Biology and medicine are always inseparable.

Places with advanced biology or medical care, this word flashed through Luo Yu's mind. The Star Dome Railway is full of destiny travelers, and there are not many places where civilizations study biotechnology, biological ascension, and artificial super soldiers.

He needs to absorb a lot of knowledge to expand his knowledge reserve. It is not about copying the answer to a certain question. He can ignore the genius directly, and even if he wants to copy the answer, there is no need for the genius club.

Just tell Dr. Zun, the elder brother, and the technology will be packaged and sent to him immediately.

Of course, you have to cultivate yourself.

So Luo Yu screened the information in his mind, and there were not many who met the requirements.

At this moment, the silver wolf appeared in Luo Yu's field of vision, and he suddenly had the answer in his mind.


Following the movement, Silver Wolf finally found Luo Yu and Lord.

But she also saw the battle below. After witnessing the battle scene, she was completely stunned.

Lord's fighting power in the lance state was even more terrifying than his bare-handed fighting power just now. The sudden attack on the battlefield was like mowing the grass. In a few minutes, the dense army of memory domain memes was completely wiped out.

The power displayed made Silver Wolf a little stunned.

No... Did you evolve secretly?!

When did you become so powerful?

Before this, she still thought that Lord's fighting talent was terrible, but after all, he got started late. Although he was powerful, it would take some time to surpass himself.

But now she has seen Lord's fighting power intuitively, especially the continuous terrifying, rapid, rough and efficient fighting style, which makes people's scalp numb. She feels that if she goes down to compete with the opponent, she will be hammered into a rice cake in a few minutes.

It simply refreshed her worldview.

Luo Yu waved to the stunned and doubtful Silver Wolf, asking him to come over. After Lord destroyed all the memory domain memes, he returned to Luo Yu's side.

"There is no problem with the fighting style, just pick the one you like best. It is a good thing to clarify your own fighting style. As for the fighting skills, I will not comment on them. After all, you have not learned them through actual fighting, and those fighting skills alone are not enough."

Luo Yu looked at her and commented on the fight just now, and then said

"Next, I will teach you one by one, including the techniques, power, dodge and many other aspects."

But these are not important. There is no shortcut to training. Constant learning, training and combat integration are the only way. There is no need to consider it specially.

"Next, I will spend some time planning some ways for you to become stronger, and use external forces to help you so that you can fully develop your own talents."

Lord nodded firmly and responded:"Yes, I will do it seriously and will never let you down."

Lord was really grateful that Luo Yu agreed to her request and gave her this opportunity. After all, the gap between her and the other party was too big, and it even seemed a little ridiculous to say those words, but Luo Yu trusted her and gave her this opportunity.

In addition to the gratitude in her heart, this trust also weighed heavily on her, and she needed to give an answer in the near future. This was what she asked for, and it would always urge herself.

"I look forward to that day."

Luo Yu smiled and nodded at her. He certainly believed in the other party's promise. It was a determination from the heart that would never change. After talking with Lord, Luo Yu looked at the Silver Wolf who had just come over.

"What's wrong? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Although he asked out loud, he actually already knew the reason why Silver Wolf found him.

"Uh... this……"Silver Wolf was a little speechless for a moment.

The shock from the exaggerated battle she had just seen had not yet dissipated, and also because of Luo Yu in front of her. To be honest, Luo Yu was very stressful when he was serious.

But the next moment, Silver Wolf realized that she was so scared that she didn't even dare to speak. She immediately felt ashamed and forced herself to remain calm, pretending to be calm and said,"Boss, I need a leave."

She, Silver Wolf, has never been afraid of anyone in the universe!

"Oh? Of course."Luo Yu paused for a moment before replying, and said with concern.

"You've been busy from morning till night recently, too often. Even if you don't say it, I'm going to let you take a break. Being serious is a good thing, but you still need to rest when you're tired."

Silver Wolf felt that he needed to make a few more excuses before he could succeed, but he didn't expect to be agreed so easily. After hearing the concern, all the complaints about working overtime disappeared, and his eyes were stunned. That's right

, it seemed that she didn't have the self-control to take on so many things at once. Luo Yu never forced anything on her, and she couldn't seem to blame him for working overtime, not to mention that he noticed that she was considering whether to give herself a holiday.

He was... nice.

Silver Wolf felt a little ashamed, and glanced away with an unnatural look.

She was ashamed, but she didn't say it.

It would be so embarrassing to say it out loud. She would do something to compensate him in the future when she had the chance.

"But, what is the reason for you to come to me for advice?" Luo Yu suddenly asked.

Silver Wolf's heart tightened, and he immediately found an excuse and said,"Ah! I, I am going to see my aunt. I have been away for some time and I miss her."

"Auntie?" Luo Yu said, tilting his head slightly and then said with a smile:"I think she went to see the companions of the Star Core Hunter."

"!!!"Silver Wolf's eyes widened immediately. How did he know that?

But of course she would not admit it, and quickly clarified:"That's not the case! I really went to visit relatives and friends, and I have severed ties with the Star Core Hunter a long time ago."

She concealed it not because she wanted to have two meals a day. In fact, she did want to sever ties with the Star Core Hunter. This place is too fragrant, and the future life will definitely be very interesting. But having no feelings for the original company does not mean that she has no feelings for the original colleagues.

Although it is only a matter of time before she is discovered, she is just avoiding facing it, but she still wants to hide Kafka and her own affairs first.

""Punk Lord's genius hacker Silver Wolf, before you joined the Star Core Hunters, no one could catch your eye." However, Luo Yu just shook his head and easily exposed her lie.

Apart from the Star Core Hunters, you have no friends at all!

Silver Wolf:"……"

Being exposed on the spot, she opened her mouth but couldn't find any reason to refute.

Because Luo Yu was right, except for the Star Core Hunter, she really had no friends, but she had a lot of enemies.

Damn it!

Why didn't I make a few friends before? Now I can't even find a reason to lie.

Silver Wolf suddenly felt a little sad for himself.

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