it, but showed her usual gentle smile, stretched out her hand and touched the top of the black knife assassin's head, and gently stroked the other's hood with her palm. The black knife assassin felt the touch on his head and looked at Luo Yu who made this action in confusion.

"Do you feel anything strange?"After a long while, Luo Yu stopped and asked.

The black knife assassin seemed to be thinking for a moment, then shook her head.

She didn't feel anything strange.

"Look at me." Luo Yu touched the black knife assassin's head again, and then said seriously

"Do you feel that... I am very much like your father."

Black Knife Assassin:"???"

She didn't understand.

Was it some strange custom, or was this man's goal to become her father and gain the right to spank her reasonably?


Luo Yu felt relieved when he didn't get any strange reactions. It seemed that it wasn't his problem. It was just a coincidence.

Otherwise, given the situation in the Star Dome Railway, most people don't have parents. In a dozen years, Luo Yu might have to become the head of the Galaxy, and everyone who comes would have to call him dad.

Think about that scene carefully.

Oh, it's really weird.

Take another look.

It's still weird.

But fortunately, after the experiment, he is fine and doesn't have any weird temperament.

After doing all this, Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief, restored his original demeanor, and checked the indescribable reward he just received.

【Stigmata: Otto (Part 2)】




【Stigma Skill: In the Name of the Father】

【Increases all damage by 40%. After defeating the target, the target's children will be permanently marked, gaining the"Insight" effect, being able to sense the other party's emotional changes, and gaining a 40% damage bonus on the damage caused to them.】

【ps: He lost his father, but he still has me.


Luo Yu touched his golden hair and inexplicably felt the malice of the world.

However, there is no way to take out the reward at the moment, because he still has many undetermined rewards on his body.

Walking towards one of the locations on the road just now, Luo Yu had an interested look on his face, and the black knife assassin fully played his role as an emotionless assassin, following him without saying a word or asking questions.

More than ten minutes later, he stopped in front of an abandoned house.

It had been almost worn out by the rift, and the words on the original sign had been completely blurred, but from the style, it can be seen that this should be a more special building, not an ordinary house or shop.

Creaky - pushing the heavy and aging metal door open, the dust accumulated for a long time flew everywhere, and Luo Yu waved his hand to sweep away the choking dust in front of him.

"It doesn't look like a secret den."Luo Yu looked at the interior. It was dark inside because there was no light, but he could see from the decoration style inside that it was not a secret den.

And the location was not hidden.

He looked forward, through two walls, there was a vertical passageway.

It was a passageway leading up. If there was such a thing, if it was not a secret den, then it must be an official place.


Probably because of the sound of pushing the door and the sound of heavy iron boots, several Eternal Winter Disaster Shadows in the dark were startled, holding a cold axe and locking Luo Yu and rushing over.

"They are as numerous as flies, everywhere." Luo Yu waved his hand without interest:"Get rid of them." The black knife assassin beside him rushed out, stepping on the ground without any sound, and cleared the attacking world-breaking monsters in a moment like a ghost, without even making any sound on the way.

Without any obstacles, Luo Yu walked into the house and first walked to a table with documents scattered on it. Luo Yu picked up a document, patted the dust on it and flipped through it.

Although it was severely corroded and some of the handwriting was blurred, it was still possible to get a general idea of what it meant after piecing together.

"It turns out that this is the Iron Guard station in Rivet Town."Luo Yu threw the document in his hand aside.

The document contained the content of the emergency evacuation that year. The lower area was originally stationed with Iron Guards. At that time, the rift in the lower area suddenly spread rapidly. Before the evacuation order was received, the Silver Mane Iron Guards immediately went to form a battle line to block the rift monsters.

After twisting and turning to the depths of the Iron Guard station, Luo Yu came to a wide space. In front of him was a huge emergency elevator that could leave the lower area.

At this time, the elevator was naturally abandoned and broken.

Whether it was the rift erosion for such a long time, or the order that the Silver Mane Iron Guards received to evacuate the lower area and block the upper and lower passages, this elevator naturally could not be intact.

But Luo Yu didn't need this elevator. He just needed this passage that could lead to the upper part.

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