Star Cockroach

Chapter 223: Xiaocheng Realm

Youli County is an ancient large county that was established earlier than Chiken County, with a larger number of insect populations than Chiken County.

The owner of the County of Lili found that Li Zhufeng had insufficient defensive power. After returning to the county, he immediately dispatched 10 senior soldiers to assist the defense. A total of 40 elite fighters are selected and guarded on a quarterly basis.

Babu is of course willing to accept that these soldiers will be arranged to live in the northwest of Li Zhufeng ... guarding the melon field, and usually can help to remove a wild weed growing on the mountain.


Li Zhufeng was attacked, a large number of bamboo poles given by the rain bamboo **** were destroyed, and then they grew miraculously.

The news spread.

The owner of Daye County came to check the status of the rain bamboo gods, and ordered a batch of rain bamboo bamboo seeds.

The host of Qinggang County, the host of Chongrong County, the host of Hongrong Mountain, and the host of Red Orange Mountain also took the time to lie down, visit the circle, carefully check the various bamboo species, and then ask for some rain bamboo seeds Take it back and give birth to your mountain warriors.

For the worm-like race that survives in the wild, beast warriors attacking the territory is an unavoidable threat.

The news passed to the tribe of black and white flowers. The owner of Huabaishan came over. It represents the owner of Qiufeng County. At a unit price of one rough stone, 500 green bamboo and rain bamboo seeds are ordered each year.

After several days of excitement, Li Zhufeng returned to peace.


"Squeak ..."

Late at night, the molar warning sound of a bamboo rat soldier suddenly sounded under the mountain.

The King Rat, who lived nearby, immediately ran to Bambu cave to report.

"Banbu, that tanuki warrior has appeared again, on the northwest side ... Zizhu found it, and it was hunted down by the clouded leopard warrior, as if he was about to die ..."

"Where ?!" Banbu was startled, stood up and said, "Look down at the mountain."

Down the mountain.

The civet warrior lay in the bushes, breathing weakly.

Panbu mental glance glanced to confirm that no injuries were caused by excessive fatigue.

The King Rat did not like the breath of the raccoon warrior, and stood watching in the distance.

Zizhu shrank in the depths of the hidden cave passage and refused to show up.

As it happened, Baizhu ran over and asked, "Banbu, what's going on? Is there another beast warrior attacking Li Zhufeng?"

The spotted antennae pointed at the bloodthorn plexus and said, "Go, drag it out."

Bai Zhu moved closer, looked at the bloodthorn cluster, turned his head and wanted to escape.

Babu grabbed her claws, threw them into the bloodthorn bushes, and calmly said, "Dare you run, I will deduct you for a year's salary."

"Bamboo ..." Bai Zhu begged for mercy, turned his head to see, and found that the raccoon warrior was breathless, and he was about to die.

The raccoon warrior slowly raised his head, glanced, grinned, and fangs.

"Yeah!" Bai Zhu jumped in shock, ran away from the bleeding thorn bushes, ran a distance, felt wrong, and ran back again, seriously:

"Banbu, I'm not afraid of it, but I feel it is hungry now. I propose to give it something to eat first. When it is full, it will have the strength to come out on its own."

Brenda said, "Then you go up the mountain and get a piece of meat to dry."

"Okay!" Bai Zhuru was pardoned and hurried up the mountain.

The King Mouse stood in the distance and observed for a while, seeing that the Tanuki warrior was indeed no threat, and pondered that he was the boss of the bamboo rat warrior. He couldn't even be as good as Bai Zhu, and dared to come forward.

"Banbu, Zizhu said that it also sensed another force fluctuation at the time, like the breath of a clouded leopard warrior."

Brenda said: "Probably the beast fighters found out that it was sending a message to our Li Zhufeng, which led to the failure of the sneak attack, so they hunted it down."

King Rat said: "It should be like this, the clouded leopard also runs very fast and is good at hunting in the jungle."

The Rat King asked the question he was most concerned about: "Banbu, are you planning to keep it?"

Brenda said: "If it wants to, then stay."

The Rat King shrank his neck and did not speak.

Babu added: "You can let it go to Shannan and live with the big bear, it will not affect you."

King Rat said: "Then we move and live in Shanbei!"

Bambu was speechless and said, "Okay."


Bai Zhu is really smart, dragging a python skin pocket full of all kinds of animal meat.

They were all stripped from the beast warriors who had been attacked last time. It has been air-dried. The weather has been bad in recent days and it has not been completely processed.

The meat of the beast warrior is not very good, but it is far superior to the ordinary meat in nutrition, and it is good for growth before and after consumption.

Bai Zhu opened the bag and said, "This is saber-toothed tiger meat, this is Morin wolf meat, this is bridge crocodile meat, this is kasuga meat, this is clouded leopard meat. Banbu, which flavor do you like?"

"Xia Xuan," Ban said: "Cut up a little more and send it in."

Bamboo rat paws are flexible.

White bamboo cut a small piece, threw it into the bloodthorn bush, passed through the branches and leaves to block, and landed accurately on the side of the raccoon soldier.

The raccoon warrior struggled to stand up, swallowed the piece of meat, and then fell down again.

Bai Zhu shrinks back, cuts a piece, and throws it beside him.

This time, the Tanuki warrior took a long rest before he got up to eat, and after eating, he didn't fall down. Two sapphire-like eyes exuded gloom and stared at Baizhu.

"Banbu ... how do I feel it wants to eat me?" Bai Zhu was so scared that he turned his head and saw that the Rat King had disappeared.

"Banbu, I think it can eat on its own." Bai Zhu dropped a word and turned away.

Babu stretched out her forelegs, held Baizhu in her arms, and said, "It's urging you to move the meat faster. Continue!"

"Okay." Bai Zhuyu directly threw a piece of Xia Zhi into the bloodthorn bush.

The raccoon warrior narrowed his eyes at the white bamboo, walked forward slowly, and dart his head intently.

Bai Zhu emphasized again: "Banbu, I feel it wants to eat me!"

"Okay, you can go." Banbu saw that Bai Zhu was so scared that his urine flowed out quickly, and he couldn't bear the torture.

Bai Zhu won the order, and then there was no shadow.

This is the fastest speed it can burst out of its lifetime.

Then, the shadow flickered, and ran back again, and asked with surprise: "Banbu, look ~ ~ Did my" Phantom Lost "footwork reach the level of Xiaocheng you said?"

"..." Bambo replied, "Yes."

Bai Zhudao: "Banbu, do you say that the King Mouse is a genius ?! It has not reached the level of Xiaocheng!"

Ban said: "Baizhu, you are lucky. This is called a breakthrough."

"Breakthrough?" White bamboo's eyeballs rolled down, glanced at the raccoon soldier, understood the meaning of the word, flickered, and ran to the territory of King Mouse.


"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

The blob threw the silk bag next to the bush of thorns.

The raccoon warrior stepped forward, dragged a piece of jerky from the bag, immediately went deep into the bloodthorn bush, and buried his head to eat.

Banbu asked, "The clouded leopard warrior is hunting you down?"

"Cloud Leopard Warrior?" The Tanuki Warrior thought for a while before he understood the meaning of the expression. "Yes, the Cloud Leopard Warrior is going to kill me."

Banbu asked: "Where do they live? Do they have a fixed territory?"

"Yes," the Tanuki warrior shook his tail, pointing northwest of the mountain range, and said, "There, far, far away, there are trees, and the fruits are delicious."

Biaobu looked around, and his heart was roughly: it should be the god-giving seed of the wild camellia tree in Yunwu Mountain!

Banbu asked: "Fruit matured a while ago, right?"

"Yes," said the Tanuki warrior. "The trees were the first I discovered. They don't give me fruit."

Brenda said: "The seed of the camellia tree is a godsend, and the fruit is called camellia fruit. It strengthens the ability of earth and stone elements and does little to help you grow."

"You just stay at Li Zhufeng." Banbu pointed to the south of the mountain and said, "There is a black bear warrior there. It's called a big bear. You live with it and it can protect you."

The civet cat soldier didn't answer, and buried himself in food.

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