Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 373 373. Punishment position? Charlotte’s crazy behavior!

Min Taisheng stood there gasping for breath, with a lot of sweat on his forehead, and he looked at Charlotte without the contempt in the beginning.

Whether it was him, Ouyang Zongzhe next to him, or a few other people who joined the fight halfway, they were all more or less colored.

Seeing the red and green faces of these people, Ye Baiyu couldn't help feeling angry.

But as a professor, he naturally wouldn't quarrel with others in the street.

However, his eyes towards Charlotte were still full of dissatisfaction, and his expression was also very serious.

"What's your name? Why are you beating someone here?" Ye Baiyu asked displeased.

Seeing her student being beaten, Ye Baiyu already preconceived that it must be Charlotte who caused the trouble, and she must have provoked the incident.

Facing his questioning, Charlotte reported her background in a leisurely manner: "Charlotte, Geworth Mecha Branch."

There is nothing to hide about this, and people will always have a way to check it afterwards.

From the moment she started, she had already anticipated several possible outcomes.

Ye Baiyu frowned immediately when she heard this, "From the Gerworth Mecha Branch?"

This reminded him of his deadly enemy, and he became more and more unhappy.

"Shouldn't you be attending the welcome party in the conference building now? Why did you come here?" Ye Baiyu asked with an unkind expression.

Charlotte looked indifferent: "No reason, just want to go out for a walk."

She answered very calmly, as if she didn't take her absence from the welcome party seriously.

No one stipulates that she must stay at the venue, she has the freedom to go out.

Charlotte's attitude made Ye Baiyu think of his deadly enemy even more, and immediately said: "When I first came to Palton, I wandered around and caused such things, does your teacher know?"

Charlotte glanced at Ye Baiyu, and then corrected him: "It's not us who are causing trouble, it's them."

Besides, Charlotte didn't say much.

Now everyone in this circle belongs to Palton, and even if she said so, most likely no one would stand by her side.

Subconsciously, they must be more inclined to people from their own academy, and they will also be more sympathetic to the weak.

Charlotte looked at Ouyang Zongzhe and Min Taisheng again, yes, the weak.

Although Ye Baiyu was very dissatisfied with Xia Luo's words and deeds, but he would not ask indiscriminately, and immediately asked the surrounding students.

In addition, he also asked a few clerks in the "Dudu's Gourmet Store", and quickly restored the original appearance of the matter.

After roughly figuring out what happened, Ye Baiyu really felt... a headache! Don't let him worry about one or two!

Looking at Ouyang Zongzhe and Min Taisheng in his own branch, Ye Baiyu didn't take too much sidelines, and criticized the education: "You two are both in the fifth grade, why are you still so immature? If I remember correctly, you are now It should also be in the conference building, right? Make trouble for me!"

For Professor Ye of their own branch, Ouyang Zongzhe and Min Taisheng naturally respected them, and immediately lowered their heads, completely losing their previous momentum.

Ye Baiyu saw that they all lowered their heads, so she could only sigh helplessly, then turned her head and said to Charlotte, "You too, it's just a quarrel, why do you have to do it? Anyway, the one who makes the first move is always wrong!"

Charlotte raised her eyebrows, and looked at Ye Baiyu with an unclear expression.

Then, she said leisurely: "This teacher, do you want to issue any punishment order to me? From what standpoint?"

Naturally, Charlotte could roughly judge the identity of this person based on the reactions of the people around him. He was probably a teacher from the Paldon Mecha Branch, and his status should not be low.

Ye Baiyu was stunned by Charlotte's question, and then frowned even tighter, as if offended.

"What do you mean?" Ye Baiyu asked with a cold face.

Beside, Jin, who had been quiet all this time, could no longer be silent, and was about to take a step forward.

If anyone has to be punished, then punish him! Anyway, it started because of him!

However, Charlotte reached out to stop him.

Jin looked at Charlotte in puzzlement, but heard Charlotte say: "It's not interesting, I'm a student of Gewas, and I only accept the punishment given by Gewas. Others, I will not accept it."

Ye Baiyu was considered a very prestigious young talent in the mech branch of Palton. After teaching for so many years, it was probably the first time he met someone like Charlotte.

Look at the way she speaks! Don't you know what you did wrong? !

Ye Baiyu felt that his values ​​had been challenged, but in the public, he couldn't speak too harshly to a junior.

What's more, as she said, standing on Palton's side, it is really inappropriate to impose any substantive punishment on Gervas's students, at most it is verbal criticism.

However, Ye Baiyu looked at Xia Luo's expression that hadn't changed much from the beginning to the end, and didn't want to let it go.

Look, such a rampant behavior has no respect for his teacher at all!

Even if he was Palton's professor and she was Geworth's student, generally speaking, it shouldn't be so impolite to blatantly contradict it!

Ye Baiyu calmed down and thought for a while before saying, "You're right, I really don't want to say anything about you. However, since the matter involves my students and they were all beaten, I can't ignore it. .”

Charlotte's expression remained unchanged, waiting for the solution he was about to propose.

"Well, you guys go back with me now, and I'll report the matter to the sub-principal, and ask him to negotiate with your teacher Geworth." Ye Baiyu said in a neutral tone.

If the little girl is willing to admit her mistake and apologize, then he will also be a peacemaker, and this matter will be over.

After all, visitors are guests, and both children, Ouyang Zongzhe and Min Taisheng, are also at fault.

But now, because of Xia Luo's unwillingness to bow his head, Ye Baiyu did not intend to settle the matter.

After all, it is wrong to hit people, and the people of Gervos are too arrogant! He didn't care about Palton's face at all!

Since you don't want to give in, let's take the matter to the next level!

He wanted to see if Gevos would protect his students then!

Xia Luo was silent for a moment, but did not show any timid expression as Ye Baiyu thought.

On the contrary, Jin next to him finally couldn't help lowering his head, and was about to take the initiative to admit his mistake and punishment: "Teacher, Charlotte didn't mean any harm, it's just..."

"Jin." However, before he could finish speaking, Charlotte interrupted him, "Raise your head."

Charlotte only said this without any unnecessary expression on her face.

Jin was obviously stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xia Luo's words made Jin stop begging Ye Baiyu for mercy.

Thanks to Qidian’s cuties “Chen Xuan 1” and “Mo Mo” for the rewards~

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