Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 627 627. Charlotte’s rough and extreme deep dive? The majestic

Alpha had just fought with the Bloody Queen in order to stop the "Smiling Monster with a Snake Body".

Although it is only for a very short time, it consumes a lot of energy.

The passage of time in the data world cannot be measured by realistic standards.

Charlotte had no intention of letting Alpha continue to interfere. The situation was not that bad now, so she just had to hurry up.

However, just after she finished communicating with Alpha, there was a new situation in the water!

The partition wall that was originally judged by Alpha to be unable to rise due to lack of energy suddenly started to move!

Alpha immediately reported to Xia Luohui: "Master, the partition wall in the water is working. It is its hands and feet that move it."

Charlotte naturally knew who "it" was in Alpha's mouth. Wasn't it the artificial intelligence waiting for an opportunity?

Charlotte skipped the questioning phase in the middle. She could automatically infer a lot of information without asking.

As the master of this pyramid, only it can easily allocate the energy of each part.

That Bloody Queen knows this place better than Alpha and has more energy, so it can do this easily.

In an instant, a huge transparent wall rose up from the depths of the "Great Trench", looking very impressive!

Charlotte's reaction was quick, and with Alpha's timely reminder, she avoided it without any suspense.

Charlotte successfully swam over before the wall came up.

When you reach this point, there is almost no lighting equipment, so the light is not sufficient.

However, you can vaguely see the huge transparent wall, which is impressive!

This "big water wall" appeared out of thin air, directly dividing the originally smooth water area into two parts, and it was so majestic!

Just as Charlotte thought, there are many partition walls in this vast water area.

They can easily divide the body of water into different parts.

At the beginning of the construction of this pyramid, there must have been more creatures in the waters.

There must be different guys in different areas.

There are probably quite a few square observation rooms similar to the square square.

In different positions, users of the pyramid can observe different creatures.

While thinking about this, Charlotte continued to move forward.

Now that Bloody Queen has made another move, she must hurry up.

The water pressure in the deep water area is getting stronger and stronger, and Charlotte already has a very obvious feeling before she gets close to the bottom.

She wasn't sure if it was sea water yet, but this feeling of pressure couldn't be fresh water.

This increasingly powerful sense of pressure caused Charlotte to face great resistance when diving.

Without the help of related equipment, the depth of human diving in the sea is extremely limited.

Without any equipment, the limit is around 100 meters.

With the help of professional equipment, it can only be raised to about 300 meters.

The only equipment Charlotte has now is a thin, non-underwater oxygen mask.

But the point is, this mask is not professional diving equipment.

This means that the gas ratio inside is inappropriate and the oxygen concentration is high.

And the depth that Charlotte needs to dive to, even if it is just a simple estimate, must exceed the conventional limit.

It is extremely dangerous to use such inappropriate equipment in deep diving, and various problems will occur in the future.

However, the situation is pressing, and Charlotte can only resist.

Fortunately, her willpower has always been firm and indestructible.

Charlotte continued to dive. The further she went down, the more she felt that every part of her body was being squeezed.

Fortunately, she was no stranger to diving, and she constantly adjusted her body's condition to avoid breathing disorders caused by tension, which would in turn increase oxygen consumption.

However, Bloody Queen obviously didn't intend to let her take it easy.

Just by observing Charlotte's swimming route, Bloody Queen can know which escape route she chose.

After all, artificial intelligence has extremely strong reasoning and computing capabilities, and the information at this time is already so obvious.

As Charlotte moved forward, several more partition walls rose up.

The huge transparent wall looks like a terrifying wall of water.

The wall of water rises from the ground and is shocking!

However, they were all avoided by Charlotte, and they did not even affect her progress.

Bloody Queen's speed is actually very fast, but unfortunately these water walls are too big, and there will be resistance from water pressure when they rise, so it is not that fast overall.

At the beginning, the purpose of the partition wall was not to stop people.

In Charlotte's opinion, that "little queen" wants to stop her from moving forward? Not that easy!

However, due to Bloody Queen's intervention, a lot of oxygen in Charlotte's oxygen mask had been consumed, and she had no time to delay any longer.

Everything must be done as soon as possible.

Now Charlotte not only has a strong willpower, but also an extremely strong body.

That is not only the physical strength tempered in the last days, but also has the function of energy stone.

According to Alpha, the fantastic Saldia energy stone has never been fused with a living body.

It was a miracle that she survived.

Charlotte was fused with the energy stone when "Laboratory 0" exploded.

After the fusion, her body changed a lot.

As if he had been reborn, even the deep scar on his left shoulder had disappeared.

Accumulated in the last days, all the large and small scars that existed on the whole body have disappeared.

The Sardiya Energy Stone seems to have repaired her body and made her stronger.

The senses of vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch have all become extremely sharp.

Although Charlotte is still a human being, she is far beyond ordinary flesh and blood.

However, apart from frequent excess energy, she didn't find anything else.

Thanks to the fusion, Charlotte should be the only one who can do this almost brutal rapid dive.

Ordinary humans would definitely not be able to bear it.

Alpha has been watching her silently, and it also has deep feelings for the owner who fused the energy stone.

Since I started studying at Gevos, I don't know if it's because of more energy consumption. In short, the owner has much less nightmares at night.

Recalling that the master often had nightmares due to the experience of the end of the world, the situation was quite bad at that time.

The body did not collapse after sleeping very little, and it was more because of the support of the Saldia energy stone that the master was able to withstand that level of fatigue.

Now, I don't know if the fusion between the energy stone and the owner has been improved, but in short, the huge energy has begun to work for the owner.

Coupled with the mecha master unit chosen by the owner, even if you don't do extra things to vent your physical energy, you can fully solve the problem of excess energy.

The master's physical condition will no longer be as unstable as before.

For Charlotte's series of actions, Alpha is always positive and fully affirmed, but Bloody Queen is not.

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