Star Cockroach

Chapter 177: Welcome Ceremony

Big head has always been honest and diligent.

How could the two of them fight?

Babu rushed into the cave and asked, "Big head, what's wrong?"

"Bamboo, help!" Shouted the belly bamboo, somewhat annoyed: "Let me go! Let go of me ..."

The big head said: "Banbu, that's bad, it has broken the pattern you have painted."

Babu smooths the ground and stone walls in the cave, and depicts various body structure diagrams, which are convenient for deduction of exercises.

A glance at it showed that some of the marked text on the side of the pattern was erased and replaced with several ugly and distorted cockroach patterns, which should be masterpieces of belly bamboo. Not only that, the various spider silk bags stacked in the cave have also been turned, and a rough stone was held out by it and fell in half.

This little guy, what a special hand? !!

Red rice has many words and is cheap, and occasionally a poisonous snake can kill the worm. Alright now, another restless master.

Babu had a headache, shook her tentacles, and said, "Big head, let it go."

The big head shook the tentacles and released the order. The four soldier ants released the bite's big jaw, and the colony spread.

Belly bamboo refused to accept, rushed to the big head.

The big tentacles waved, and immediately, the ant colony moved towards the belly bamboo, and the four soldier ants pressed it to the ground again.

"Spotted, help!" Bellow shouted in wailing.

"The big head is an intermediate warrior, commanding an ant colony of 5000 workers and 300 soldiers. You better not mess with it."

Banbu warned, saying, "Big head, loosen it, you go and notify the King Rat, and let it notify the other members of Li Zhufeng, all come up the mountain, welcome ... Welcome to belly bamboo to join Li Zhufeng.

"Oh." The big head shook the tentacles, loosened the belly bamboo, and surrounded by the ant colony, walked down the mountain.

"I forgot, I should fly to attack!" Belly bamboo still unconvinced: "I have seen more ants, it is the weakest ant I have ever seen, and I will definitely win next time."

"No next time!" Banbu warned sternly: "Bamboo, don't have any disputes with other members on the mountain, otherwise, you should be beaten, deserve it."

"Oh." Belly bamboo draped its tentacles.

Banbu pointed to its portrayal and asked, "What did you draw?"

Belly bamboo pointed at the pattern carved by the tarpaulin and asked, "Bamboo, is this you?"

Pointing at the pattern he painted, he said, "This is me!"

"..." Banbu warned: "Don't scribble everywhere in the future."

Babu originally wanted to leave it in the cave and live with him, but now he changed his mind and said, "I'll let my big head help you dig a small cave next to you. You lived in me before you were promoted to middle-level soldier next to."

"The Jinping Mountains are dangerous. I can't leave the mountain without my permission, understand?"

"I see." Belly answered.


All members of Li Zhufeng arrived.

Babu did not expect that the big head still has the gossip side. It will smash belly stones into a rough stone, and appeal to the public all kinds of bad things that damage the pictures in the Babu cave.

The welcome ceremony was a bit awkward.

Red Rice put on a combat posture, waving its tentacles gently, looking at the belly bamboo, a provocative look coming over to fight.

Probably Baizhu this guy ran back and said something to the king of rats. The seven-headed bamboo rat warrior lay on the ground carelessly.

The bear was sitting on the ground, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking. In short, he didn't care much.

Only the wind chimes brought a small gift, some Platycladus orientalis seeds harvested in their territory last year.

"Banbu, does this little guy like bamboo?"

"Yes, I plan to arrange it to live on the mountain temporarily, grow up, and then live on the southeast side. It chooses bamboo as the seed, you can choose the address first and plant it."

"It's a bit unpleasant with Hongdao? It's normal for the little soldier to have conflicts, just grow up. Bubbu, you can arrange it to come and live next to me."

Red rice lives next to the wind chimes.

If we stay here again, will we still fight each day?

Babu shook the tentacles, saying: "It is better to live separately. In the future, it is convenient to defend the whole and take into account the various directions of the mountain."

As he said, cattails were long overdue under the guard of the bee colony.

Perceived that she was unwelcome, Ben had a bit of anxiety, and when he saw cattails, he immediately took off again and exclaimed: "Wow, the little queen queen of the tricyclic bee family!"

Exclaiming, fluttering his wings, he was about to fly to cattails.

The big head responded quickly, with a wave of tentacles. Immediately, several soldier ants rushed forward and pressed down the belly bamboo.

"Bob, bully me!"

"let me go!"

Belly bamboo yelled angrily.

Typha was unclear, so he asked, "Banbu, is this new little warrior? What's its name?"

"My name is Belly Bamboo." Belly Bamboo shouted.

"My name is Cattail." Cattail is happy, and somehow inexplicable.

"Big head, scratch it, tearing its veins." Red Rice added chaos in time.

"Hit it!" Bai Zhu shouted excitedly, the King of Rats stared back, and then shut up.

"Big head, you can't bully belly bamboo." Feng Ling hurriedly discouraged.

"..." Babu had a headache and asked, "Big head, what are you doing? Quickly loosen the belly bamboo."

"Oh." The big head said, "I'm afraid it would hurt Typha."

"Why should I hurt cattails?" Belly bamboo grieved.

"Big head, let go of it," Banbu fanned her veins and said, "Forget it, just like that, let's get out."

"Go!" The Rat King waved his claws, lining up with six little bamboo rat warriors in a straight line, and ran away.

"Big bear, wind chime, let's go!" Red Rice fluttered on the wind chime's head, urging it to leave quickly.

Cattails have some circles, and fortunately they ran hard and flew up the mountain. This is just now, why did they fall apart again?

"Cattail, don't leave first," Banbu asked. "How much of the Force Food you bought last time?"

Xiang Pu replied, "I have already finished one serving, and I'm feeling a little bit far from growing. What should I do?"

Brenda said: "Then take another portion, and strengthen your constitution, which is good for your growth."

"Oh." Cattail answered.

Banbu asked again, "Tianda, how many workers are there?"

Xiangpu replied, "Now I have 500 small-time bees. They are better at collecting honey. With honey food, the bee colony can quickly break through 1,000."

"Cattails are amazing." Banbu praised.

The bee colony currently controlled by Cattail can only be divided into two types of professional bees. One is a kind of professional bee that is similar in size to the bee. It is mainly responsible for fighting, guarding the hive security, and collecting honey, but the efficiency is very low. This kind of small professional bee that is responsible for collecting honey is indistinguishable from the ordinary red cyclic acid bee in nature. The body length is only 0.8 cm and the flying speed is fast. The full-time is to collect honey.

The number of small-time bees reached 1,000 ~ ~ The bee colony controlled by Typha was on the right track.

Just before entering the summer, cattails evolved once and were promoted to L7 junior fighters, and the seeds of cattail gods can be sown.

Banbu said: "Tipon, don't rush back first, stay with me and play with the belly bamboo."

"Okay." Cattail Huanxi replied. It was at Li Zhufeng and had no friends yet.

After a lesson learned, the belly bamboo can be considered to be a little more constrained, and felt that he was not welcomed by other members, so he became close to Typha.

The two little guys shuttled through the patchy jungle of life.

Cattails direct the swarm to collect honey.

Belly bamboo silly BB to learn.

Cattails are enlightening teachings.

Then, when the cloth came back to God, Bai Yusang's only three flower spikes were destroyed ...

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