Star Cockroach

Chapter 188: Enthusiast of Tieshan

The blood thorn fruits of the bloodthorn god-given seed are ripe, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by beast warriors.

The nearest Iron Blade Mountains and Shuirong Mountains, the farther Yangtze Mountains and Red Orange Mountains, the four mountain fighters, were informed, and after a certain amount of time, they will rush to Li Zhufeng one after another every day to help eat the bloodthorn pulp.

Every night, at least 20 soldiers are stranded. In addition, Tiedaoshan Lord sits in the town. Unless it is a large-scale herd, it is impossible to threaten the safety of Li Zhufeng.

The rhubarb fruit ficus also came here, sent 200 ficus fruits, took away 1,000 blood spines, and the patch had to replenish 1,000 of them next year.

After the bloodthorn fruit, the purple golden bamboo is ripe.

A team of big heads of worker ants carried dried blood thorns, put them into spider silk bags, and stored caves.

Another team of big heads of worker ants, carrying fresh purple gold bamboo rice, spread out outside the cave to dry, store them in bags after drying.

The harvested autumn season is full of joy and joy.

Especially the two little guys who jumped up and down the belly bamboo and red rice, added vitality.

Babu needs to reserve 18,000 pieces of bamboo rice to sell the caravan, with 11520 remaining.

Give 5,000 bears to Big Bear for growth and promotion.

3,000 rats were given to the King of Rats. The King of Rats is too old and needs to grow and promote as soon as possible.

The remaining spots are kept for eating by themselves, and they eat enough daily to ensure their own growth rate. It is best to be able to catch up with the L6 senior warrior in the spring of next year, breed the god-giving seeds in the life bag, and then plant them.

The other is that the Feitianhuo tribe is clamoring to open up wasteland next year. The cloth is 100% sure that there will be a large number of animal warriors fleeing into the Iron Blade Mountains and Jinping Mountains, and other surrounding mountains will be more or less affected.

At that time, the owner of Tiedaoshan was too busy to take care of himself.

The big bear should be able to be promoted to the top of the mountain. However, the big bear alone is definitely not enough, and Banbu must improve his strength as soon as possible.


The purple gold bamboo rice seems to be large in quantity, but the actual amount is not large. The spotted cloth leaves less than 4,000 pieces for itself.

In late spring and early winter, the condensed grass seeds of the cattail god-given seed matured, and the yield in the first year was very low, which was of inferior quality.

Banbu set off with a small amount of cattail seeds and 3,000 blood thorns, went straight to Chiken County, and visited the owner of Chijian County.

The 3,000 blood thorns were ordered by the Chijian County owner last year, and the deposit was paid. The balance of thousands of rough stones, the spot cloth purchased 100 red nuts at a unit price of 40 rough stones, and got 2,000 rough stones.

Pay a courteous visit to the queen of the fire lotus, and inform the cattails of the current situation, without much stay, turn to go straight to the Qinggang Mountains, and visit the owner of Tieyu Mountain.

Tiepi fruit has good quality, good fortification effect, and super affordable price. The only drawback is that it is really difficult to communicate with the owner of Tieyushan.

"Lord Tieshan, I'm the spotter of Li Zhufeng. May I visit you?"


This time, the owner of Tieyu Mountain did not work in the mountains and forests, but stood in front of a flat square and watched the ant colony dry the iron capsules.

This time, the little ant king named "Strong" did not flee, but instead timidly hid at the entrance of the anthill hole to watch.

"Lord Tieshan!" Bambu landed and said plainly, "I need to buy some Takiya fruit."

Lord Tieshan was even more simple, and asked, "How much?"

Brenda said: "I brought 2,000 rough stones."

Lord Tiekuan shouted, "Be strong, command the ant colony, and hand over 400 iron golems."

Command strong ant colony operations.

Banbu took out the rough stone and gave it to the owner of Tieyushan. Then he took out 10 cattail seeds and handed it to the owner of Tieyushan, saying, "Just produced this year, the goddess of the cattail bee queen was a junior fighter. Low, but it will improve next year, you try it. "

"It's okay," said Master Tie Yunshan briefly, "how to sell?"

Bian sermon: "After the quality is improved, which is the standard inferior quality, 10 cattail seeds are sold for 1 rough."

Cattails grow in clusters. Each cluster draws 8 spikes. Each spike can condense 64 cattail seeds. The particles are spherical and small. They are one size smaller than the condensed grass seeds of the common spotted weed species. The diameter is about 1 mm. .

The master of Tieyushan turned his mind very quickly. With a little thought, he had a general idea and said, "Yes."

Banbu asked, "How much do you want?"

Tieyushan said: "The little queen bee grows very slowly. I will buy as much as you want."

"..." Zanbu could not help but sacrifice a huge seed of the **** of iron cypress tree with a height of more than 40 meters in the distance: It is said that the number of hanging fruits is particularly large. Does it produce tens of thousands of iron worms a year?

Feeling, Tieyao Shuling is crazy to pass the idea of ​​anger and urgency to the master of Tieyao Mountain. Like ordinary tree spirits, it is extremely repellent to all strange beings.

"Lord Tieshan, I still have a little thing for you to help." Banbu waved his tentacles and said, "It seems to scare Tieya Shuling? Let's talk over there."

"Okay." Master Tieyushan flew directly to the sky and landed in the distant pear forest.

Bianbu followed.

Lord Tieshan asked, "What's the matter?"

Banbu said, "I'm going to plant some pear trees near the territory, and I want to ask you for some good quality pear seeds."

After finishing talking, Banbu added, "The type of pear tree that has a lot of flowering and a lot of results. If it is really precious, you can spend the original stone to buy it."

"Pear tree? A little warrior who likes Li Zhu was born in your territory?" The main emotion of Lord Tieshanshan fluctuated, and it was violent.

"Ahem, that's not ..." Banbu was a little embarrassed and had a clever idea. "I think pear blossoms are very beautiful. Pears are still a very delicious fresh fruit. I want to grow some and enrich mountain tree species. In the future, mountain warriors You can also choose one more when choosing a life plant. "

"Yes, the pear tree is the best tree species!" The owner of Tieshanshan said excitedly, "Banbu, are you planning to cultivate the pear tree?"

"That ... I have such a plan," Banbu said. "Appropriate planting. In the future, if small warriors like pear trees are born in the mountains, I will cultivate them on a large scale."

"You have a lot of god-given seeds, your mountains will be very prosperous, and more than one little warrior who likes pear trees will definitely be born in the future!"

Speaking of Lishu, the owner of Tieyushan suddenly changed his mind and turned into a taciturn, exposing the face of a traitor, enthusiastically selling, and confusedly said:

"Banbu, you can first plant it in the mountains on a large scale. In the future, you will have a small warrior, and you can directly take over ~ ~ Banbu. White as snow, planting a pear forest, the aroma spread across several mountains, the wind passed, the petals fell like snowflakes ... "

"Pears are a plant that requires low soil fertility and is resistant to drought. It is easy to manage. It can be fertilized once or twice a year in the three seasons of spring, summer, and autumn. They can survive without irrigation in the dry season."

"I have collected and planted a total of 39 varieties of pear trees, including 8 rare pear species including honey pears and eight-faced pears. They all have seeds, and there are many ready-made two-year young plants. Let me show you. Look. "

"Uh ... okay." Ban Bu was said to be a little confused, so he could only answer this.

Speaking of pear trees, the master of Tieshan Mountain is talking more and more vigorously, visiting the gardens that are full of pear trees, and explaining to the cloth the habits and characteristics of various types of pear trees, and explaining its mastery through hybridization and grafting techniques to obtain Experience with quality pears.

Farewell, the 39 kinds of pear seeds were packaged one each and presented with a cloth.

That's a big spider bag!

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