Although the Star Dome train has boundary anchors, it can teleport to the Black Tower space station.

However, it costs energy to activate this and is best when it is closer to the Black Tower space station.

"Teleportation, such a magical skill, if you can, then please destroy the god."

March 7 would love to experience it.

"In that case, then please, Pam guards the train first, I and Walter, Miss Fuhua and Lord Destroyer, Danheng and March Seven go to the Black Tower space station first."

Himeko quickly gave the task arrangement.

Roa didn't care, the Antimatter Legion could easily solve it, but until then, he was still curious about the Antimatter Legion.

I wonder if I can get points if I catch the antimatter legion and turn it in to the chat group?

In a chat group.

[Esders: Antimatter Legion? It is the follower of the Star God of Destruction Nanuk in the information uploaded by Lord Destroyer. 】

[Fu Xuan: The Black Tower Space Station, is it the space station built by the Black Tower lady from the Genius Club? ] I didn't expect to encounter this kind of crisis. 】

[Fu Xuan: If there is a place where you need to contact the Xianzhou Alliance, the Xianzhou Alliance can also support it. 】

[Roya: It's just the antimatter legion, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. 】

[Kiana: The Law of Knowledge doesn't seem to be very good at fighting, that antimatter legion, I really want to go for a while. 】

[Marquis of Voban: The subordinates of the Star God, I don't know how to compare to the divine beasts that do not obey? ] 】

The members of the chat group can be said to be looking forward to the next battle screen.

With teleportation, Roa quickly locked the orientation of the Black Tower space station.

As a realm king god, he has the ability to read information anywhere in the universe.


Black Tower Space Station.

Huge, sci-fi technology sense of creation, with strong defensive measures.

This is an institution set up by Ms. Dark Tower of the Genius Club, which gathers countless researchers and scholars.

For the Black Tower, the only most suitable role is to store 'strange things'.

However, for Estella, it was she who used her pocket money to help the Black Tower set up.

If it was so gone, it would naturally make her unhappy.

Main control room.

"Damn, antimatter legion, how could it suddenly come over."

Esther looked at the alarms caused everywhere on the space station, and her expression showed worry.

All along, the space station has been quite peaceful, so Esthera doesn't care much about it.

It turned out that this file happened.

The attack of the antimatter army plunged the personnel of the space station into a brief chaos.

"How long will the defensive shield last."

"Isn't support yet coming? Where are the weapons, ready for defense. "

"You can't let them break through the shield, if it goes on, the space station will soon be captured."

The personnel of the space station all showed anxious looks.

It's just that no matter how anxious they are, they can't stop it.

Inside the Black Tower space station, somewhere.

"The antimatter corps has invaded the space station, and the pulse impact generated by the explosion has a great impact on the space station."

The bad woman Kafka looked at her surroundings leisurely, "Go ahead and follow the plan." "

"Legion invasion? Is this also in Elio's script? "

The silver wolf couldn't help but say, "In this case, will we fight the legion later." "

"It's possible, Elio didn't say that."

Kafka smiled slightly, "However, it doesn't matter, this mission is just to let [the target] put it in." "

"Then I can have a little fun."

The silver wolf's face showed an excited expression, "The previous tasks were a little boring." "

"As you like, you can complete the task, and I won't stop you from doing anything else."

Kafka responded to the words of the silver wolf and easily burst the head of a virtual pawn that attacked.



"Wow, all at once."

Under the leadership of Luo Ya, the teleportation crowd soon came to the space station.

"Who, Miss Estella, be careful."

"Has the virtual pawn invaded here?"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the control room became tense.

"Miss, be careful."

Alain immediately stopped in front of Esda, and Esther looked at the Star Dome train that appeared, revealing a joyful expression.

"Great, you guys are finally here, is it so fast this time?"

"They are the train set of the Star Dome train."

Esda's words made Alain come back to his senses at once, "Star Dome Train? "

"This is?"

At this time, Esda's gaze fell on Luo Ya and the Law of Knowledge in front of him.

March Seven and Danheng them, Esther still knows, but other people's words, Esther is strange.

"This is Mr. Luo Ya, and Miss Fu Hua."

Himeko took a step forward, came to Esda's ear, and then whispered, "Mr. Roya, it is equivalent to the existence of the Star God, and he is now a member of the pioneers of the Star Dome Train. "


Star Dome train, when did such a big guy come?

Esther listened to Himeko say this, and knew that what Himeko said was true.

"Okay, let's talk about the current situation, has the Antimatter Legion captured here?"

Luo Ya didn't talk nonsense either, and asked.

"The main control cabin can still be guarded, but other positions are being invaded by virtual pawns, that... Mr. Roa, can you strike and destroy those pawns? "

Esther said with a solemn face, and at the same time, in her eyes, she looked at Luo Ya's expression with a little more expectation.

"The rescue mission will be handed over to me and Danheng, and we will match, and the antimatter army will ensure that the pieces of armor killed by us will not be left."

"Hehe, add me one, we'll leave a piece of armor together."

The Law of Knowledge inserts into the stubble of March 7.


March Seven's lively look made Dan Heng rub his forehead, "You two, are you sure it's not us who were killed indiscriminately together?" "

"Whatever, every mission, I do my best, so that I won't be killed by that kind of goods."

March Seven stared at Danheng Dao.

"Rescue, it's no problem to do me a favor."

Luo Ya, just closed his eyes, and the next moment, the invisible air pressure was released at this moment.

Under the use of 'breath', the invading pawns were crushed and shattered by this momentum.

The precise blow of the God of Destruction is unmatched.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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