The members of the chat group were naturally frightened by this scene.

"God of Destruction... Is it a true god? "

At this moment, Zhong Li's heart fluctuated violently.

No matter how powerful the power of the Demon God is, it is not worth mentioning compared to the God of Destruction.

Such an existence actually died because of other people.

Pre-collapse civilization.

"With more power than the Lawyer, maybe I can save humanity."

Alicia, the lawyer of man and the law of origin, loves mankind.

"Chat group, maybe it's my chance."

With the existence of chat groups, then why should Alicia worry that the collapse will destroy humanity?

[Kiana: Lord Destruction God, that breath cultivation method, can we download the cultivation? 】

Kiana, who was a little curious, felt quite magical about the breath cultivation method mentioned in the chat group.

[Luo Ya: Of course, in the case of breath cultivation, the so-called essence of qi is a hidden power of life that transcends the limit, there is righteous qi, evil qi...].

[Roa: If you exercise a little harder, burning the galaxy is also a breeze. 】

Ron uploaded the breath cultivation instructions, and if others downloaded it, they would need to pay 100 points according to the requirements of the chat group.

For Ron, the opportunity to earn points for nothing, he will not let go.

[Tokisaki Crazy Zo: Qi, can you get me to that level? 】

Tokisaki Crazy San's mind moved slightly, if he learned to master this power, would he have more confidence when facing the Origin Spirit.

No matter how strong the Origin Elves are, when they grow to the level where they can burn planets, the Origin Elves can also be defeated by Tokisaki Crazy Three.

[Roya: You can upload the energy system description of the world you are in, and if you pay points to download in the chat group, you should be able to learn it. ] 】

[Marquis of Woban: Does it include the power of my god-killer world? 】

[Roya: The power of the Marquis world, I remember that it needs to be transformed through Pandora's ritual, if you talk about the formal cultivation system, your world should be a magic system. 】

[Marquis of Voban: That's right, if you master magic, you can learn magic, but no matter how powerful a human magician is, he can't compare with the god killer. 】

[Zhongli: In my world, there is an energy called elemental power, as long as you pass the gift of the heart of God, you can master this energy, but compared to the powerful aura system that can be exercised, the growth is not enough. 】

[Hell Blowing Snow: In this way, my world does not have a systematic practice system, my world is a world with weirdos, because the birth of weirdos has also produced many superpowers. 】

And Hell Blowing Snow, which happens to be comparable to the level of a superpower, the strongest superpower, is now her sister, the Shivering Tornado of the S-class hero.

[Alicia: If you form a system, if you don't know the collapse energy, is the lawyer counted? 】

[Ding, group member: Alicia uploaded the lawyer's note].

[Zhong Li: If you become a lawyer, do you have to master the ability of collapse? I feel that the top lawyer should be no less than the Demon God level. 】

[Zhongli: The stronger the development of civilization, the stronger the will to collapse, so large-scale collapse will occur, and the existence of lawyers? 】

[Kiana: In the world of 50,000 years ago, was Alicia a lawyer? 】

Looking at the information uploaded by the chat group, Kiana's expression showed a surprised look.

[Alicia: Yes, but I am a lawyer from the human standpoint. 】

[Roya: If you become stronger, there may not be only one system, and the place where I am now is other universes, I remember belonging to the scope of the Kiana universe. 】

[Kiana: Eh, my cosmic scope? 】

[Roya: I don't know, does Kiana know Walter Young, he is currently traveling in space. 】

[Kiana: Mr. Walter?] I remember that after the Saint-Fontaine incident, Monsieur Walter had disappeared for a long time, and it turned out to be in the universe. 】

[Roa: That's right, speaking of Alicia and Kiana, they should both understand the collapse energy, which is equivalent to imaginary energy. 】

[Roya: The countless imaginary energies of the universe, if they are controlled, are fate, and if they step on the path of destiny, they can become the destiny walker. 】

[Ding, group member: Luo Ya uploaded the description of the star god of the Collapsed Iron Universe and the fate system, and the reward: 10,000 points. ] 】

[Chika Fujiwara: The chat group system is judged to be of high value, and now Lord Destruction God has saved 60,000 points in one day. 】

[Kiana: I'm so envious, when can I have so many points.] 】

Along with Roya's upload, others quickly looked at the new group file information.

Soon, everyone was shocked by the Star God and the destiny walker who had embarked on the path of destiny.

Not to mention the Marquis of Voban, he originally thought that the so-called gods were nothing more than those beings on the earth.

However, looking at the group files of the chat group, I was completely shocked.

"Protect" Creepper, measured in light-years, builds crystal walls to protect the existence of the universe.

"Joy" Aha, laughter tears the universe, understanding that joy is the exclusive right of intelligent beings. Neither the stubborn stone nor the stars can appreciate the humor of life.

"Intellect" Erudite Venerable, originally an astral computer that solves all things, is a great star god upgraded from a machine.

Many Star God information, seeing the members of the chat group, dazzled.

In particular, being able to destroy galaxies tens of light years away, its own insignificance, made Marquis Voban realize the existence of people outside of people.

"Oh, that's so interesting."

Marquis Voban's eyes flashed with anticipation, whether it was the God of Destruction and the God of Realm, or the so-called Star God, it made Marquis Voban see for the first time that the universe originally had such a vast world.

[Roya: You don't need to worry, the star god does not exist in your universe, as for Kiana's world, the barrier of protecting the star god is not so easy to cross, so there is no need to worry about the star god and the forces under the star god descending on your world. 】

[Roya: Their existence is equivalent to the existence of reality in myths and legends, and they will not easily annihilate the planet without necessary circumstances. 】

[Kiana: Lord Destroyer's words of comfort make me a little more relaxed. 】

[Alicia: It is undeniable that both you, Lord Destroyer, and the Star God are completely beyond our understanding (sigh). 】

The chat group, because of Roya's uploaded material, sank again.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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