Star Cockroach

Chapter 140: Improved exercises, genetic martial arts

Is suitable for hybrid breeding rice seeds, each of which is a great selection, it is indeed very precious.

Indica red rice likes rice, and Banbu has no reason to oppose it. It took two days to open a three-wafer paddy field beside the mountain river and sow all three rice seeds.

If it goes well, you can get a lot of seeds that year, and you can grow sterile rice seeds next year. From the next year, you can get genetically excellent hybrid rice seeds-the famous red rice!

The red rice is used as the seed, and the rice produced has a weak fire ability enhancement effect, which is a high-quality plant that fits all tribes of the Huo Kingdom.

The problem is that the geographic and climatic environment of the Huo Kingdom is not suitable for large-scale rice planting. It's okay to plant less and spend more time to take care of it. This is also one of the reasons why the spot is not very interested in rice.

Uh ...

The character of indica red rice is completely opposite to that of wind chimes.

Due to the experience of being trafficked, the wind chimes have some inferiority, self-closing, and dislike communication, so their leisure time is confined to their own territory, immersed in their own world, motionless, I do not know what to think.

In fact, the red rice is proud to have been born in the IWC. There is a sense of pride and superiority that I am an importer and I am a returnee. Born to be able to speak, and good at communication, he quickly mingled with the seven-headed bamboo rat warriors, bragging about their legendary experiences and describing the unique scenery and customs of other countries.

Like the seven-headed bamboo rat warrior, Red Rice Rice has enough respect for a big bear who can pat rocks into powder.

Uh ...

Unconsciously, spring goes to the summer solstice.

The Zhuhai Project under the Laoshan Mountain has just begun, and there are endless work to do. However, threatened by beast warriors, Babu dare not start work easily.

But also cannot be completely idle.

The bamboo rat warrior is keen on the force, and he is on duty to take charge and is responsible for Li Zhufeng's security work.

The big bears are still fighting, staying in the gap in the thorn wall and guarding the mountain gate.

The big head grew up to an L4 intermediate fighter, the body size increased, the size of the controlled ant colony expanded, and most of the farm work was contracted.

On the bamboo peaks of Zuli, the spotted cloth was more relaxed.

I had nothing to do. I began to depict body structure patterns in the cave, tried various sports, and improved "Basic Training Method · L1 Advanced". The current practice methods are a little rough, or they are inferior and inferior methods. They use the original force inefficiently, and it is necessary to upgrade it once.

Common bamboo seedlings of bamboo shoots have bamboo shoots in the spring, and they have grown into bamboo poles in the early summer season. These seedlings have begun to take shape and can provide a considerable force every night.

Ordinary Force has far less effect on improving genes than Force Food. It strengthens the general physique without any elemental fortification effect.

Zhanbiao cloth improved exercises, also has a plan to lay the foundation for the future development of genetic martial arts.

Gene martial arts is the essence of martial arts civilization: absorb the ordinary force of nature, use the special force of the force food as a primer, control the special route in the meridian, and transform the ordinary force into the one with the same strengthening effect as the force food The Force.

For example, Zijin Shenzhu Bamboo Rice has the effect of strengthening the metal ability. Babu will use Zijin bamboo rice as a template, first understand the characteristics of this force food, based on this, to deduce the gene martial arts matching Zijin bamboo rice.

Once the deduction is successful, Banbu can eat only one purple gold bamboo rice every night, and then ingest a large amount of ordinary force into the body from ordinary life. Through the transformation of genetic martial arts, the ordinary force that is taken into the body will be transformed into a high-quality force that has a similar strengthening effect as Zijin Bamboo Rice.

The equivalent is to say that eating only one purple golden bamboo rice can get dozens of and hundreds of gene strengthening effects.

This is genetic martial arts!

Once successful, the benefits are infinite.

However, worm races have no meridians, and because of the variation in radiation from the metal core, they can barely practice exercises. There is a faint feeling that he may never be able to push out genetic martial arts. But when I think of the benefits of success, I can't help but try.

Uh ...

Gene martial arts may be less reliable.

However, the work of optimizing the genes of the common redhead tribe is absolutely infallible.

After the elimination in winter, there are still about 30,000 common cockroaches in the spotted territory. Under the deliberate maintenance of the spotted, the proportion of male cockroaches has remained stable at about one percent.

After entering the summer, ordinary cockroaches start the crazy breeding mode.

The cloth was carefully observed, and I felt that the number of male cockroaches was still insufficient. Therefore, a large number of weak female cockroaches were forcibly expelled, leaving them to survive on their own in Li Zhufeng, leaving only about 10,000 strong female cockroaches and all males Cockroaches survive in their own territory.

Another thing is to improve your diet.

Last year's Xia Ling jerky was completely eaten.

The dappled cloth hunts a mountain python from the mountains every day to ensure the supply of meat.

Eat meat, grow faster and stronger, and the probability of becoming a force creature will definitely increase.

Scabbard also tried to feed strong individuals with diluted Force Food, but unfortunately all experiments failed.

The radon force concentration is too low to stimulate gene transformation without any impact.

The radon force concentration was slightly higher, and the force food became a deadly poison, and the small cockroaches participating in the experiment were violently rampant.

Investigating the reason, it is still fragile and unable to carry the gene mutation induced by external force stimulation.

External force stimulation does not work, then you can only expect natural awakening.

Uh ...

I woke up early in the morning.

Banbu habitually went out to check the growth status of common life seeds, and then came to the south side of the mountain to see the seeds given by Zijin God.

品质 The quality of the Zijin Shenshen seed has been improved. The number of leaves of the mother plant and the branch has increased to 9 leaves, and the height of the plant has increased to about 20 cm, which is very cost-effective. It does not use rough stones and still grows very well.

Go to see the seeds of Cuizhu Shenshen.

The seed of God of Cuizhu's gods consumed 6000 pieces of rough stones, and the newly born bamboo poles grew into a preliminary, with a uniform height of about 4.5 meters.

"Spotted, early!"

The spirit of Zhu Cuizhushu spirit is much more powerful, and he has learned some simple communication languages. However, he has no spiritual power of birth, and can only communicate with the patch through the contractual connection between the souls.

Be polite and say hello to the cloth.

"Cuizhu ~ ~ early!"

Banbu greeted and asked, "Do you need watering today?"

"No need." Cuizhu said: "Cut off! Blob, you let the ants cut off the bamboo pole. Withered bamboo pole."

The 73 bamboo poles last year were depleted of nutrients and completely withered.

The spotted cloth immediately said to the side with the big head: "Big head, you command the soldier ants and cut off the withered bamboo poles. Cut them with roots, do not leave piles, but be careful not to hurt the bamboo crickets."

"OK." Wielding his tentacles and releasing pheromones.

A total of thirty soldiers acted immediately and began to saw bamboo poles with their two jaws.

The sharp jaw teeth rub against the bamboo pole, making a sharp sound of 嗤嗤嗤.

After all, the material of the force plant, the hardness and toughness of bamboo poles are far more than ordinary bamboo.

Wu Datou asked: "Bamboo, these bamboo poles can be kept and made into bamboo tubes, which are used to store some precious force fruits, and the effect must be very good."

"The bamboo pole is a little bit thinner ..." Banbu thought for a moment, and said, "It can be used to save life-seeding seeds."

Big head immediately understood, and said, "I see."

Bianbanbu is planning to go down the mountain to see the growth of the bloodthorn god. Soul perception, two force fluctuations are galloping from the north, close to Li Zhufeng.

Is Li Zhu and 黒 mulberry.

Qi Lizhu likes bamboo, and the spotted cloth simply stays beside the Cuizhu God-giving seeds, waiting for them to come.

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