Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 604 604. Are you perfunctory or angry with you? Crazy and helpless! Charlotte: I don’t have

Once there is an abnormality in the access control on both sides of the square, it will be aware of it immediately.

But now, Bloody Queen finally understood, the real intention of this intruder!

She was very cunning, she didn't want to escape while it wasn't paying attention!

This intruder, she wants to attract its attention and let it focus on her side!

So that the search and rescue team on the other side can survive!

Bloody Queen doesn't like others to play tricks on it. Similarly, it doesn't like the friendship of helping each other!

This person in front of him gave him a very uncomfortable feeling from the very beginning!

Bloody Queen must see her hope shattered and begging for it on her knees!

That delicate face like a Barbie doll is full of vicious and arrogant expressions: "Since you have tried so hard to get my attention, well, I'll see how long you can keep your mouth so hard!"

Charlotte was never afraid of others talking harshly to her, she said quite indifferently: "It's the rooster who speaks hard, but I'm not hard-spoken."

Alpha: Pfft!

Bloody Queen: "..."

Alpha also understood the master's intention at this time, no wonder it is enough to let it "meaning", it turned out to be a tactic of shaming.

The owner's purpose is to give the search and rescue team a chance to survive.

Alpha sighed again, the master has so many eyes.

Looking at her current appearance, when she treated that "little queen", she was really perfunctory.

Alpha can be sure that the Master's understatement must have pissed off that Bloody Queen.

Next, the other party will definitely go all out to fight the master.

After all, it really makes people mad and helpless when the master disses people.

However, arousing Bloody Queen's desire to win is also in the hands of the master, which can further buy time for the other side.

Alpha couldn't help but wonder, what's the use of having enough energy?

If it falls into the master's hands, no matter what kind of high-end artificial intelligence you are, you can't get around the master's nine bends and eighteen bends.

In such a simple two rounds of confrontation, Bloody Queen probably also understood that he could not gain the upper hand in words.

So, it directly put into action, I can't believe she can be so rampant in a while!

In the originally quiet indoor square, the sound finally sounded again, and it came from the "Botanical Garden".

Listening carefully, at first it seemed to be some kind of mechanical sound, very slight.

Before, even with lightning and thunder, the sound of "Botanical Garden" would hardly spill out.

Now, thanks to the opening of the "Botanical Garden" door, Charlotte can hear these voices.

It seems that the other party is playing later.

Immediately after that mechanical sound there was a shrill animal sound.

Immediately, the plants in the "Botanical Garden" moved, and the leaves rustled.

Judging from the sound, something is wandering in the "Botanical Garden", the number... there should be more than one.

Charlotte quickly remembered what Alpha said before, in this "botanical garden", in addition to regular food, there will also be regular "alien monsters" of the same kind.

The purpose of putting in the same kind is to make them compete with each other and keep the strongest one.

The delivery of food is compressed to the minimum, and it will be delivered only after a long time.

Therefore, those who are defeated in the fight will also serve as food for the winners and be fully "utilized".

But even so, the guys in the "Botanical Garden" are usually very hungry.

Charlotte had discovered before that after the electronic access control of the "Botanical Garden" was opened, it took a long time for the "Alien" to appear.

She glanced at the unmoving corpse on the ground not far away, and no other of the same kind appeared after that.

It seems that it is very likely that the others of the same kind have been eaten by it, and the one left may be the strongest.

Thinking of the biological breeding chambers in the laboratory, thinking about it now, that long figure seems a bit like the "alien monster" on the ground.

If that's the case, the conveyor belt in the Ribbon will transport them to the "Botanical Garden"?

So, those slight mechanical sounds she heard just now were the sounds of the conveyor belt?

Another new "Alien" was sent into the "Botanical Garden" through the conveyor belt? Charlotte guessed.

However, for some reason, I always feel that among the subtle mechanical sounds, there is more than just the sound of the conveyor belt.

What's more, if it's the creatures in the biological cultivation chamber of the laboratory, they are still juveniles.

It would be cruel if it was thrown directly.

Compared with the "alien monster" just now, the juvenile body is not enough to fit between the teeth, let alone compete with each other.

Charlotte hasn't been in the "Botanical Garden" for the time being, and she doesn't know what's going on inside right now.

But at this stage, she doesn't plan to go in yet.

Bloody Queen's avatar has disappeared since activating certain settings in "The Arboretum".

Charlotte knew that the other party should be observing her in the dark at this moment.

As for the search and rescue team, they can only rely on themselves to find a way, and it is impossible for her to hold back the other party forever.

The rustling of leaves, the shaking of branches, and the trampling of fallen leaves, these slight sounds are scattered throughout the "Botanical Garden".

Even if it is Charlotte, if you don't listen carefully, you will definitely miss something.

The occasional hissing sound was a bit thinner than that of the "alien monster" before.

Judging from the sound alone, the body should be smaller than the one lying on the ground.

But the premise is that the two creatures are of the same type.

Charlotte waited patiently, even if it was a big guy like just now, she would not be afraid to fight together.

I have seen corpses in mountains and seas of corpses before, they are just irregular-looking monsters, just poke them and it's over.

After a long time, finally, there was movement at the door again.

A dull sound sounded, accompanied by the sound of toenails hitting the ground, it should be the sound made by that kind of creature when it walks.

Charlotte was wearing goggles at this time, so she could see without hindrance in the dark.

She looked over quickly and saw something coming out of the "Botanical Garden".

The other party seemed to be very cautious and did not rush out all at once.

Looking at the figure from a distance, Charlotte really guessed it right, it was indeed the same kind of "Alien".

It's just that it's not the juveniles seen in the laboratory biological cultivation warehouse, but a little bigger.

However, compared with the one that was killed on the ground, the one coming out in front of me seems to be smaller. Let's call it a "medium-sized alien".

In terms of size, there is a deviation from what Charlotte expected.

Charlotte picked up the RS-S16 in her hand. If it was of the same kind, it would be easier to deal with it.

According to previous experience, Charlotte doesn't need to speculate on its weaknesses, and can do it directly.

However, Charlotte didn't make a move immediately. The distance between her and the other party was still a little far, and she needed to wait for the other party to get closer.

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