God knows how surprised Walter was at Kiana's appearance.

"Kiana, are you here too?"

After the Saint-Fontaine incident, Walter left the original world, completely unaware of the changes behind the Honkai world.

"Hehe, Bronia, they're all fine, don't worry, Mr. Walter."

Kiana nodded, and hearing Kiana's words, Walter was much more relaxed.

"Let's talk about what you have."

Roa pursed her lips and asked Kiana to come over, but also Walter's longing for his hometown, after all, Walter came to the Star Iron Universe through the technology left by the Venusians.

All along, I have been trying to find my way back to the Honkai world.

Naturally, he couldn't rest assured about the Collapsed World, and Kiana came over, which could also let Walter put down some thoughts.

Although Kiana and they have experienced a lot of things in the Honkai world, Honkai has finally crossed over.

It's also a good thing for the Broken World.

Walter listened to Kiana's narration, but he felt a little sorry for the Valkyries.

But after all, they saved the world, didn't they?

"It's so good, Kiana's world, successfully survived the crisis."

Alicia's voice couldn't help but sound, "I don't know, what will happen to me in another time and space." "

"Next time, invite me to Kiana's world, I'd love to meet another me."

Alicia's words made Kiana blink, "Of course, Sister Alicia." "

"You're really not ordinarily beautiful."

Kiana couldn't help but say, looking at the information of the chat group, she had long had a hunch that Alicia was beautiful, but she didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

"Is it? Kiana can call me Fairy Sister~"

Alicia pulled down her pink hair, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be as transparent as crystal, with endless charm.

"This is the universe, and it's really beautiful."

Alicia's voice sounded, looking at the silent deep space of the universe, "I hope that my world, human beings can really cross the collapse." "

"It must be possible, Sister Alicia, anyway, we are now civilized, aren't we?"

Kiana said seriously.

The former civilization has helped the current civilization a lot, and Kiana will naturally find ways to help the former civilization.

"Speaking of which, Alicia's world has already experienced several collapses."

Roa walked in and asked Alicia.

"How many times? The fifth collapse is over. "

Alicia recalled, "The fifth Avalanche was the Ice Lawyer, lost to the new elite troops. "

"Pre-civilization, did Alicia come from time and space 50,000 years ago?"

Walter's expression revealed a moving look.

"That's right, but Mr. Walter, you can think of it as a different parallel time and space."

Alicia chuckled, responding to Walter's question.


Walter looked shocked, how did civilized humans 50,000 years ago and 50,000 years later communicate together?

"It should be said that it is a chance meeting, if you also want to go to the former civilization to see it, then let Kiana and the Law of Knowledge help."

Luo Ya smiled slightly, for the description of the chat group, he didn't want to parse so much.

"It's really a chance meeting, and being able to get to know everyone makes me relax a lot."

Since she knew that civilization would collapse in the future, Alicia was worried, but she just thought that everyone in the chat group was there.

Coupled with the powerful God of Destruction, Alicia was in a slightly calmer mood.

"Speaking of which, when I came over, I thought Mr. Roa was a very terrible god."

Alicia smiled and said softly, "Now it seems that she is a very gentle god. "

"Scary? I don't seem to be fierce either. "

Luo Ya listened to Alicia's words, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

In a chat group.

[Fu Xuan: Broken, Lord God of Destruction, I wonder if I can come and visit. 】

[Fu Xuan: That, Lord Emperor Bow ordered that he would be able to contact the pioneers of the Star Dome Train,].

[Esders: Emperor Bow Si Ming, is it the star god who 'patrols'? 】

[Roya: Oh? It seems that he also foresaw something, he should have known that I was on the Star Dome train. 】

[Roya: If you come over, you don't need to, I'll see if you want to drive the Star Destroyer over and play. ] 】

[Fu Xuan: Star Destroyer?! ] 】

Xianzhou Luofu.

Fu Xuan was taken aback, if Luo Ya opened the Star Destroyer, he might be regarded as an enemy attacking the Immortal Boat Alliance.

[Fu Xuan: Well, please let me also inform the general that if you really want to drive the Star Destroyer, the Immortal Boat Alliance will treat you and the Star Dome Train with the greatest courtesy. 】

[Roya: Then I'll wait for the good news.] 】

Luo Ya didn't say anything, wait for Fu Xuan's side to be ready, and then drive the star destroyer to the Xianzhou Luofu to play.

"Immortal Boat Alliance, the Immortal Boat Alliance sheltered by the patrol, does there exist an immortal?"

Zhong Li's expression revealed a curious look.

"If you want to talk about immortals, there are many immortals on the immortal boat, after all, they all belong to the immortal species, and it is no problem to live for thousands of years."

Luo Ya quickly said, "Speaking of which, Xianzhou's painting style is still a little similar to Liyue, if Zhongli wants to go over, let Fu Xuan invite you at that time." "

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Roya."

Zhong Li bowed his head slightly and looked at the starry sky outside the ship's window, "Having witnessed the vastness of the outer world, I understand the weakness of Tivat at this moment." "

"Even Liyue is like a drop in the ocean in the universe, not worth mentioning."

Understanding the weakness, Zhong Li was even more 'longing' for the other aspect of strength.

"For the breath system, I have already started the path, but for the fate system, I have never known the way, I wonder if you can solve it?"

Zhong Li's words initiated the request.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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