Star Cockroach

Chapter 158: Chiken County

Climbing across the Qinggang Mountains, the endless plain forest is ahead.

According to legend, in the early days, it was divided into two mountains. Later, the Chijian County master rose and merged into one, collectively referred to as Chijian County.

In the plains, there are no mountains, and the red warriors are scattered on the solitary peaks or flat land with abundant forces.

Since there is less precipitation, there is a small reservoir for water storage beside each soldier's territory, which is very distinguishable.

There are about 500 Chikan tribal warriors living in Chichiken County, so there are internal and external divisions.

Most of the soldiers live in the periphery. Compared with freedom, they can manage the territory independently and cultivate their favorite plants.

The inner circle of the center is called "Red Jianshu Sea", and the living tree sea is subject to the control of the Chijian County master. Only with the Chijian County master, can the Red Jian tree be cultivated.

It was a full day before flying across the forest and reaching the inner circle.

In front of the cricket is the regular red hardwood forest that is cultivated by one side. The insects sow ordinary plants. It is also known to maintain plant diversity and prevent pests. In the middle of one side of the Chijian Forest, other types of plants were planted.

挖掘 Regularly dig square-shaped reservoirs are regularly distributed, and the reservoirs are connected by river channels to open ditches for water diversion.

At this time, when the red nut matures, a buzzing sound is heard from a distance. It is tens of thousands of red ring acid bees busy picking in the forest.

I can also see that there are ordinary red and strong forests that have been cut into pieces, which are eliminated tree species, and high-quality tree species will be sown next year.

Open up a solid sea of ​​Chijian trees and operate a comprehensive breeding base.

After selection and elimination from generation to generation, as well as various hybridization experiments, step by step, we can obtain better species of red firm tree.

Mastering the best quality tree species is the foundation that drives the development and prosperity of the entire race.

The Chiken tree is a treasured tree with great development potential. As the Chiken County's iconic plant, the supervision is very strict, especially during the ripening period of Chijian tree fruit.

I haven't felt close to it, but I feel that there is a lock of mental power.

Near the sea of ​​Chiken Tree, the lock of that mental power became clear immediately.

The main red-headed warrior of Gaoyi County took off from the forest.

The Thuja hurriedly said, "Lord of the Yeye County, I'm Thuja of the Iron Blade Mountains."

In Chiken County, in addition to the Chiken County Master, there are four other County Masters. Two of them are named Oba-gun and Koba-gun. They do not have God-given seeds and live in the sea of ​​Chikenshu. alert.

Prior to the visit, Yabai introduced solemnly that the host of Daye County is on the south side and needs its permission to enter the sea of ​​trees and visit the host of Chiken County.

主 The owner of Daye County recognizes Thuja, and has a very good attitude. He glanced around and fixed his eyes on the cloth. He asked, "You must be the Jinping Mountains and the bamboo cloth of Li Zhufeng."

Banbu respectfully said, "Banbu has met the owner of Daye County."

The owner of Daye County nodded his tentacles and looked at the rhubarb fruit, and asked, "Then you should be the rhubarb fruit tree in the Yangtze Mountains."

Rhubarb Guorong respectfully said: "I have met the Lord of Yeye County."

The owner of Daye County once again clicked on the tentacles, and then said, "You all have God-given seeds. This time, you should find the owner of Chiken County to sell your own land, right?"

Serpentine sermon: "Yes."

Daye-gun said: "Follow me."

Flying about half an hour, a lone peak came into view.

I came closer to the ground to see clearly. The mountain is divided into two layers. The lower layer is actually a hill with a height of less than a hundred meters. The mountain is very large and the **** is gentle, but it is very short. The upper floor is a towering tree with a height of more than 100 meters. Too tall and magnificent, the specific height is difficult to estimate!

联合 The upper and lower joints look like a steep and dangerous peak from a distance.

Chijian tree God-giving seed, grows more than 300 years!

When the cormorant approached again, we can see that there are also a large number of red firm tree species with a height of more than 50 meters around the lone peak.

The arbor tree is a kind of life tree, and its early growth is extremely slow. It takes 20 years to grow to a height of about 2 meters, which is considered to be preliminary growth. Subsequently, the growth rate will accelerate a little, and it is relatively constant, with an average elevation of 0.2 to 0.3 meters per year, and grows infinitely over time.

Now it is the fruit ripening season, a large number of erythracycline bees are busy picking in the forest, a unified location, and a large number of bee colonies are busy peeling, peeling the outer green peel, and the nuts are inside.

Fresh fruits are air-dried and easy to store.

Chijian County, the common condensed fruit of the Red Kinden tree, is of high quality, second only to the God-given seed, is expensive and sells well. It is said that 10 to 20 red nuts can sell 1 rough.

Each of the fruits produced by the Goddess of the Chichi tree can be sold at a high price of 40 to 50 rough stones.

Each spring, dozens of caravans carrying a bag of rough stones, rushing from all directions, leaving the original stones, carrying a bag of red nuts and leaving.

Not to mention how much wealth the Chijian County owner, who owns the seeds of the **** of Chijianshu, earns every year.

的 Oba-gun and Oba-gun lords who do n’t have god-giving seeds. The two species are dominated by red hardwood trees, and their growth period varies from year to year. Their annual income is no lower than the current spot.

Followed the owner of Chijian County, most of the other Chikan fighters living in the Chijian Forest Sea. Since L7 Intermediate Warriors, they have all selected Chijian Tree as their lifeline. Early growth, relying on the Chijian County Master's funding for more than 20 years, until the promotion of Shanzhu.

After being promoted to the Lord of the Mountain, his red-kind tree seedlings have almost begun to bear fruit, and each year has a considerable income, and it will increase year by year. In theory, everyone has the hope of being promoted to the Lord of the County.

Uh ...

Daye-gun Lord led Banbu and his party to land in an open field under the mountain.

Gabriella immediately felt that a pair of "eyes" were peeping at herself. That's not the eyes. It's the tree spirit given by the God of the Chijian Tree on the mountain. It probably touched its territorial boundaries. The powerful idea is like the essence, with a threat, the hostility is not strong, and it is more disdainful.

As I approached, I looked up, and across a mountain, it was still difficult to estimate the specific height of the seed given by the Chijian tree.

Need some reference.

Behind me is a tall, common red firm tree species, but it is not ordinary. The spotted net casts a wait-and-see, looking at the ancient times, the height is about 80 meters! Short, still not work.

If you look closely, the fruit of this common red hardy tree is ripe, and has not yet begun to pick. The mental energy glances back and forth twice, and it is roughly confirmed that the number of fruits should be about 15,000. It is such a plant that has an annual income. Up to 1500 rough.

Next to the cormorant is a tree of similar height.

Bianbu's heart is calculated: promoted to the county master, bred more than 36 life species, and more than 20 red solid tree species. If each tree can earn 1,500 rough stones per year, the total is 30,000 rough stones.

Of course, some of the life-seeding species that were planted later have a poorer growing year and a smaller number of fruits. A rough estimate must be more than 20,000 rough.

自然 Environment is full of natural forces, richer than Li Zhufeng. It does not require any raw stone investment to operate it. ~ is pure income.

"The ordinary county master without God's seed is rich!"

After doing some calculations, he couldn't help but think again: "Under the premise of not being able to find new god-given seeds, if Chijian County wants to be more prosperous, it can only be promoted to the King of Chijian County. , And then allocate resources to help other ministries grow. Lord Yeba and Lord Xiaoye have no hope of being promoted to King Wang, but there are nearly 30 mountain-lord fighters who live in Chijianshuhai. Young, promoted to county. "

"If Chijian County is to prevail, then it cannot be simpler. The Chijian County Lord has lived for more than 300 years and is about to enter the aging period. He must be promoted to the Mountain Lord. In case of failure ... the Chijian County Lord dies ..."

"This is the Jinping Mountains, Li Zhufeng's patchwork, right?"

Gentle mental thoughts came and interrupted the speculative thoughts.

I looked up and looked away instantly. I didn't pay attention to the situation. Somehow, a county-level soldier appeared in front of me.

The banyan-gun, Hanaoka-gun, and Daye-gun lords I've seen in Bianbu have all converged on the Force. You can still feel the Force fluctuation when you are close.

He is different from the ordinary county master. The person in front of him is standing three meters away, but he can't feel any force fluctuation.

Nine-year-old county master!

He is only one step away.

This should be the owner of Chijian County.

PS: I have had a cold for two days.

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