As the two walked along the street, they saw some unusual places on the streets of Luofu.

The Cloud Cavalry were frequently training here, and some places were even under martial law. The Cloud Cavalry guards with weapons in hand were watching the surroundings vigilantly.

[Luofu: In recent years, the Medicine King Secret Sect, which had been suppressed, has suddenly revived and has been active. During this period, the activities of the Medicine King Secret Sect have become more frequent.

The Cloud Cavalry Army has captured many members of the Medicine King Secret Sect, but there are still some who have slipped through the net, which has caused a lot of turmoil and rumors in Luofu. Now the entire Luofu has strengthened its vigilance, and most of the actions are all about the Medicine King Secret Sect.

"Why is the atmosphere so tense?"Silver Wolf was a little curious as he watched the situation.

The plan had been made before, that is, when Kafka contacted her, Blade, who had received her script at that time, took a small spaceship with her sword in her arms and ran to Luofu to make a scene without saying a word, earlier than them.

She made a scene at that time, and was definitely caught, but Blade, who had not been released by Kafka, would not have made such a big noise.

The entire [Luofu] was under martial law, and most of the opponent's strength was suppressed by Kafka because of the demonic body, and it would not be released normally.

Silver Wolf felt that Blade in this state could not cause any waves in a place like [Luofu]. Even if it was the ordinary Cloud Cavalry that gathered, as long as they took out their magic weapons and heavy weapons, Blade would be caught.

It seems that there is another hidden The situation has changed.

Luo Yu also turned his head to observe the Cloud Cavalry. In addition to the medical aspect, the Xianzhou Alliance's combat power is also unrivaled in the universe, and it is one of the most powerful civilizations. Although it looks like those Cloud Cavalry are dressed like ancient soldiers wearing armor and holding crescent-shaped swords.

But in fact, the names and styles of long swords, crossbows, magic weapons, and flying swords are just the customs of Xianzhou.

The long swords are actually polymer light blades, the crossbows are long-range energy penetrating weapons, the magic weapons are heavy firepower, the flying swords are advanced autonomous attack units, and even the armor is not an ordinary armor. The combat power of the regular Cloud Cavalry is very strong.

Luo Yu retracted his gaze from the Cloud Cavalry, looked at Silver Wolf and continued,"Let's keep in touch while eating something."

Silver Wolf nodded, and the two walked for a while, and then sat down in a stall with few people. The surroundings seemed very deserted and quiet.

"I'll contact Kafka first." As soon as he sat down, Silver Wolf placed his hands on the table, and a projection-like light blossomed and transformed into a computer device. His slender fingers tapped on the keyboard keys, sending a message to Kafka.


Starry Sky Train.

Standing in the sightseeing car, Xing was looking at the direction of the long mirror at the end of the car.

There stood a girl in a long skirt with a hooded mask covering her face.

As soon as this girl and the mirror appeared, something went wrong on the train. Xing told Pam, the train crew member who had noticed it, about this. Pam was frightened by the description, but she could do nothing.

The others were all unable to notice the mirror in front of them.

"You don't have to be so vigilant. I'm not a bad person. I'm the messenger of Liuguang Yiting. I'm going to stay on your train for the next few days. Please give me your guidance."The messenger saw Xing's vigilant look and explained in a cheerful voice.

"But your behavior doesn't seem like you're staying overnight at all."

Xing didn't look happy because of the other person's cheerful appearance.

"Hey, sorry, but I took the initiative to come out to see you." Such straightforward words made the messenger laugh a little embarrassedly, and then he assured again.

"I am really not a bad person, please believe me."

The messenger told Xing about his purpose.

"You are unique. Yiting wants to keep your memory, not take it away. You can think of it as"copying". Yiting will"copy" the precious memory fragments, and I will give you rewards in the form of real matter and light cones."

"The mirror you see behind me is actually the Garden of Oblivion created specifically to preserve your memories. You only need to enter the Garden of Oblivion regularly to get your rewards."

"Why can only I see you?"Xing first asked a question that she didn't understand.

The messenger did not hide it and answered her doubts directly:"To be precise, you did not 'see' me. I do not exist in the real world and your vision, but in your memory and cognition."

"You invaded my brain?!"Xing's eyes widened

"Oh, this statement sounds like a big bad guy."The messenger exclaimed softly, still looking so cheerful, as if he was always happy, and explained in a brisk voice

"It's because you already have the knowledge about the messenger and the light cone in your mind. I used these memories as 'beacons' to create a 'channel' that appeared in front of you."

"I have never manipulated your brain, nor have I secretly read your memory. These illegal ways of obtaining memory are punishable. I am a regular memorizer who has always strictly abided by the discipline of Liuguang Memory Court."

Xing looked at the messenger up and down, thinking about the accuracy of her words, and then asked another key question.

"How much return are you talking about?"

"Are you going to agree? Great!"The messenger heard Xing asking about the reward and said happily

"How about I give you a light cone every month? Light cones are very precious. In addition, there are other things to give you, such as various rare materials, special substances, and credit points.……"

The messenger listed the things that Xing could get one by one, and then waited for Xing's answer:"How is it? It's very generous! If you want to enter the Pavilion of Oblivion,"

"That's it?"But after Xing heard the 'generous' reward she could give, she looked disappointed.

She thought it was something else, that if she let someone copy her memory for a month, she could get a light cone?

""Huh?" This answer was beyond the messenger's imagination. She was stunned.

This...isn't it generous enough?

She could provide many things, and she also promised to give a precious light cone every month. If this kind of reward was given to someone else, who knows what kind of crazy rush it would cause.

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