Star Cockroach

Chapter 163: Cattail Divine Seed

Spotted headache: Rats are rats, none of these seven guys is honest.

Bran preached: "Then change the rules. From now on, the seven of you, whoever finds the God-sent seed, the agreed share, will be given to the King of Rats. King of Rats, you are their elders. You arrange the distribution ... you won't be full, right? "

Rat King said: "Of course not. I originally meant it. Everyone looks for it. After finding it, the benefits are shared. No one complains. This is the most reasonable arrangement."

Banbu asked: "Now tell the truth, who found the God-given seed?"

King Rat said: "It was found by Baizhu."

Baboon looks at the white bamboo.

Bai Zhu timidly said, "I found it."

Brenda said: "Okay, look back and give you an additional 1,000 rough stones. Put the rough stones first on me. Next year, the caravan will come over. You can buy the original force food from them with the rough stones. If you think the caravan's goods are too expensive It is not cost-effective, but you can also buy the force foods produced by common life types from the redhead tribal warriors in other mountains. Tell me what you like. "

Bianbu said: "I remind you by the way that the selection of the force food should be based on strengthening the basic constitution."

"Grow to the level equivalent to a high-level warrior, and then consider eating elementary force foods such as metals, flames, plants, etc., it is best to focus on a certain element type, so that it is easier to give birth to the corresponding elemental ability."

"In addition, my Zijin bamboo rice has the ability to strengthen metal and green bamboo and bamboo fruit to strengthen planting ability. You'd better choose these two types. The natural ability of the Chihu tribe is flame. There is definitely no surplus. You better not choose flame. "

"I see." The Rat King rushed to answer.

"I see." Bai Zhu waved his front paws with excitement.

The Rat King looked upset and squinted slightly.

Five bamboo rat warriors, such as Ma Zhu and Shui Zhu, would understand, and immediately surrounded the white bamboo, ready to fight.

"Stop!" Banbu said sternly, warning, "I don't want to see you guys bully Baizhu anymore."

"Woohoo!" The big bear roared, raised his bear's paw, and slapped him on the ground.

The ground trembled slightly.

The five-headed bamboo rat warrior suddenly became honest.

White bamboo has shrunk into a ball, waiting to be beaten.

King Rat said calmly: "It's just a thousand rough stones, so happy to be like this, how do you do big things in the future? Bumble, you have misunderstood, we are not bullying it, this is helping it grow."

Babu heard another headache, too lazy to care about the internal contradictions of the seven guys. The tentacles pointed to the stalks of flames on the ground, and asked, "Did you eat too much? Why come back with this?"

The two front paws are holding the straw on their shoulders, so they can only walk with two legs, the speed is greatly reduced, and they are carried back from the swamp all the way, but it is not easy work.

Rat King said: "Banbu, this plant tastes good and tastes better than bamboo. Can we bamboo rat find somewhere to grow? Improve your daily food."

"It's delicious? You really eat too much TMD." Banbu said, "Keep far away, go riverside, don't affect my bamboo growth."

King Rat agreed happily, "I see!"

Babu also said: "I asked you to go down the mountain and look northwest for the old nest of Gojushan Python. How did you find the marshland? Don't tell me that the bamboo rat can get lost."

"I'm really lost," said King Rat, staring at Bai Zhu.

Five little bamboo rat soldiers immediately surrounded the white bamboo.

Banbu asked: "White bamboo, what's going on?"

Bai Zhu lowered his head and said, "Spot, I'm sorry, I accidentally lost ..."

The King Rat was annoyed, learning to speak in a patchy tone, and cursing: "TMD, we have been busy looking for the stupid white bamboo until the marshland."

Ma Zhu added: "When we found it, we were half-dead, and it was good, but it was still happily eating the flames."

King Rat said: "If you do something wrong, you should be punished. I recommend deducting its rough reward."

Five little bamboo rat soldiers echoed and agreed:

"The King Mouse is right."

"Deduct its rough reward."

"Deducted its salary this month."



A group of idiots that harm rats.

The blobs are somewhat served by them.

Look at Baizhu again, lying down on the ground.

Banbu asked: "Baizhu, how can you get lost?"

Bai Zhu replied: "I was hungry, and I found wild fruits, red and very beautiful, and very fragrant. I picked a few and ate my head drowsy after I finished eating. It's ... "

Bamboo rats have special organs in their heads that can sense the geomagnetic field and accurately determine the direction. This is a very important talent for their race.

Banbu estimates that he ate some poisonous wild fruit and asked, "Are you back now?"

Bai Zhudao: "Recovered."

Banbu thought for a while and said, "Public opinion is hard to say, white bamboo, then deduct 100 rough stones reward, and you have 900 rough stones left to control."

"Oh, okay!" Bai Zhu heard the words, rejoicing, and when he was happy, he forgot about it and jumped up from the ground happily.

Only deduct 100 rough stones? 900 left?

Ma Zhu was so annoyed that he couldn't hold it anymore. He swung up and pressed Bai Zhu down.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The bear snarled.

"Stop! Don't make any noise!" Banbu drink to stop the beatings, said: "King Rat, you go up to the mountain to rest first, come to the cave where I live in the dark, and have something to discuss."

"Okay." King Rat agreed, looking back, glancing at the white bamboo, waving his claws, motioning for it to follow.

Look at the appearance, went up the mountain, returned to the cave, and had a beat.

Bai Zhu was agitated and shouted, "Banbu, let me dig the soil for you."

Banbu warned: "King Rat, if you are not tired, you will all leave me to dig."

"Tired, very tired!" Rat King said: "Bob, I'll go back to the mountain to rest."

Babu shook the tentacles and said, "Baizhu, you go back to the mountain to rest, they dare not bully you."


Bai Zhu lowered his head, hung at the end of the line, and headed for the mountain.

The bamboo rat left.

Bear said: "Banbu, those guys always unite to bully Baizhu."

"They know how to score, they won't be dead, and don't bother to care." Banbu carefully inspected the newly-assigned Cattail God-given seed, inspected it, and wrapped it again with python skin. Go back to the mountain. "


In the evening, all members of Li Zhufeng gathered at the entrance of the cave where they lived at ~ ~ for a meeting to discuss matters.

Babu took out the Goddess of Cattails and said, "It is another God-sent seed, Cattails, a herbaceous plant that is inseparable from Yarrow. It may even be worse than Yarrow."

The King Rat noticed that Babo was muzzling, and asked, "Bob, don't you plan to breed it into a lifeline yourself?"

The cloth slightly shakes the antennae.

Feng Ling asked, "Why?"

Red Rice shouted, "Banbu, give it to me."

"Don't worry," Banbu said slowly. "The last time I went to Chijian County, I got a message that the tricyclic acid bee tribe sheltered by the fire lotus bee queen gave birth to a little queen bee this year."

Looking up, except for the wind chimes and red rice with inherited memory, everything else is at a loss.

Helpless, began to introduce in detail the race of erythracycline and its role in the development of the territory.

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