In a chat group.

[Roya: There are quite a few interesting things in this universe, and if it is destroyed like this, I am really a little reluctant. 】

[Fu Xuan: Ahem...].

Fu Xuan, who drank water, almost choked.

In this way, she also has to thank Roya's great kindness, otherwise the entire universe will be shattered.

[Roya: Speaking of which, you should be the one from Taibusi, I also had a fight with the 'Patrol' before, and that guy lost me a star core. 】

[Fu Xuan: You and Emperor Bow Si ordered a conflict? 】

Taibu Sizhong.

Fu Xuan's expression revealed a shocked face.

Emperor Bow Si Ming, actually fought with such an existence?

[Luo: That's right, just came to this universe, I haven't seen the power of the Star God, so I just tried the strength level of the Star God. 】

[Roya: How to say, it's not bad, 'patrol' that guy. 】

[Ding, group member Luo Ya uploaded the 'Battle with the Star God Patrol' video! ] 】

In the picture, the figures of the patrol star god and Roa are displayed.

With just one blow, the collision of two gods destroyed a galaxy at this moment.

[Raiden Jin: So, what is that... With just one blow, countless stars were destroyed. 】

[Zhongli: Those countless stars should have many worlds similar to Tivat. 】

[Kiana: It's really worthy of destroying God-sama. 】

Kiana shivered with fear, fortunately, this Lord God of Destruction was a god who was easy to get along with.

Otherwise, the collapsed universe would have been destroyed long ago.

[The Law of Knowledge: I, I seem to have said something wrong, that Lord Destruction God, tens of millions of adults do not care about the little woman~].

[Roya: Don't be too nervous, just let you understand the concept of the God of Destruction and the Star God, my existence is only responsible for maintaining the balance of the universe, and I will not do anything to destroy the universe if it is not necessary. 】

[Luo: In addition, there is a description of the power system of my universe in the chat group, as well as a description of the fate of the Star Iron Universe, you can download it to understand. ] 】

[Roya: If you want to become stronger, or witness the scene outside the sky, you can learn from each other about the systems of other universes. 】

[Angel Yan: Can the power systems of other universes also be used in different universes? 】

[Roya: The role of chat groups is very magical, and naturally it can be effective. 】

[Marquis Voban: That's right, I'm now studying the 'Breath Practice Instructions' provided by Lord Destroyer, and the power of Qi is much more magical than I imagined. 】

[Marquis of Voban: It's just that if you want to continue to improve, it is estimated that it will be difficult, and the old man has not yet understood how to better increase the qi energy. ] 】

The 'qi' of Dragon Ball, how to say, belongs to a kind of life energy of living things.

Sensing qi, using qi, this is the most basic.

[Luo Ya: Righteous qi, evil qi, courage, vitality, strong qi, and other spiritual forces belong to a kind of qi. 】

[Luo: How to develop 'qi' depends on your respective understanding. 】

However, it is certain that mastering 'qi' can achieve many incredible things.

[Fu Xuan: It's amazing, the power of 'qi', there is such a magical system. 】

[Fu Xuan: Is it completely compatible with the fate system? 】

[Luo: How to say, of course, fate depends on the gaze of the star god, and 'qi' is your own power. 】

[Luo: If the breath is strong, crossing the universe is also easy, but relying on fate, crossing the universe is much easier than 'qi'. 】

After all, 'Qi' relies on its own strength, and if it is not strong enough, it will not be able to cross the universe.

[Angel Yan: The breath system, it is indeed quite outrageous, the fate system, I want to ask the Lord God of Destruction, can it also have an effect in any universe? ] 】

[Luo: Join the chat group, the universe where the chat group members are located, the power system should also be interconnected. ] 】

[Roya: You can try it, you should be able to understand. 】

[Alicia: The breath can be understood, what kind of existence is destiny? 】

[Raiden Zhen: Although I am dead, I am still very curious about the breath and fate system, can Lord Destruction please help interpret it? 】

[Ding, group member Luo Ya completed the interpretation of the chat group breath and fate system, and obtained 300 points. ] 】

[Fu Xuan: Fate...].

The Xianzhou Alliance is all pursuing the fate of 'patrolling'.

It is undeniable that Fu Xuan is also quite curious about how the gods understand the fate system.

Luo Ya looked at the information of the chat group and looked at the rewards provided by the chat group, and he continued to interpret it with compassion.

[Roya: Destiny, you can understand the laws mastered by the star gods, and the birth of each star god represents the beginning of destiny. 】

[Roa: The existence of fate is part of the imaginary number, which Alicia and Kiana should know better, in short, a metaphysical spiritual aggregate. 】

[Roya: Meet a specific existence, this part of the imaginary number energy will be occupied by some intelligent creature, become a star god, and the ability to have is fate. 】

The 'imaginary number' exists in reality, and mastering the 'fate' to become the pioneer is the star god.

The existence that pursues the path of destiny is only the fate walker of the star god no matter what.

[Marquis of Voban: In this case, the potential of the breath system should be higher than that of the fate system. 】

[Zhongli: If you practice the breath system, can you also sublimate to the level of a star god? 】

[Luo: Then it depends on their respective comprehension of 'qi', and the breath system is a potential breakthrough for their own life. 】

[Roya: If you work hard, you may be able to burn the galaxy, if you don't understand anything, you can read the file record of the chat group. ] 】

Having said so much, Roya didn't bother to continue.

[Zhongli: Thank you Lord Destroyer for his interpretation. 】

For Luo Ya's interpretation, Zhong Li seemed to understand a lot.

There is also a clear understanding of the difference between fate and breath system.

[Zhongli: I don't know when Lord Destruction will have time, Zhongli hopes to consult with you. 】

[Zhongli: Liyue will entertain you with the greatest gift. 】

Zhong Li's words were filled with respect.

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