Star Cockroach

Chapter 131: Long crooked

The biggest feature of agricultural production is tiredness.

The first planned river meets a natural channel about 35 kilometers away. Designed with a width of 2 meters and a depth of 06 meters, it is a big project without compromise.

In the cold winter, the spotted cloth is very busy.

The big bear is responsible for opening the road with the iron sand palm, smashing the tall trees along the way, and pulling out the shrubs blocking the road.

七 A seven-headed bamboo rat warrior headed by King Rat followed him to dig the soil and fill the snakeskin pocket.

Mottled cloth is responsible for removing bags of dirt.

The wind chime followed, responsible for replanting water bamboo on both sides of the river, and planting bamboo, pupa, and moso bamboo outside. Part of the bamboo shoots came from Li Zhufeng, and most of them were brought back from the bamboo sea in the Yangtze Mountains. The work of the wind chimes is relatively easy.

多 If there is more labor, there must be rules.

Banbu stipulates that every day at night, rest at dawn, go out to work together, eat at noon and evening, you can rest for a while.

Bamboo rat warriors are very concerned about their own gains, spotted to pay them wages, weekly settlement.

Every 10 King Platycladus seeds or 2 Hickory Seeds of King Warrior's Rat King.

Six heads of bamboo rat fighters such as ramie bamboo have 5 arborvitae seeds or 1 pecan per day.

Apart from the prescribed time, no rest is allowed during work, otherwise wages will be deducted.

The bamboo rat warrior is cunning, and after working for a few days, he finds that he is too tired, and always tries to be lazy.

As a "boss", the spotted cloth is not good to be a bug.

Loyal Big Bear is the best supervisor.

With such a thick tree, a bear's paw went down and shattered. Coupled with the big bear's strong body, it brings great oppression to the bamboo rat warrior.

In the plaque's instructions, the big bear returned to inspect the circle every time he cleared a distance to see if the bamboo rat warrior was lazy.

After a month of high-intensity labor, the seven chubby bamboo rats that were chubby when they came were all thinner. The smallest white bamboo was the worst. When it stood up, both **** and ribs were visible.

The Luohe Channel has been successfully developed for 2 kilometers.

Seeing that the seven-headed bamboo rat warrior was unable to stand up, the project progress did not require Tai Chi, and the schedule was readjusted.

I changed to rest all day and work at night.

30 days is January, divided into 5 weeks, 6 days a week, 5 days work, 1 day rest.

I can take time off, but there is no salary.

出 A monthly reward of 30 Thuja seeds will be distributed as a reward.

Uh ...

In the evening, Babu eats the Force food as usual, completes the training, then inspects the territory plants once, and finally comes down to the mountain.

At this time, the seven-headed bamboo rat warrior, headed by the rat king, has begun to work, packing the three snakeskin pockets with dirt.

He was dragging a snakeskin pocket and was about to be dumped. The King Rat asked suddenly: "Banbu, Big Bear said that practicing exercises can improve the efficiency of the Force Food."

Sure enough, getting along day and night, over time, the secret of the bear training has been discovered.

Bear bear straight, presumably said as soon as asked.

Alas, Banbu did not intend to conceal, and did not tell Big Bear to keep secret from the bamboo rat warrior, and said, "Yes."

The King Mole asked, "Can we bamboo rat practice?"

"It can be practiced, but ..." Baboon paused and said, "The practice method is the inheritance of God. It is not a trivial matter. The big bear once helped me to fight and saved the wind chime's life. The big bear is rewarded for his achievements. , So I teach it to practice. "

The Mole King was frustrated: "Banbu, I know your territory is dangerous, but ... the bamboo rat is too small to fight."

Zhan Bian preached: "Beginning next year, you will help me find mines and find God-sent seeds by the way. As long as you find the veins or the god-sent seeds, all are considered meritorious deeds. I will not only teach you exercises, but also combat martial arts."

The Mole King asked, "Spotted, big bears shoot trees with their paws, is that combat martial arts?"

Sermons Sermon: "Yes, a simple technique of using power."

"Banbu, I understand." King Rat said again, "Banbu, in fact, starting this year, we can help you find rough stones and god-giving seeds."

Bian Banbu said in a bad mood: "There are so many bamboos in Li Zhufeng, seven of you are particularly edible, don't order a lot of bamboo, what do you eat?"

King Mole scratched his head humanely, and said, "Banbu, you think about it very well, the jerky is too unpalatable, you must use a lot of bamboo!"

Uh ...

Winter comes to spring.

Scabbard sown the seeds of several births last year, and then fell asleep.

Intermediate fighters evolved to advanced fighters, with a certain probability of failure, so the patch was separated by 50 days.

关键 A critical breakthrough, the sleep time is often more than half a month, the time is slightly longer, and may even exceed 20 days.

Qi Li Zhufeng stopped work for this.

The wind bell stayed under the mountain.

Bear bear guarding the entrance to the mountain.

I have no boss to lead, no supervisor to supervise, the seven bamboo rat warriors work alone under the mountain. I learned that growing bamboos is taking their food into consideration, and they are taking it seriously. They are no longer trying to find opportunities to be lazy.

Waking up from groggyness, weakness and weakness that I haven't experienced for a long time, as well as drowsiness in the brain, my consciousness is a bit fuzzy.

"Big bear?"

Shouting cloth.


Excited shouts from the big bear came outside Sheshan Cave, and then rushed in.

"Bob, you're awake! Not good, something happened, blood

The bloodthorn **** gave it a seed ... a few days ago it suddenly crooked ... "

"What?" Banbu suspected that he had heard it wrong.

I looked again, and the wind chimes were there.

The wind chimes are not as dull as the big bears. They quickly took a piece of jerky and placed them in front of the spotted cloth, saying, "Spotted cloth, you eat something first and resume consumption."

He picked up the jerky, while eating, he asked, "Wind chimes, how long have I been asleep?"

Fengling said: "18 days, nearly 19 days, I thought ... Banbu, you are anxious to grow, a little dangerous!"

Ordinary red fighters, from newborn to senior fighters, have experienced growth of about 5 years, and it will take about 4 years.

The speckled spots are full of calculations, which is exactly 3 years. The first year of it was a lot of time because of surviving in the wild alone. The growth of the intermediate soldiers was too fast.

Banbu felt that there was a different kind of worry in the tone of Feng Ling.

Looked at the big bear, looked at the wind chimes.

The seed of the bloodthorn **** is crooked? What do you mean?

Babu felt that his brain was not very flexible. He shook his tentacles, stabbed two meat jerks, felt the food in his abdomen, digested the energy and transferred it to the whole body, and he felt better, so he asked: "What happened to the wind chimes? "

"Half a month ago, the mandible responsible for guarding the seed of the **** of snakes and vines disappeared. The owner of Tiedaoshan searched everywhere, but no trace was found, and his life plant began to wither ..."

The dead plant has withered, meaning the bug warrior is dead.

Laoshanyu is a senior warrior of the Iron Blade Mountains and the elder of Yun peach. Yun peach was injured, and it helped to watch the snake-vine god-given seed in rotation.

Bianbu was worried, and said solemnly, "The beast warrior did it? He has the ability to kill senior warriors ... or to sneak a sneak attack ~ ~ or a mountain-level beast or a flying raptor."

Feng Fengling said: "The friesian tribe relied on rough veins and developed rapidly. They began to expand their territory last winter. The owner of Tiedaoshan said that they should have driven the barbaric warriors from the barren land into the Jinping Mountains."

"The friesian tribe is reclaiming land!" Babu had a headache and said, "This is a big trouble."

The wind bell said: "Now the owner of the Iron Blade Mountain guards the seed of the **** of snakes and vines, and has informed the owner of Chiken County ... It is said that the black and white flower tribe had long wanted to be notified by the Chijian County owner of the wasteland, and it was Chijian County. The idea was not reported to the subordinate mountains in time. "

He spotted his tentacles to express his understanding, and asked the bear again, "What's wrong with the seed of the bloodthorn god?"

Big Bear said: "A few days ago, it suddenly grew wildly ... long crooked ..."

Banbu asked: "What is long crooked?"

The bear scratched his head and said, "It's all its thorny branches growing in one direction."

Feng Ling helped explain: "Somehow, the new branches of the bloodthorn god's seed all spread towards Li Zhufeng. I began to guess that Li Zhufeng's original force was abundant and was attracted by the original force. It complements the force, but it grows stronger. "

Big Bear added: "It complements the force, it crooks even more."

"..." Babu quickly ate the jerky and said, "I'll see."

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