Star Cockroach

Chapter 208: Transactions that cannot be rejected

"Master of Thunder Bamboo, how do you plan to buy?"

Facing the problem of Bianbu, the owner of Leizhu County did not answer it positively, but introduced himself: "Banboshan, I also have three god-given seeds, one of which is the yellow sky fruit tree, which is our ghost face. The tribe's signature tree species is a high-quality variant of the sky tree. "

"The kind of God-enhanced earth-enhancing ability of the yellow sky tree is in line with the natural abilities of our ghost tribe tribe. The quality of lower-quality goods is expected to be upgraded to the standard quality, or even the upper-quality goods."

"I am just over a hundred years old this year. The 4-year-old county master is the youngest soldier in Chiwu Mountain who is most likely to be promoted to the ghost king. After the Chiwu ghost king, I will also take over the position of the master of Chiwu mountain."

The leader of Leizhu County shook his tentacles again, pointing to the senior warrior at the end of the team, and introduced: "It's called Sarat, a little warrior who was born just 4 years ago in Chiwu Mountain. God's gift. The strengthening effect is a rather precious speed enhancement. At present, it is of superior quality. According to the law, there is a certain hope that it will be upgraded to the highest quality in the future. "

"If I fail to promote the King of Kings, then Sarat will succeed me as the master of the Chiwu Mountain."

Lei Zhudao: "The owner of Bambou Mountain, not only the owner of Chiwu Mountain, but also me and Sarat, we can assure you that the golden thread bamboo and colorful bitter bamboo that are traded will never spread to the outside world, and we will not communicate with you Fight for bamboo trade. "

The owner of Zhonglou Mountain said, "Banbo Mountain Lord, our Symphony Flamespider tribe can guarantee this."

Lei Zhudao: "Our Ghost-faced Tribe is a first-class strong tribe in the southwest, and has not had any credible stains."

The Chiwu Ghost King did get mad. He sent the two most potential fighters of the tribe to such a place, and he was not afraid of something unexpected.

Full of sincerity and positive rejection, I am afraid that we must first become stalemate with Zhonglou.

Banbu asked again: "Leizhu County Master, how do you plan to buy?"

Lei Zhudao: "400,000 rough stones, plus a bamboo species that can bloom and seed every year, exchange your golden thread and colorful bitter bamboo."

"Sure enough, you have collected bamboo species that can bloom and seed every year!" Banbu shook his tentacles and asked, "Which variant of bamboo is it?"

"This ... ashamed, we have insufficient knowledge of bamboo species in Chiwu Mountain, and have not yet identified them." Lei Zhu was a little embarrassed and said, "It is a medium-sized bamboo species, similar to ebony and purple bamboo, and slightly bamboo pole Dwarf, dark green, rod-shaped gray-black linear vertical stripes, the Chiwu ghost king named it 'Ghost Line Bamboo'. "

Lei Zhu said, adding: "Ghost line bamboo was bought back from the IWC by the caravan of the Symphony Flame Spider tribe more than 200 years ago. In addition to our Chiwu Mountain, many seeds were sold to other insect warriors. territory."

"The time has passed too long, and it is impossible to test whether G. nebulosa is unique to Chiwu Mountain. We in Chiwu Mountain never thought of monopolizing this bamboo species, so we should give it to the owner of Banbu Mountain."

Lei Zhu continued: "We have collected more than 150 bamboo species in Chiwu Mountain. If you need it, you can cultivate seeds in the future. We can entrust the caravan to send you one each."

Including green bamboo and rain bamboo, Li Zhufeng currently only has 64 bamboo species.

The bamboo species of Chiwu Mountain is the treasure of Chiwu Ghost King's life, and most of them are missing. This is the most tempting condition!

Banbu tentatively asked, "You don't have a dry season in the south? IMHO, apart from natural drought, I don't think there is any other way you can stimulate bamboo flowering and seeding."

Lei Zhudao: "There is no fixed dry season in the south, but there are droughts. You are reminded by our method, the bamboo under the mountain is not afraid of drought, but the bamboo on the mountain cannot bear the drought. Our mountains in the southwest, It is much taller and more majestic than your eastern region. The top of Chiwu Mountain is covered with snow all the year round, and the mountainside is surrounded by clouds and mists. It is a spectacle. "

"Oh ... that Chiwu Mountain is indeed quite high!" Banbu asked: "Leizhu County Lord, how many years can you have a drought in the Southwest?"

Lei Zhudao: "It is not very stable. Judging from experience, the general rule is that there is a small drought in three or five years and a severe drought in two or three decades."

"That's not bad." Banbu gently touched the tentacles, and weighed the language, saying: "400,000 rough stones, ghost line bamboo seeds, and various rare bamboo seeds ... the hardest thing to refuse is your sincerity! "

The leader of Leizhu County said hi, "The owner of Bambo Mountain agreed?"

Brenda said: "I can't refuse."


Chonglou and Lei Zhu had a large number of soldiers, and all of them were of large size. Li Zhufeng must not be crowded, and the transaction was conducted at the foot of the mountain.

Thunder Bamboo brought 300 Ghost Bamboo Bamboo Rice.

Banbu also handed over 300 seeds of golden thread bamboo and colorful bitter bamboo to each of them.

The Zhonglou Caravan will return to the family land directly. It will come back next year, and the Zijin bamboo rice is not yet mature, and the sales trade is scheduled for the next spring.

I got 400,000 rough stones all at once, and naturally I found a caravan for consumption, and purchased a batch of high-quality force food for all members on the mountain.

Rapid growth and evolution leave hidden dangers, but they are not absolute.

For the particularly rich bug warriors, the caravan is prepared to have a special "growth package". As long as you are willing to pay a large price, you can quickly and worry-freely promote.

There is another reason for Babuken to exchange golden thread bamboo and colorful bitter bamboo because Li Zhufeng's overall strength needs to be improved and it really needs a rough.

After a quick purchase, the whole stone of the entire 10 silk bags was squandered.

Banbu plans to promote himself to the L7 senior fighter in the spring of next year, and then he will be promoted to the senior L8 fighter within the next year. Within three years of planning, the promotion of mountain masters will be 2 years faster than normal growth, at the cost of approximately 150,000 rough stones.

The big bear is currently the most important fighting force of Li Zhufeng. The growth of the mountain owner is difficult and slow. Banbu deliberately spent a large price to buy a force food package for "strengthening power" and a "strengthening speed" for upgrading in a short time. Melee combat.

The big head is currently an L1 senior fighter, and he is responsible for too much work. He hopes that it will be promoted to the L4 senior fighter as soon as possible.

Red rice has good talents and grows fast. It is currently an L5 intermediate fighter and is expected to be promoted to a senior fighter next fall.

Cattails, belly bamboo, and red rice are a little bit worse. In any case, they cannot be promoted to high-level fighters in a short time, and they cannot have the ability to participate in the battle. The seven-headed bamboo rat warrior, timid and timid, may not be able to fight in this life. Babu buys slightly less of the Force Food for them.

The land reclamation and expansion in late autumn and early winter this year, the Iron Knife Mountains will also face a crisis. The flamingo dwellings live alone at the end of the mountains. Safety is a problem. Bianbu does not scatter rough stones, and buys five luxury packages for it in one go ~ ~ comprehensive strengthening, helping it to grow rapidly and improve combat capabilities. Even direct elders, the influence of plain gift is too good, things are sneaked away late at night.

The melons from the Western Region are super delicious and affordable.

Banbu also bought 20 small melon in one breath, ellipse, about 13 cm in length, about 6 cm in diameter, and weighed more than 0.5 kg.

Strengthened carapace (bone), standard low quality, super affordable, single price is only 300 rough stones, after eating melon, there are many melon seeds inside.

Cut one piece every night, and the members of Li Zhufeng add up and can just finish eating.

In addition, he can send a piece to the mountain for a taste of the raccoon warrior.

Probably the last time the Zhonglou and Leizhu teams arrived, there were too many county masters and senior fighters, and I was really scared and timid. Now, even if Li Zhufeng's weakest white bamboo approaches, it will turn around and flee.

The small and medium-sized beast of the civet cat is in the middle of the jungle food chain. The civet cat soldier only escapes fast, and the frontal battle is vulnerable.

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