Tohsaka Rin was so shocked by the chat group that she still didn't come back to her senses for a while.

Roja's attention returned to Yaliluo VI.

Deciding to show the power of 'Dragon Ball' naturally requires a little more solemnity.

Regarding the ban on the upper and lower levels, Roja also asked Cocolia to lift it, and by the way, representatives of the lower areas were allowed to witness this miraculous power.

However, before that, the star core needs to be contained.

Under Roja's arrangement, March 7th and his party quickly passed through the reverberation corridor, and also solved some world-splitting monsters.

"Is the star core here?"

Looking left and right on March 7, there was no star core visible at all on the Yongdong Ridge side.

"Wait, there seems to be someone there."

The Herrscher of Knowledge soon noticed the figure appearing not far away, and his eyes widened,"Oh my God, what is that."

The group of people saw that the body of a man wearing clothing from the lower area was rising into the air at this moment.

"The power of the star core is with me. You are just the death struggle before the collapse of the old world. Feel the despair."

The man smiled wildly, and the huge body of the creature appeared at this moment.

"Oh my god, how could it be so huge."

Kiana looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help but widen her eyes. She looked a little scared.

"It’s time to take a photo."

March 7 was stunned, and took a picture of the creation engine starting with a 'click' sound.

In the chat group.

The former Herrscher of Knowledge started the group live broadcast, so all members of the chat group could see the battle scene

【Fujiwara Chika: Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I was shocked when I saw it. This thing looks impossible to fight.】

【Kiana: It should be the technological heritage of this planet’s previous civilization, but I didn’t expect it to be so scary. It’s too scary.】

【Zhongli: Can you deal with such a monster?】

【Kiana: It shouldn’t be a problem for me】

【Raiden Makoto: No, no problem?】

【Kiana: Hum, in the end I’ve been through it all, I’m just a giant robot. ]

Kiana looked at the creation engine in front of her,"Come on, I'll deal with this big guy."

"Let's take a look"

"Use this fierce fire to kill everything!"

Transformed into the form of the Herrscher of Xinyan, the Xinyan King Sword appeared in his hand.

‘Boom!!! '

The flames are burning, and the raging Honkai energy explodes. Kiana's power is revealed at this moment.

"too strong."

Xingya couldn't help being surprised. She and the Herrscher of Knowledge cooperated with Kiana to launch the attack.

Dan Heng and March Qi assisted Kiana, but the power of the Creation Engine was still unstoppable..

Kiana discovered that her Honkai power could only contain the energy provided by the star core, allowing the Creation Engine to attack crazily.

【Accelerator: We should attack the guy in the middle of the huge machine. The power of the star core affects that guy.】

【Raiden Makoto: However, if this continues, everyone and the humans affected by the star core will be injured.】

【Marquis Vauban: I would have a headache dealing with such a monster.】

、【Tohsaka Rin: Is this thing a technological product? The technology of alien planets is already so advanced?】

【Bulma: It’s amazing, a huge body, and still able to move flexibly】

【Alicia: Come on, Kiana】

"The flames burn away!"

The flames released a fierce slash. Facing the enemy in front of her, Kiana couldn't help but feel troubled at this moment.

Kiana's idea was to find a way to save the human being affected by the star core..

However, Kiana is not sure that she can destroy this creation engine by relying on her own strength.

The creation engine is the product of the ancient city builders, and it is not easy to destroy it because of the power of"preservation".

"Destruction, you should all become part of the void world and disappear completely."

The endless power of 'destruction' gathered at this moment. The voice of the star core sounded. The controlled man groaned. A huge meteorite quickly gathered from high in the sky.

Everyone was watching. The scene in front of me made my face turn pale.

【Kanroji Mitsuri: It’s over. How can we fight this?】

【Nangong Nayue: My space control magic can’t fight against such a meteorite.】

【Marquis Vauban: I have a feeling that once it falls, it can destroy the entire planet.】

【Fu Xuan: That is the 'star core' of the Destruction Star God, which contains the 'destruction' power belonging to the Destruction Star God.】

【Holy Emperor: Come on, we must win!! ]

Kiana, looking at the falling meteorites, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The Honkai energy in her body began to operate, and she planned to go all out to resist the falling meteorite.

At this time, the girl had no intention of hesitating anymore.

"In the end, I still have to take action."

Roya sighed, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, Lord God of Destruction, are you here?

March 7 exclaimed,"It's so fast. Are you watching?""

"I just sensed what happened on your side."

Roya shook his head and said a little funny,"I can solve that thing with just one finger."

After saying that, Roja raised his finger, and the purple miniature energy gathered and instantly rose into the sky.

At the moment the meteorite fell, the purple miniature energy penetrated the meteorite, as if it was turned into sand. The meteorite was here. disappear in a moment

‘boom! '

Then, Roja's figure flashed, and when the huge mechanical arm of the Creation Engine attacked, Roja just said softly,"Destroy!"

Silently, the Creation Engine and the star core were all destroyed at this moment' destroy'.

The battle for star core containment has finally come to an end.

The Star Dome train crews have all returned to Beloberg

"What a pity, I still want to take in the star core and ask the God of Destruction to help me renovate the room."

March 7's expression couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

"I think if you ask the God of Destruction seriously, he should be able to renovate your room, March 7th. Dan

Heng said lightly.


March 7's eyes lit up, and he had the urge to ask Roja right away.

However, before that, a new 'ceremony' was about to be held in Beloberg, that is, the Great Guardian Cocolia abdicated, and Broni Ya comes to power.

And, in the most important dragon summoning ceremony, Roja will use the Dragon Ball to completely rewrite the ecosystem of Yaliluo VI and restore the vitality of Yaliluo VI.

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