Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 617 617. Put seawater in the pyramid? Such a fun

The small helmet is like a small boat, floating on the water, swaying from side to side, and looks a little cute.

The water up to the waist brought a lot of buoyancy. Although Charlotte's feet stepped on the branches, it didn't take much effort.

Between the feet and the branches, it seems that they will be separated at any time.

As long as the center of gravity is slightly out of alignment, it will be deflected by the water and float to the side.

Fortunately, she has been standing still.

Charlotte reached out and took off the original headband on her head, and re-braided her own hair.

When acting underwater, loose hair is not acceptable at all, and it is not appropriate to wear it in a bun.

If you tie a ponytail, once the action is intense, it is easy to fall apart.

So Charlotte has all her hair in a herringbone braid at the back, which is more resistant to impact.

Her hands are fast, even if she braids her own hair without the help of a mirror, her movements are still fast and steady.

Look at her black hair again, gradually being woven into the "fish bones", the texture looks clear and neat, not messy at all.

Charlotte, who has changed her hairstyle, although her appearance looks different from before, her brows and eyes are still sharp.

Next, Charlotte did some simple warm-up exercises.

Before entering the water, the body must be fully prepared, otherwise problems will easily occur.

Charlotte checked her mask one last time, which was the basic equipment everyone was assigned at the beginning of the mission.

The original purpose was to deal with situations where there is no oxygen or poisonous gas in the mountain.

Therefore, this mask not only provides oxygen, but also protects against toxic gases.

However, considering the convenience of movement, they carried simple oxygen masks with average oxygen content.

It does not require the use of other auxiliary equipment such as oxygen cylinders, but a certain amount of "oxygen tablets" are placed on a specific position of the mask.

After activation, oxygen is generated in the mask in real time through a special chemical reaction that takes place inside these "oxygen tablets".

At the same time, do some simple processing of the exhaled air.

Its great advantage is convenience.

It will not hinder Charlotte when she moves in the water.

Before putting on the oxygen mask, Charlotte opened the goggles and put on the superimposed wear.

After a while into the deep waters of the outer waters, the light conditions there are not so ideal.

Charlotte needs to determine the route in the water in real time, so she can't perceive her surroundings with just five senses, but needs to see the specific situation around her clearly.

Coupled with the dangers in the water, Charlotte's swimming speed cannot match the natural aquatic organisms, so it is necessary to use goggles.

Fortunately, the goggles are relatively thin, and they are not particularly obstructive when worn under the mask.

Charlotte checked this simple oxygen mask. It hadn't been used before, and the amount of oxygen should last for a while.

After checking all the equipment, Charlotte simply lifted her foot off the branch and went directly into the water.

At this time, the water had already reached her waist, and there was no point in standing on the branch any longer.

Charlotte floated on the surface of the water and rose to a high place as the water rose.

The overall height of the "Botanical Garden" is higher than that of the square outside, so Charlotte can't see the situation in the square clearly now.

She estimated the time in her mind, and at about the same time, she said to Alpha: "Alpha, lower all the transparent walls around the square."

Now, the time should be ripe for her prediction.

Alpha has been patiently waiting for the master's order.

Since the previous owner asked him to turn on the lighting equipment here and keep the door open all the time, it has not received any new instructions.

Alpha looked at the situation in front of him, but couldn't figure out what the master wanted to do.

It has some vague guesses, but it can't be conclusive.

Although it is only artificial intelligence, it is also very worrying.

After all, the owner's safety is the first priority for it, this is the "instinct" engraved into the program.

Now that the master finally has a new order, Alpha of course obeys it immediately.

However, it is as puzzled as Bloody Queen.

Because in their view, Charlotte should not open the partition walls around the square.

After all, in the unknown waters, isn't there still that behemoth?

The other party is not a vegetarian. After being hungry for so long, and finally saw a big living person, why not eat her alive?

However, the two artificial intelligences are not going to ask questions now.

Because even if asked, she would not answer.

To Bloody Queen, this intruder thought differently than the average person.

What is her purpose in doing this? This "little queen" cannot be deduced for the time being.

However, no matter what, there should be no escape.

After all, with it, it is the most indestructible.

Gradually, the "little queen" is looking forward to it more and more, and soon she will be able to see her struggling and suffering in the water!

Who told her not to smash the virtual sky quickly?

Now, it's too late in time... Wait.

Some kind of "idea" suddenly appeared in the calculation of "Little Queen".

Maybe... She didn't think of this at all?

This intruder may not have thought of using the ventilation ducts on the virtual sky to go elsewhere.

"Little Queen" suddenly realized this, and there is such a possibility!

Yes, maybe it's extrapolating too much on its own.

However, for this human being, maybe it is not as far-reaching as it thinks?

Thinking of this, Bloody Queen felt that she couldn't speak anymore, lest what she said would remind the other party.

Well, stupid trespasser, it would be happy to watch her drown here.

After spending so long, she was finally able to reap her life!

However, in addition to being excited, Bloody Queen also had a slight sense of displeasure.

Such an interesting "toy", I don't know if it will continue to appear next time?

Maybe it will take a long time before someone will come to "play" with it.

When Bloody Queen felt a little pity, Charlotte continued to be busy with her affairs.

I saw that she placed a metal ball in the helmet, which was the helmet she had discarded on the water before.

It wasn't until I saw this small metal ball, the "little queen" who had been quietly observing her, that I had a new understanding.

New information leads to new deduction.

The "Little Queen" program started to operate again in real time.

While it was deducing, Charlotte had already activated the button on the oxygen mask, and then dived into the water.

As soon as she entered the water, before diving too deep, Charlotte felt something strange.

The water pressure is different, it won't be fresh water in terms of the depth of the dive and the pressure on the body.

Is it sea water? Charlotte guessed.

She didn't think of this point, put sea water in the pyramid? For what purpose?

Moreover, is this seawater real seawater, or is it artificially prepared with the same ingredients?

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