Shenlong, for Roja, is the biggest cheating weapon.

Although the Dragon Ball cannot directly affect Roja's body, it can give him the corresponding talent to observe the inside of the body.

Use the power of destruction to transform sacred atoms.

When every sacred atom gathers the destructive power of the God of Destruction, Roja's physical strength will naturally reach a very high level.

Before that, the level of the Dragon Balls still needs to be continuously improved.

In the Star Iron World, it can be confirmed that the Dragon Balls can evolve again by absorbing the 'immortal' legacy.

I wonder if Shenlong can also achieve the position of Star God?

Even if Shenlong becomes a Star God, he will still be under Roja's control, because Roja is the absolute leader.

Best if the dragon can evolve to the level of the 'God Dragon', then the ability to make wishes will be improved again.

Leaving He Xi and Liang Bing to practice on their own, Luo Ya turned his attention back to the Star Iron Universe, where the Star Dome Train was once again ready to set sail.

In chat group

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: I finally need to open it���Stop, what is the planet Yalilo VI like?】

【Fu Xuan: Looking at the information of Interstellar Peace Company, it is a world with spring all year round, but it seems that due to the disaster of the star core, there has been no contact with the interstellar for a long time.】

【Kiana: Is it that dangerous? Star core, speaking of which, I have never seen what a star core looks like.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: What is sealed in the star is the star core. The God of Destruction said that it can easily destroy the planet.】

【Kiana: It’s too scary. I don’t intend to come into contact with the star core.】

【Alicia: It’s a new adventure. I suddenly feel like participating in it, but here I am being pestered by Mebius, crying and unable to get away.】

【Nangong Nayue: With the help of the God of Destruction, any disaster should be easily solved.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: The God of Destruction will not take action easily. Besides, the God of Destruction made it happen. It would be so embarrassing for us just to watch.】

【Luo Ya: I won’t accompany you this time. I believe you can solve it.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Leave it to us, Lord God of Destruction】

【Marquis Vauban: I have never been to stars other than the earth. I am really curious about the world explored by the Star Dome Train.】

【Zhongli: Thanks to the chat group, we now know how vast the universe is】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: When the time comes, I will start the live broadcast directly, so that everyone can see the starry sky train and the scenes in other worlds.】

【Esdeath: Is there a powerful being appearing?】

【Accelerator: I am still very interested in the star gods of your world.】

【Hell Fubuki: Does Accelerator want to be beaten again?】

【Accelerator: It’s so noisy, it’s not happening. Sooner or later, I will become a Level 6 existence. When the time comes, I will challenge the commander.】

【Nangong Na Yue: I think, Accelerator, you should consider the demon god in your world first. The end of the world may really come one day.】

【Fujiwara Chika: After understanding the setting of the devil, I suddenly felt that the world was too scary. Sure enough, life should be lived in a normal way.】

【Holy Emperor: I really envy the peaceful world like Qianhua】

【Busujima Saeko: The end? I don’t feel it yet, maybe it will be in a few days】

【Accelerator: Gastrea? I can kill you instantly with one punch, but that kind of world should be destroyed.】

【Angel Yan: If the world of the Holy Son of Heaven were in the Kamigawa universe, it would be punished by justice from angels, and the humans in your world would be transformed into demons by demons.】

【Holy Emperor: This, I believe, is just because everyone is too pessimistic in the apocalypse. Once the original world can be restored, it will definitely be solved.】

【Roja: This God of Destruction can destroy the planet, and people who die once can wash away their sins. 】

When the time comes, just use the dragon balls to resurrect the humans who should be resurrected.

【Holy Emperor: Hey, isn’t this too cruel? 】

Sheng Tianzi felt a little confused in his mind for a moment.

Because the God of Destruction is a monster that can really crush the planet with one hand.

【Roja: Can’t we use dragon balls??】

·· ·········Asking for flowers···· ·

With the power of Dragon Balls, it is easy to restore a planet

·· ·········Asking for flowers···· ·

【Roja: You can consider this God of Destruction’s proposal, or a price that makes this God of Destruction feel good. I can help remove the gastrea. 】

Only the power of God can reshape the world of Black Bullet

【Holy Emperor: I understand. 】

In the world of black bombs, the Holy Emperor fell into sorrow

On the Star Dome Train

"I thought Bronya would come too."

The Herrscher of Knowledge is a little pity. She also wants to meet Bronya, tell her story, and find someone to show off to.

"Bronya is at the animation company, and Kiana will bring her over when she has time, but you have to think about how to face Fu Hua, she is coming to find you."

............. 0

............. 0

Walter Yang said something funny, which made the Herrscher of Knowledge stunned.

"Hey, no, didn't I tell Kiana and you that we couldn't tell Fu Hua that I was here?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness was extremely depressed,"Damn it, I haven't become a strong person in destiny, so I won't be defeated here."

"Well, she already noticed that you ran away, but she just didn’t know where you went."

Kiana smiled. Who would have thought that the Herrscher of Consciousness would come to other universes.

The Star Iron Universe can be said to be completely different from the Collapse Universe.

However, the power of destiny can also be shared. Walter Yang can confirm

"Now that everyone is here, it’s time to get ready to go to the next stop."

Seeing the worried look on the Herrscher of Knowledge, Roja felt a little funny,"Let's go witness the new world. Before that, work hard to train yourself."

"That's right, train yourself. When I become stronger, I won't be afraid of that old antique."

The Herrscher of Knowledge immediately became confident.

She had the help of the chat group, and she was really brave.

Regarding the new world, March 7th also has the same expectations.

Open up the unknown world, and then continue to take risks, This is the true meaning of Star Train

—— ps: Please give me flowers, please collect it, and please give me 10 points of evaluation. Thank you very much!!!!山山.

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