Star Cockroach

Chapter 180: Maybe a little warrior

Where the Force is plentiful, the probability of giving birth to the seed will increase. The Fei Tian Huo Lu is the most powerful tribe of the Huo Lu Kingdom. They occupy almost all the rich land. Overall, it is easier for their tribe to find God-sent seeds.

Owning a God-given seed is sitting on wealth and prosperity.

The rise and fall of reincarnation is inevitable, and the flying fire tribe will fall, but it will never perish.

Reciprocating between spawning and annihilation will always be the tributary tribe living in the marginal mountains.

Banbu happily ran to Yangtze Peak to visit, and ended up talking about a heavy topic of ethnic development.

The seven bamboo rat warriors were sent to Zhuhai with interest, and flew back to Li Zhufeng alone.


When Bubu left, she invited Thuja to help guard it.

Yabai brought the little warrior that Tie Daofeng was born last year.

This little warrior has reached the level of L8 junior warrior. He very rarely likes the iron sword tree. The owner of the iron sword mountain named it "iron flower".

Tiehua and Belly Bamboo fit together, two little guys playing in front of the cave.

Belly bamboo is a small snake that can't stop for a moment, and I don't know where to catch it. It is cutting little by little and feeding to the ordinary little cockroaches gathered around.

The little red-headed warrior born in the country had a quieter personality. Tiehua followed him silently, and from time to time issued a series of "squeaky" joyful sounds.

Seeing the return of the spotted cloth, the belly bamboo threw the remaining half of the snake to Tiehua, and shouted happily: "Spotted cloth.

Benbu wanted to find a stubble to learn a few sentences from it, and after hearing a word, Fox asked: "Maybe? Who told you?"

"Yabai said!" Belly bamboo answered definitely.

Banbu asked: "What about Thuja?"

The belly bamboo replied, "It went down to hunt."

"Bob! Hello!" Tiehua dropped the snake, said hello, and then stretched out his forelegs, pointing in one direction, and said, "Bob, over there, it sleeps in the bamboo forest, let us not disturb it. . "

It is a small piece of bamboo forest formed by the growth of Ma bamboo.

Mazhu bamboo poles are thick and tall, with lush foliage, and are dim and dull during the day. The bamboo leaves are delicious, and ordinary small cockroaches like to hide in it.

Zhanbu ’s mental powers unfolded and swept away. No sleeping little cockroaches were found, but a large number of soldiers and ants were found outside the bamboo forest. The red rice guy was also there, a small vigilant look.

Banbu stepped forward and asked, "Red rice, why are you here? Where is that little cockroach?"

Red Rice waved its tentacles, stretched out its forelegs, pointed to the belly bamboo and iron flower, and said angrily: "The two little guys always want to run over to see, Yabai worry that it will disturb the upcoming little warrior and cause the shell to grow. Failure, keep me here. "

Red rice added: "The two of them, whoever dares to approach, I will talk to anyone, Yabai said."

"..." Pan cloth glanced with mental consciousness, and soon found a small cockroach that had been in a deep sleep in a small cricket room. A few eucalyptus leaves were specially covered above the cricket room. It should be rainproof.

The natural force perfused into the body of the small cockroaches at a slow speed, and indeed evolved in the molting shell. The breath is stable and can be achieved.

Belly bamboo and Tiehua seem to have been beaten by Red Rice, standing in the distance and not dare to lean forward.

Red Rice was serious and proud, waving provocatively at the belly bamboo.

"Banbu, Red Rice bullies me! It also bullies Tiehua." The belly bamboo sued.

Babu turned, waved her tentacles, and scolded, "Okay, belly bamboo, iron flower, both of you will play."

Tiehua turned and rushed towards the half of the snake that had been discarded.

When the belly bamboo appeared, he accelerated the charge.

Tiehua first got the half snake. .

Belly bamboo must be robbed.

Then the two little guys started arguing.

"Boring!" Hongdao dismissed Lengheng.

Banbu was still thinking about how to resolve the dispute, and the dispute immediately turned into a fight.

Just looking at the quiet Tiehua, they were unambiguous in the fight.

Belly bamboo was just promoted to the L7 junior fighter. His overall constitution was weaker than that of Tiehua, and he was quickly hit on the ground.

"Banbu, help! Tiehua bullied me!" Bellowed.

"..." Babu shook her wings to lift off and shouted, "Iron flower, let go of the belly bamboo, come, I'll give you something delicious."

Fly down the entrance, drill into the cave, find out the small spider silk bag with snake blood apricot nucleus, take out two and give it to Red Rice, and say, "Red Rice, you are doing well, you are sensible, this is reward."

Red Rice took the snake blood apricot nucleus and proudly said: "Banbu, I am about to be promoted to intermediate soldiers and start to survive independently."

Speaking, squinting and still fighting for the belly of the half snake body and the iron flower, disdain: "I'm not as naive as the two of them. Especially the belly bamboo, spotted cloth, you see, Li Zhufeng can be born You little soldier, you shouldn't buy it back. "

"Hehe ... You can't bully the red rice, you know?" Banbu felt that his elder was a little dignified. He reminded sternly: "Red rice, it is very dangerous to be promoted to intermediate soldiers. Remember to inform the wind chimes in advance, It will guard security. "

"I know." Red Rice promised, peeling off a snake blood apricot nuisance, thinking about it, and flew his wings in front of the belly bamboo and iron flower.

"Grab what? Grab me!" Red Rice lifted one claw, lifted them away, took away half the snake, and dropped a sentence:

"I am hungry."

Belly bamboo and Tiehua immediately quit, they looked at each other, and rushed to red rice.

Spotted dumbfounded: what is going to evolve into a group? Don't worry too much, right?

"Why?" A harsh scream came from afar, and Yabai landed galloping, and asked, "Why are you fighting again? Who is picking?"


Belly bamboo and iron flower extend their forelimbs at the same time and point to red rice.

Hongdao Danding said, "Yabai, these two naive guys are fighting over this little snake, and I will help Banbu to solve the problem."

Red Rice glanced at the two small hooks and mountain pythons held by the hind legs of Yabai, and said seriously: "Yaibai, you have caught two little pythons back, and sooner or later you will be spoiled by you."

"..." Yabai was said in a circle, looking at Bianbu.

"..." Banbu said seriously: "Yabai, I understand. Little fighters cannot be trained together, and they are particularly easy to fight."

Thuja's tentacles were skillfully bent, jogged, and made a coincidence on the heads of belly bamboo and iron flower, sternly: "How did I tell you when I left? No fighting is allowed."

Belly bamboo and Tiehua screamed angrily, glaring at Red Rice resentfully.

Red Rice dismissed it, and dropped half of the snake, saying, "Yaba, Bambu just rewarded me with two snake blood apricot cores, so that I can eat high-force foods with good physical fitness. I need to fill my stomach first."

"Yeah, yes, Red Rice is the most sensible." Yabai grasped a whole elk on his two forelimbs. This was the dinner of many members of the mountain ~ ~ quickly cut a piece of meat and handed it to Red Rice.

The tentacles were erected again, and the remote wireless communication was used to inform the wind chimes living under the mountain to go up for food.

The wind chime's injury has not healed, and usually needs a patch or big bear to help hunt food.

Babu took out two snake blood apricot kernels and handed them to Iron Flower and Belly Bamboo.

"Thank you!" Tiehua rejoiced.

"Bitter! I don't eat it!" Belly bamboo lived next to the Bambou cave, followed by tasting all kinds of force foods, preferring sweets, and hating bitter foods the most.

"If you do n’t eat it, you wo n’t have it." Banbu was very angry, and handed it to Tiehua. "Snake blood apricot nucleus strengthens the blood, which is in line with the natural abilities of our Dai people and the strengthening effect of blood spines , Tiehua, eat more and get promoted to the intermediate fighters soon. "

"Good." Tiehua was rude, and quickly took over the apricot kernels, holding one on each of the two forelimbs, and staring at the dappled spider silk bag: it contained a lot of delicious food!

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