In fact, Black Tower prefers Roja to test the simulated universe.

If a Star God-level existence tests the simulated universe, I wonder if it will attract the attention of all the Star Gods in the simulated universe.

"Lord God of Destruction, would you like to test the simulated universe? It’s very fun."

The black tower doll raised its head. The petite body of a young girl looked a little cute.

"Are you serious about testing?"

"Are you serious about testing?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge stood aside and said like a repeater.

"ha? Don't think about any nonsense. What I do is a serious test, so there is no problem in terms of remuneration."

The Black Tower Doll put his hands on his hips and complained silently in his heart. It turns out that a star god level figure has such an unruly side.

"Let the Herrscher of Consciousness do the testing, but can we observe events from outside the simulated universe?"

Roya has no idea of testing. By the way, he wants to see what other people are doing in the simulated universe test."


The puppet in the Black Tower nodded. Seeing that the Herrscher of Knowledge was going to test, Kiana also joined in.

For the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kiana, what they faced as soon as they entered the simulated universe was the antimatter army in the starry sky..

On Kiana's side, everything is fine.

Here, the Herrscher of Knowledge is here, and the God of Memory, Fuli, is also here.

What's going on, the Herrscher of Knowledge is also here. Possibility of heading towards the path of happiness?

It must be said that the Herrscher of Occasionally is still a fun person.

On Kiana's side, the Star God's attention also appeared, and the goal of attracting the Star God was achieved!

Heita was surprised, this efficiency is too good. When Xing Xing went to test the simulated universe, the Guardian Star God came to watch, and the Herrscher of Knowledge also came, and the Star God of Joy and Memory came.

The test of simulating the universe will soon be over

"Your efficiency is also very good."

Coming out of the simulated universe, Black Tower looked at Kiana and the Herrscher of Knowledge in amazement. With them and the three stars, testing the efficiency of the simulated universe is expected to be greatly improved.

In terms of remuneration, Kiana and The Herrscher of Knowledge has obtained satisfactory things from the Black Tower, while

Kiana still wants to take Walter Yang back to the Collapse World, while the Herrscher of Knowledge is thinking about how to awaken his destiny..

On the other side, Alicia also plans to return to her original world.

"God of Destruction, can the power of the Dragon Balls resurrect many people?

Alicia took a step forward and couldn't help asking Roja,"I don't know, can I borrow the dragon ball for once?""

"Are you planning to use the power of the Dragon Balls to prevent Honkai Impact?"

Roya looked at Alicia in surprise, and immediately thought of Alicia's purpose.

"That's right, at least it can resurrect people who died due to Honkai Impact."

It would be great if the people who were killed under the influence of the Herrscher could be resurrected with the help of the power of the Dragon Balls.

"The current Dragon Ball does not have the power to resurrect multiple people. I can try to upgrade it. When Alicia invites Kiana and the others over, I will go there."

Roya said calmly,"However, in exchange, as the Herrscher of Man, are you interested in following me?"

"Hey, will I follow you?

Alicia was stunned for a moment, but she didn't hesitate too much,"Do you need me to do anything?""

"Do you plan to truly become a god? You have obtained a pure and beautiful destiny, and in time you can become a pure and beautiful star god. How about you consider the path to becoming a star god in another universe?"

With the power of God and the level of Star God, Alicia can completely surpass the end of the pre-civilization era.

"Do you want to help me become a god?"

Alicia blinked. If it can save the civilization before the collapse, it doesn't matter if she sacrifices herself.

"However, can I really become a star god like this? It feels incredible."

Coming to the Bengtie Universe, Alicia could never have thought of awakening her destiny.

Let alone awakening her pure and beautiful destiny.

"I believe Alicia, there is no problem at all if she becomes a pure and beautiful star god."

Is there anything else to say about Alicia's beauty?

Of course there is no doubt that the Alicia Cult is invincible in the world.

Ah, Love Gate!

"Oops, I would be embarrassed to praise the God of Destruction like this."

The girl's cheeks showed a blush.

The reason why she planned to guide Alicia as a star god is that Roja was planning to establish a god system different from the Dragon Ball universe to help him manage the super god universe.

Of course. , it’s just a concept at the moment, the most important thing is to think about the candidates for the God of Destruction and the Kaio God.

Next, there are the four major galaxies, as well as the concept of Kaio, Heaven and Hell,

Dragon Ball’s world view, God, and magic. , magic, martial arts, and superpowers all exist. It can be said that it is truly all-encompassing and is compatible with the power of other universes. There is no problem in destroying the three former civilizations and the Fire Chasing Moth base.

"Didn't the power of destiny have any impact after returning?"

Returning to the original world, Alicia was a little surprised. Feeling the special energy in her body that was different from Honkai, Alicia's face showed joy.

At first, she was worried that her power would be affected, but as a result There's no need to worry at all

"Speaking of which, the Pure Beauty Star God is the ultimate symbol of beauty. I should be very beautiful now."

As a beautiful and flawless girl, Alicia also likes to be praised.

Thinking of what Roya said just now, Alicia is really a little shy.

"I wonder what Mebius is doing now."

Heading towards Mebius's laboratory, Alicia suddenly remembered that she wanted to mention to Mebius about the coming of the Civilized Herrscher 50,000 years later.

I hope that by then , Mebius should not be frightened.

With the existence of the chat group, the fate of the future civilization may be changed, and

Alicia has no worries at all.

Said to be a place full of miracles

—— ps: Please give me flowers, please���Hidden, please vote for 10% rating, thank you very much, thank you for your support~~!!!

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