Star Cockroach

Chapter 167: Purchase iron fruit

On the way back, the blobs were flying very slowly. It was not that cattail and its less than a hundred job bees were heavy, mainly because they were worried that they would fly fast, and strong winds lifted them.

From time to time, you have to check with mental energy to see if it is still there.

Flying all the way, tired.

Path to the Qinggang Mountains, Bambi purposely detoured, and went to visit the master of Tieyu Mountain.


On the mountain, the owner of Tieyu Mountain is carrying the ant colony to work-cutting down the woods and opening up open spaces. It should be intended to plant more pear trees.

The main nature of Tieyu Mountain is that it likes pear trees. It has planted many in its territory. Its life style selection is also based on various pear trees.

"Master Tieyu Mountain, I'm Banbu from the Jinping Mountains. May I come down to visit you?" Banbu circled at a low altitude.

"Yes," Lord Tieshan answered.

The little ant king named Strong was frightened and ran up the mountain in a panic under the guard of the ant colony.

"Spotted cloth!" Cattails were also a little afraid of the owner of Tieyushan, waving their tentacles nervously, and the bee colony fluttered around the spotted cloth, sending out a chaotic "buzzing" wings.

"Crimson acid bee, this is the newly born little bee queen!" Lord Tieshan lives alone, does not love to communicate with his family, and the news is closed. I do n’t know that a little bee queen was born in Chijian County, and his tone seemed a little surprised. Fearing himself, he kept walking backwards and asked:

"Why are you here again?"

Banbu lifted the spider silk bag, opened it, exposed the original stone, and said, "Master Tieshan, your iron capsule is ripe? I want to purchase a batch."

The mental power of Lord Tieyushan was swept away from the cloth, and I felt that the cloth still possessed the metal ability. Without asking, he said directly: "It can be cheaper, 5 rough stones and 1 iron capsule, how much do you need?"

Brenda said: "That's right, I want 200."

The master of Tieyushan encouraged his mental energy and shouted to the little ant king who was panicking: "Strong, send 200 iron loquats down."

The little ant king did not respond, but fled faster. He ran up the hill, got into the anthill, and hid.

The cattails are much bigger, feeling that the owner of Tieyushan is not malicious, and slowly no longer nervous, shaking his wings, landing on the spotted head, curiously staring at the owner of Tieyushan, surprised, the other person's unusually large body.

Babu introduced: "It's called cattail, the little queen bee that was just born this year, and it will have a goddess of cattail. Li Zhufeng cultivates bamboo, and it will help me manage the bamboo sea in the future."

Lord Tieshan asked: "It was born in the domain of the Fire Lotus Queen?"

Banbu replied, "Yes."

"Oh." Lord Tieshan was suddenly silent.

Looking silently at each other, the little ant king's work efficiency was particularly low, and there was no movement for a long time.

Babu was unbearable, broke the silence, and said, "Tie Tie Shan Zhu, take the liberty to ask, at what price is your Tie Dai fruit sold to the caravan?"

The master of Tieyushan did not shy away, saying truthfully: "8 rough stones. They can be sold for at least 10 rough stones in other kingdoms."

Bembo calculates that he can't help secretly rejoicing: he asked the owner of Tieshan to buy it.

However, it is not too much to buy the Force food from the same family at a low price. It is enough to eat enough, and you can not sell it to the caravan. This is the basic principle.

Banbu also proactively suggested: "The fruit produced by the cattail god's gift is about strengthening the fire ability. If you need it, you can also sell it at a low price in the future, that is, the quality may be low."

"Yes." The answer from Lord Tieshan was short and simple.

This temperament is really impossible to communicate, and it is no wonder that the soldiers in the Qinggang Mountains did not like to find it, and even the owner of Huagang County refused to come over.

Babu couldn't find the topic, she just waited in silence.

Finally, the ant colony descended the mountain with the iron fruit.

The fruit particles are small, slightly larger than soybeans, and the shell is smooth and bright with metallic luster. The mental ability has been swept, and the preliminary judgment is that the quality is superior and inferior. It is also found that the nutshell is thin and may not be stored for too long.

The strength of the elemental fruit that strengthens the ability of the elements is relatively constant. 8 rough stones are sold to the caravan. The caravan sells for 10 rough stones, which is the prevailing price.

Benbliso paid for the rough, packed the good stuff, and the transaction was complete.

The owner of Tieyushan had no intention of retaining the hospitality, and even showed a hint of driving out insects.

Banbu didn't want to stay more and left.

Turn around and visit the host of Hanaoka-gun, stop by to eat and drink, fill your stomach, and continue on the road.


It didn't matter, I kept walking, and finally returned to Li Zhufeng seven days later.

The first thing to do is to choose a place for cattails, and it was a long time of busyness. It was finally set on the south side of the mountain, and the lower level of the peak was close to the foot of the mountain. In the future, cattails grow up and open up hives deep in the mountains, leaving enough space in advance.

The erythracycline bees are accustomed to using thorns as a cover for the hive. It happens that the large-headed anthills contain a lot of bloodthorn seeds and they have been moved out to help sow around the territory of cattails.

Food is another problem.

Cattails and bee swarms are all nectar-eating, and fresh fruits with high sweetness are needed.

In the winter, there are definitely no fresh fruits.

Babu also arranged for the big bear to look in the jungle, dig a few wild beehives, and get some honey back.

After two days of busy work, cattail's living problems and food problems were properly arranged.

With a big bear, Babu continued to dig the pond below the mountain and open up the open space.

The seven-headed bamboo rat warrior re-started, searching for the old nest of Goju Mountain Python along the mountains to the northwest. Scattered investigations, if not found, only allowed to return to Li Zhufeng every half month to report the situation.


Seeds of Zijin Shenshen produced 9837 Zijin bamboo rice this year, which were pre-sold to 6000 heavy caravans, and 3,837 can still be left on the cloth.

This part of the balance is not eaten alone.

Big Bear has confirmed the ability to strengthen the metal ~ ~ and is currently a l7 senior warrior, the ability to handle the Force Food is very strong, the cloth is distributed to it at one time 1500.

The King of Rats also decided to strengthen the metal ability. After careful consideration, Bianbu gave him 300 purple gold bamboo rice as a salary every month. The reason is very simple. The King of Rats is a bit too old, but his strength is only in the L3 senior fighters. If he does not grow up quickly to promote the mountain master, I am afraid that it will end in the tragic end of aging and death.

Babu grew up, and the demand for the Force Food was also quite large, and she was eager to evolve and grow. The purple gold bamboo rice was definitely not enough, so she purchased a batch of iron loquat fruits from the owner of Tieyu Mountain.

The same is the meta-capacity fruit that strengthens the metal ability. Different plants produce different directions for strengthening. It is necessary to diversify eating, complement each other, and promote the gene evolution related to metal energy, and the obtained metal ability will be more perfect and powerful.

The same is true for the fire ability. Eating all kinds of god-gathered condensed force food that enhances the fire ability, the genes related to the fire have fully evolved. In the future, the fire power released will be more powerful.

The merchants of the Symphony Flame Spider tribe are popular. Each lord wants to attract more caravans to come to their territory trade. The main reason is that different caravans have different routes and can bring more types of originals. Power food.

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