In his life, it was the first time for Accelerator to encounter such a setback.

"Are you... really some kind of God of Destruction? Is that the chat group of all worlds real?"

Accelerator's face was full of confusion.

"I don’t think I need to say it again. Academy City’s superpower, you are indeed very strong, but in other worlds, there are many more powerful than you. Don’t sit back and look at the sky."

Roya smiled slightly. He took a step forward and soon came to Accelerator again.

"I'm just here to teach you a lesson. Also, don't be too self-righteous. There are many things in this universe that are bigger than you. There are also a large number of demons in this universe."

In an instant, Roja snapped his fingers. The information about this world and the top existence was read by Roja and reflected in front of Accelerator.

"Compared to demons, superpowers are nothing."

The powerful demon god can destroy the universe.


Accelerator felt inexplicably shocked

"I won’t say too much about the rest, just understand it yourself."

Roja patted Accelerator's cheek, looking quite arrogant, but who made Accelerator offend the God of Destruction?

The price of angering the God of Destruction is quite heavy.

Accelerator only then realized that he How to sit in a well and look at the sky.

【Accelerator: I'm sorry, it's my uncle's bad attitude, I'm sorry. 】

Accelerator recovered and quickly apologized in the chat group.

Roja left, but Accelerator had to express his attitude, otherwise, he would have failed to respect the God of Destruction.

His uncle, he bowed his head this time just because Roja is stronger than him.

【Chika Fujiwara: Knowing your mistakes can correct them, and there is no greater virtue. It’s a bit funny to see newcomers being beaten.】

【Kiana: A flower that gets too carried away will suffer losses. I have experience.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hum, it looks like the newcomer is also very strong. One day we can get through some moves.】

【Accelerator: I am not afraid of anyone... except really powerful monsters】

【Zhongli: Your Excellency, you must be a human from another world. I didn’t expect to be able to grow to this point. Can you actually exert such terrifying power without the Eye of God?】

【Angel Yan: Different worlds have different rules. This newcomer’s world should belong to a world that specializes in developing super powers.】

【Roja: You are wrong about this. The world of Accelerator is divided into science and magic camps, and the magic camp is the oldest. The representative of the science camp is Academy City.】

【Roya: His ability 'Vector Manipulation' can reflect all vectors, light and heat, electricity and force and many other effects. As the number one Lv5 superpower in Academy City】

【Angel Yan: Specializes in developing superpowers? It seems that their level of genetic research has surpassed the pre-nuclear era.】

【Roja: In theory, you can say that, but the superpowers in Academy City are actually activated by magic. In that universe, there are still many beings on the same level as me who can destroy the universe.】

【Roja: Even your queen can only be impressed when she comes here. 】

After talking about the world view of the Forbidden Universe, all the members of the chat group were shocked.

【Nangong Nayue: Destroy, destroy the universe? How can there be so many existences that destroy the universe?】

【Angel Yan: This... this is too unreasonable. 】

There are so many existences that destroy the universe in other worlds

【Kiana: Fortunately, my world does not have those demons, otherwise everything would be over】

【Alicia: Maybe the birth of Honkai was a prank by a certain demon god】

【Kiana: Wow, Sister Alicia, don’t scare me.】

【Super Beast Pluto: It’s a simple matter of the weak and the strong. You should be thankful for the mercy of this God of Destruction.】

【Super Beast Pluto: In this world, no one can often understand the beauty and cruelty of reality. 】

The super beast Pluto comes from the super beast universe and has an ability value of ten black holes. Compared to Kesha, there is no doubt that Pluto is more powerful.

However, facing the powerful God of Destruction, even Pluto himself cannot compete with such an existence.

What about black holes? 'Destroy' a place, even a black hole will be destroyed

【Tokisaki Kurumi: It sounds quite philosophical.】

【Super Beast Pluto: Lord God of Destruction, I wonder if you are interested in coming to my universe. I wonder if I can ask you to 'destroy' my world. ]

Pluto’s words immediately caused a stir in the chat group.

【Roya: It's very interesting. How did you think of letting me 'destroy' your world? ]

Roja was somewhat interested in Pluto's words.

Roja is still somewhat interested in the Super Beast Universe. After all, if he masters it, he can also make a qualitative leap towards Roja's 'destructive' power.

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