Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 609 609. Bad taste? Impulse and passion?

It seems that it is enjoying the process, which is full of evil taste.

Thinking about it, Charlotte responded to Alpha: "Well, you really won't be so impulsive and passionate. The character of 'Little Queen' is really bad."

Bloody Queen, Bloody Queen, is really a murderous and ruthless artificial intelligence, and it will do anything to what it considers "invaders".

Charlotte thought, she didn't know what the other party was guarding, so she wanted to "chasing and fighting hard".

However, this guy seems to have an indescribable side, and sometimes he is really... impulsive and naive.

Even Alpha felt this, otherwise he wouldn't have explained the meaning of the artificial intelligence's name to her.

Designers of this kind of extremely high-end artificial intelligence will even set up their virtual characters and virtual emotions to make them more vivid and realistic, infinitely close to real humans.

Are you really a fan of the authorities?

Charlotte looked at the "little queen" who was always following her, trying to see her panicking.

The "little queen" was once again extremely displeased by Charlotte's flirty tone.

However, thinking of Charlotte, who is hard to fly, it also said viciously: "Hmph, intruder, you are dying!"

There was more and more water in the square square, and Charlotte stood beside the "Botanical Garden" and watched.

However, since this plaza is huge, it should take some time to completely fill it up.

Charlotte thought quickly in her mind that she needed to immediately consider a new solution for the new situation.

The original plan needs to be adjusted immediately.

She remained silent and did not speak again.

After a long time, there was a relaxed expression between her brows and eyes again.

This was an extremely subtle change. If someone who didn't know Charlotte well would not have noticed the subtle change in her expression.

Charlotte, who seemed to have some ideas, said coldly: "'Little Queen', don't worry. Dying struggles are impossible, and death without a whole body is even more impossible. If you don't believe me, just try it."

The indifferent tone seemed to be talking about established facts.

The situation in front of her didn't seem to touch Charlotte's heart at all.

Her attitude further aggravated Bloody Queen's dissatisfaction.

The Bloody Queen, who had never been able to get away with Charlotte, felt more and more unhappy at this moment.

It's like this every time, no matter what it does, it seems like a mud cow has entered the sea, and it can't make any waves.

The intruder stood still like a rock, and couldn't find any opportunity to take advantage of it!

But the more it is like this, the more it refuses to give up easily.

This intruder has already aroused its desire to win!

Hearing what Charlotte said, his tone was obviously flat, but it also seemed to be slightly provocative.

As powerful as Bloody Queen, he naturally understood that this intruder was probably planning something else.

Even artificial intelligence has virtual emotions of "curiosity".

In the end, the "Little Queen" couldn't help asking: "Intruder, what are you going to do?"

For artificial intelligence, this question is really impulsive, and it quickly realized it.

This intruder always makes it produce some strange emotions.

In its programming, are there still these distinct "emotional experiences"?

Bloody Queen thought for a while, suppressed that feeling of doubt again, and said in an affirmative tone: "You can't escape, I will completely seal the entrance and exit. Your artificial intelligence can't win I."

alpha:? ? ?

Why is it the one lying on the gun again? And what is impossible to win? It is underestimated!

Charlotte withdrew her gaze towards the water, and turned to look at the Bloody Queen behind her.

Obviously, even as an extremely high-end artificial intelligence, Bloody Queen is extremely capable and has a ruthless personality, but she is relatively more impulsive than Alpha.

Charlotte reckons that its character setting is roughly like this.

For example, now, Charlotte knows that the other party is about to be led by the nose again.

Charlotte, always the one who can control the situation.

She was not in a hurry to answer, but said slowly, "Well, what am I going to do... Guess what?"

Bloody Queen: "..."

Really # ¥%\u0026* # *% # ? ? ! !

It didn't understand. From the beginning until now, it had used many killing moves on her, but she hadn't given the reaction it expected.

Panicked, trembling with fear, screaming, begging for mercy, crying bitterly, hysterical... None of this has been shown by the intruder!

She didn't even show panic, and repeatedly broke its understanding!

From Bloody Queen's point of view, this intruder has never shown any vivid expression, is he even more emotionless than this artificial intelligence? !

Bloody Queen was really curious. In this desperate situation, what other tricks could the other party have? What on earth would she do?

I always feel that there seems to be a trap hidden in front of me, which she dug specially for it.

Even though the character will be set to be violent and impulsive by the builder, Bloody Queen is still an artificial intelligence with strong calculus and reasoning ability.

From the appearance point of view, it can think and judge just like humans.

Bloody Queen felt that she had to be more cautious to avoid falling into her trap again.

However, Bloody Queen, who loves bloody killings, has always been obsessed with it - it wants to see her dying struggle!

Therefore, facing Charlotte's obvious calculation, it remained silent.

After a long time, it said again: "No matter what you want to do, you will not succeed. As long as I am here, you can't escape."

It is the final guarantee, the most powerful guarantee that completely cuts off Charlotte's retreat.

With this artificial intelligence here, no matter how hard she tries, she will never succeed.

Bloody Queen, who was familiar with this place, gave Charlotte the final "announcement".

However, Charlotte said quite nonchalantly: "Then just wait and see."

Another light sentence blocked what Bloody Queen wanted to say next.

After speaking, Charlotte looked at the ground outside the "Botanical Garden" again.

The water on the ground has accumulated to a certain height, but the "Botanical Garden" is in the central area, far away from the surrounding waters, so the water here is not that strong for the time being.

Charlotte's eyes were thoughtful, just like Bloody Queen thought, she was really planning something.

However, neither Bloody Queen nor Alpha could understand her thoughts.

That's the case with Charlotte. As long as she wants to, others can't easily guess her intentions.

At this time, Alpha, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but ask: "Master, do you need Alpha to open the partition doors on both sides of the square?"

If the owner really has this plan, he must make preparations in advance.

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