Star Cockroach

Chapter 215: Kill it, kill you

God-given fights are very rare. Herbaceous plants are spread by 20,000 branches, and the scene is quite spectacular. The three mountain owners, including Huang Wen, are here, and they are here to watch.

Spotted on the ground.

The Rat King rushed forward and asked, "Bob, look at it, shall we handle it this way?"

The seven-headed bamboo rat warrior has made an emergency response and is digging a trench that is half a meter wide and half a meter deep in favor of the seed of the **** of green bamboo, to prevent the underground stem of the seed of the **** of purple gold from spreading.

"No problem, continue digging, dig deeper!" Ban said, "I'll go to the Zijin God-given seed to communicate."


The seeds of Zijin Shenshen are sown on the southwest side of the middle and upper layers of Li Zhufeng.

Seeds of the **** of green bamboo are sown on the southeast side of the middle and upper layers of Lizhufeng.

The two are separated by more than 1 km, and their respective developments cannot hinder each other at all.

"Zijin, what are you doing?" Banbu tried to keep his mind calm.

"Kill it!" Zi Jinshu Ling Toe puffed up.

Last time, its branches began to spread crookedly. It should have been a long time since the existence of the Cuizhu God-given seed was sensed.

Banbu persuades, "It is also my life plant. You cannot conflict with it. You should be peaceful ..."

"Kill you!" Zijin Shuling threatened.

"..." Bengbu threatened. "Your branches will grow indiscriminately. I will shovel you all!"

"Kill you, kill you ..." Zi Jinshu Ling was irritable, and frantically conveyed various threats and abusive thoughts to the cloth.

"You stupid idiot!"

Babu whispered.

Turned around and shouted "King Rat, come here!"

The Rat King rushed forward.

Banbu pointed at the empty tunnel in front of him "redig, dig here, dig a trench, and stop it."

The spot pointed by the cloth is near the edge of the distribution of the Zijin Godsend's seeds. At this time, the underground stems of the branches are growing rapidly.

The King of Rats is in trouble.

In case the underground stem is injured, the loss will be great.

Babu ordered "Don't leave it, dig!"

King Rat greeted the other six bamboo rat warriors, and excavated carefully from a distance.

Banbu again said to the main man of Huangwen Mountain, "Our Lord of Huang Wenshan, there may be something that needs to trouble you."

"No trouble." Lord Huang Wenshan asked, "Need help?"

Bian Bu said, "Thank you for helping me collect some hard stones. Excavate the trenches and build them with mountain stones to separate them."

Banbu stretched out her forelimbs, pointed to the seed of the Cuizhu **** in the distance, and said, "It's also a restless guy."

"Banbu, you shouldn't plant the God-given seed so close, something must be wrong." Lord Huang Wenshan said, shaking the tentacles, and greeted "white velvet, brown leather, call the little guy down the mountain , Help out together, get some rocks. "

Banbu said to the big head, who was at a loss, "Big head, remove all the amber fruits that were not used last year."

Amber fruit was originally prepared for the seed of the God of Rain Bamboo. As a result, the rice was condensed and was useless. There are more than a hundred in total, and a lot of them.

Banbu personally picked a thick moso bamboo pole on the mountain and cut it into bamboo tubes to prepare amber juice.


The trenches to be excavated are not long, less than 50 meters, and the depth of 1 meter is enough. They are all soft floating soil, which is very easy for bamboo rat warriors to work out quickly.

The three mountain owners, along with 11 senior fighters including the wind chimes, all helped, and soon enough pieces of stone were cut and transported.

The patches are polished smoothly and neatly, paved with masonry, and the amber juice is poured at the stubble position without leaving a gap.

Finally, a 20-cm-high stone ridge was set aside on the ground to prevent underground stems from crawling from the ground and across the boundary.

Zijinshu's aura was so violent that he frantically passed on various negative emotions to Banbu.

Babu saw that it was very active, and it was estimated that there would be no problem. He told the big head that there was no need to use raw stones to supplement the original force. Watering was enough. Do n’t give any biogas residues, and starve it for several days.


After packing the Zijin God-gathered seeds, the spotted cloth flew up to the top of Lizhu Peak, and cleaned up the belly bamboo and red rice.

Genetic evolution, the law of growth is slower as it goes up.

Red Rice is currently only a l6 intermediate fighter.

Belly bamboo and red rice arrived at l4 and l2 respectively, and the two guys joined together to justify a tie with Red Rice.

Three little guys fight each other almost every time they meet.

Every time they fight, Banbu definitely punishes the provocative belly bamboo and red rice, which makes them both have the idea of ​​"Banbu favors red rice" and gradually starts to be hostile to red rice.

I am afraid that this development will lead to more serious contradictions.

After much deliberation, Banbu only came up with a biased way to give the wind chimes more red rice to help the growth of the force food, to help red rice grow quickly, to promote senior soldiers. Cut off the Force Food of Belly Bamboo and Red Rice and inhibit their growth.

Opening the gap between their strengths, Belly Bamboo and Red Rice are not rivals of Red Rice, so there should not be so many things.


Trivial troubles in life are easy to deal with.

Troubles in the jungle are beginning to make Banbu headache.

First, there was news from Li Zhu. The area of ​​Flame Cluster was attacked by 5 Morpho fighters. Fortunately, two senior fighters were stationed. In addition, the soldiers stationed in Pu Tao Territory provided timely support and repelled the pack .

Flame cluster spotted slightly injured.

The attacked wolves were prepared, the sneak attack failed, they immediately retreated, were good at hiding, and were unable to find their tracks.

The Jinping Mountains were also unsteady. When the owner of Bairong Mountain came down for hunting, he was attacked by a clouded leopard. Apparently, he had laid an ambush, and retreated in one blow.

The jungle situation has gradually stabilized.

Beast warriors have begun a retaliatory attack on the Dai territory.

There have been reports of attacks on the Red Orange Mountains and the Shurong Mountains.

The contradictions caused by land reclamation and expansion began to erupt, and the threat of the beast warriors began to manifest at this time.


This spring, I'm busy in restlessness.

The only gratifying thing is the sowing of Ghost.

Ghost line bamboo is a "distorted species". After hundreds of years of cultivation of Chiwu Ghost King, the gene was screened from generation to generation, and the defective genes were repaired. The plant seedlings were quite robust.

Bamboo sets five bamboo species, namely stiff bamboo, ebony bamboo, purple bamboo, small bamboo gangue, and golden silk bamboo, which are ready to be used to hybridize with Ghost Phyllostachys ~ ~ Find out which bamboo Ghost Phyllostachys is Gene mutations are generated, gene reduction is completed, and then a second round of three-line crosses can be performed.

If it goes well, you will definitely get a new hybrid bamboo species that is several times better than the green bamboo and the rain bamboo!

The number of experimental bamboo species has increased, and the breeding work has become complicated and cumbersome.

Extra busy.

Unconsciously, in mid-March, it seems that summer is about to begin, and the caravan is long overdue.

"Excuse me, Bhushan? I'm Huang Jing Caravan."

The shouting was from Huang Jingjun.

Babu drilled out of the cave to look out. The caravan was unprecedentedly large. The heavy building walked with the owner of Huangjing County, along the Jinping Mountains, and came from the Shuirong Mountain.

Suddenly they realized that they had learned the exact information of the land reclamation and expansion in Qiufeng County, and knew that the Thuja and Jinping mountains were dangerous at this time, so they walked together and detoured.


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