Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 601 601. Exquisite as a Barbie doll? It's a bit confusing to both praise and criticize!

It said in a rather condescending tone: "Intruder, let's see if I am arrogant and underestimate you, or if you are really vulnerable."

On the green face, the eyebrows were rather disdainful, and there was a malicious smile on the lips.

"I like to dash your hopes at the last moment." The crisp and sweet voice revealed cruel words.

Charlotte looked at it, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Speaking of which, you are quite cute like this, but you have a bad personality."

She has long wavy curls, a chubby face, and delicate features like a Barbie doll. She is wearing a long skirt with lace edges.

Ignoring the green light that shrouds the whole body, this avatar is indeed pretty and cute.

However, if you have a bad personality, you need to be taught a lesson.

Charlotte looked over slowly, no one knew what she was thinking.

However, it is obvious that as an artificial intelligence Bloody Queen, it did not understand what Charlotte meant.

Charlotte, who had been having trouble dealing with it before, suddenly praised it for being cute, which made it confused.

The most important thing is that the intruder didn't even say half of the words. He praised her for being cute but also said that she had a bad personality.

Such contradictions make it a bit confusing.

Bloody Queen thought for a long time and finally managed to say: "Intruder, let me see if you can still laugh for a while!"

Charlotte raised her eyebrows slightly: "I'm not smiling now."

However, the Bloody Queen in front of her never responded to her and disappeared directly.

Well, just leave if you can't agree, Charlotte thought nonchalantly.

This artificial intelligence really comes and goes without a trace.

But Charlotte knew that even if the other person's external avatar disappeared, he would definitely continue to monitor her secretly.

While Charlotte was talking to Bloody Queen, there was finally movement in the "Botanical Garden" that had been unlocked.

It is estimated that the "alien monster" inside noticed the situation.

Charlotte could hear the door opening.

Then, something slowly came out.

The thing's hard toenails hit the ground, making a very slight crisp sound.

Only by this sound, Charlotte can roughly determine the position of the other party.

Charlotte quickly turned off the small light on the helmet and activated the button for the goggles.

The goggle brackets on the left and right ears immediately stretched out the lenses.

The military goggles are excellent, and Charlotte has no problem seeing in the dark.

However, Charlotte will not rely entirely on her eyes.

Listening carefully, judging from the frequency of the sound, the guy didn't leave the vicinity of the door immediately.

It was probably trapped in the "Botanical Garden" for a long time, but it was released suddenly, but it was very cautious.

That guy is constantly testing, gradually walking towards the outer circle.

Charlotte thought, it is indeed a creature with a certain IQ.

Just as she had speculated before, it would not be so easy to deal with.

As early as the first time I came here, Charlotte thought about it, but luckily the access control of the "Botanical Garden" is still in operation.

Otherwise, the search and rescue team at that time would have to face a fierce battle.

Now, Charlotte is not sure how many "alien monsters" are locked inside, so she still has a certain distance from the "Botanical Garden" and does not get too close.

Although the military's goggles are already very advanced, they still have a certain range of vision in the dark, not as wide as the field of vision under light conditions.

However, even if they were far away, Charlotte could still grasp the situation of that guy.

That thing seemed to be able to see at night, because judging from the sound of its walking, it seemed to be walking towards Charlotte with a clear goal.

Charlotte quickly hung the R-S16 light particle short-barreled rifle on his back, and then pulled out the H-A18 light particle short-caliber pistol at his waist, looking at the direction of the sound.

The guy got closer and closer, and gradually Charlotte could see him clearly.

She could already smell the smell emanating from the other party's body, which was foul and foul.

Finally, Charlotte was only 3 meters away from it.

Through the goggles, she could see that the guy was standing.

In terms of body shape, I don't know how much taller than Charlotte.

Compared with being locked up in the "Botanical Garden", it is obviously more threatening at this time.

On the ferocious face, the inner and outer layers of teeth are closely arranged, resembling iron nails.

Whether it is the sharp claws on the hands and feet or the tail like a bone whip, they are all equally lethal.

While Charlotte is focusing on its strengths, she is also observing its possible weaknesses.

She had thoroughly analyzed it the first time she saw it, and now it was just a recap of the gist.

Charlotte is always so prepared for a rainy day, and it just came in handy at this moment.

The "Alien" seemed to be looking at Charlotte as well, with his two thick and strong legs moving forward and back sometimes, as if he still hesitated.

Perhaps, it is still testing.

However, the heavy breath between the opponent's mouth and nose carried a strong murderous aura, as if it might charge up at any time.

The two parties are in a stalemate, the atmosphere is silent, and the situation is about to explode.

After an unknown amount of time, the "Alien" shook its tail.

At this moment, a burst of gunfire rang out, and Charlotte struck first!

She fired one after another, hitting several expected places. Those were her estimated weak points!

At the same time, Charlotte dodged and avoided the opponent's giant whip tail!

The outermost layer of that thing's head has a hard shell, and the top hard shell extends all the way to the eyes.

The brain and eyes are protected by a hard shell, so it's not that easy to hit.

After the initial conservative attack, the "alien" quickly intensified its offensive.

In its view, Charlotte, who is much smaller than it, seems not to be afraid of!

The "alien" was no longer limited to attacking Charlotte with its bone-whip-like tail, but instead pounced on him.

Charlotte quickly retreated and adjusted the distance from the opponent.

The other party is fast, and her speed is not slow either!

After firing several shots in succession, Charlotte inserted the H-A18 back into his waist and took off the R-S16 from his back again.

After a simple test, it’s time to concentrate your firepower on the weak points!

However, the "alien" wouldn't just stand there and be beaten by Charlotte.

It kept attacking towards Charlotte, and Charlotte kept keeping distance from it. She was always wary of its tail.

For her, maintaining a certain distance between attack and defense is the most advantageous!

This time, the R-S16 bullet accurately hit the guy's nose.

The brain and eyes are protected by shells, but the nose is not!

In most living things, the mouth, ears, and nose are connected to the brain.

Regarding this point, Xia Luo has already tested it initially and judged that this style of play is feasible.

Concentrate on this point and attack with force, which will definitely cause damage!

Even in the darkness and moving at high speed, Charlotte could accurately snipe at the extremely small target area.

The nose of the "Alien" is almost just two holes on its face, making it extremely difficult to snipe in the dark.

But Charlotte's consecutive shots had a 100% hit rate!

I haven’t chatted for a long time (I’m really busy usually), so I still have to say a few words to express my gratitude~(*^ω^*)

Qidian, Q Yue, Xiaoxiang, Hongxiu... Many of these little cuties silently read the article and silently voted for it ~ Thank you, okay~ (*︶*). .:*

Then, here’s a rare little preview~

This part is a large and coherent link, with many high-profile scenes and some important information.

In the emotional line part, there will be a certain degree of interaction and pull. emmm, it's just... quite subtle. →_→

Finally, don’t guess about the male protagonist. At least wait for the female protagonist to graduate. After all, this is a long story. ( ̄▽ ̄)σ

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