Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 127 127. The most seductive proposal, Charlotte: I am stronger and more obedient

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, Charlotte knows this truth very well.

"If I have to choose someone under the name of the professor to accept your guidance, I think I will have an advantage." Charlotte's words are full of charm, and she has always been good at attacking people's hearts.

She knows what Gusta needs now, and since fame, wealth and power cannot shake him, she should exchange what he cares about most.

Charlotte can solve the problems he urgently needs to solve, and this chip is enough.

If it were someone else, this trick might not be successful, but for Gusta whose needs are different from ordinary professors, it becomes extremely attractive.

Sure enough, upon hearing what Charlotte added, Gusta became interested and asked one more question: "Oh? What advantage?"

Charlotte said without blushing or panting: "I am stronger and more obedient."

Gusta: "..." He seriously doubted being obedient.

However, the adequate preparations that Charlotte had done before had obviously played its role.

She had researched him and learned about him, so she was able to make the most eloquent proposals for him.

Similarly, Charlotte is not afraid that Gusta will dislike her strong purpose.

Through the preliminary investigation, she knew that Gusta had always played cards out of common sense.

People in the world are sometimes self-righteous and lofty, but they are worthless to him.

Let’s just say that Gusta himself is not a person who claims to be aloof, unassuming, and unconcerned, otherwise he would not actively apply for the highest federal scientific research funding.

You must know that the highest level of funding for scientific research projects is very considerable. However, the application process is equally complicated.

In addition to the applicant's own strength, the project proposed should also have great potential. In order to prove the cutting-edge | and great potential of the topic, applicants need to prepare very detailed application materials.

The whole process is complicated and cumbersome, and it takes some time to prepare the materials alone.

However, for his scientific research, Gusta did not regard these extraneous things as dust, but patiently prepared carefully.

Step by step, everything will come step by step.

Therefore, although Gusta has clear ideas and likes to play cards unreasonably, he is not a person of immortal style.

On the contrary, such people are the easiest to be moved by interests. As long as you can provide what he really needs, he will accept it more than anyone.

If you follow the usual thinking, hide it, overpackage your purpose, and cover up your real interests and needs, it will make him look down on him.

That's why, at the beginning, Charlotte chose to directly explain her purpose.

An upright attitude can gain Gusta's favor

And now, it is obvious that she has moved Gusta.

"How do you plan to bring that child back?" Gusta really asked, "Young master of the Qin family, if he really refuses, you can't force him."

In this regard, Charlotte did not explain her plan: "In short, I will bring him back. As for the method used, Professor Gusta doesn't need to worry about it."

Gusta silently looked at Charlotte, as if weighing how much she was capable of.

After a while, he said, "Why should I trust you?"

Charlotte said calmly: "Give me a chance, and you won't have any loss, will you?"

Gusta and Charlotte tacitly understood each other, even if Charlotte did not act, Gusta would not complete the task assigned by the academy.

If he really had this determination, he wouldn't have dragged it until now.

After all, he didn't care much about it.

After all, it is impossible for a professor who is well-known throughout the Star Federation to invite a student back in a low voice. Even if that student is very well known and has a strong background.

If he didn't want to embarrass Professor Adolf and let him worry about his own affairs, which would affect his health, Gusta would not have paid attention to this arrangement of the college.

Now, he has tried it, and there is nothing he can do if the other party doesn't want it.

No one can blame him for not trying, can he?

If the academy was still talking, he didn't mind confronting those members of the council face to face.

At that time, if Professor Adolf's health is really affected because of this incident, he will just quit, and it's not like he has nowhere to go!

Gusta is completely confident, and with his abilities, he has no problem supporting himself and Professor Adolf.

In the entire Star Federation, there are too many scientific research institutions that hope him to join.

Gusta has a bottom line in his heart, Professor Adolf is regarded as a relative by him. As long as this is not endangered, Gusta is still willing to cooperate with a little bit.

At this juncture, Charlotte's proposal seemed very attractive.

As she said, give her a chance, and Gusta himself will have nothing to lose.

"Go and bring him back, and then let him voluntarily give up following me. In exchange, I will recommend you to hang under my name, is that what you mean?" Gusta confirmed.

Charlotte nodded: "Yes, change to one that makes the professor more worry-free."

Gusta: "..." I seriously doubt the authenticity of this sentence.

However, after comparing the two compartments, Gusta made a decision after weighing.

Instead of accepting that brat with a very uncooperative attitude, it would be better to replace the little girl in front of me, at least she is smart and has good eyesight.

Gusta doesn't like hypocrisy and pretentiousness. Those who pretend to be fake and put on airs don't like him.

After some thought, Gusta said, "Okay, if you can really bring that child back from the Qin family and let him give up the idea of ​​having my name on his own initiative, I'll accept you."

Charlotte was not hypocritical, and put forward her own request: "No, I hope the professor can accept me now, otherwise I will be an unknown teacher. In addition, I will apply for a vacation to the college for a period of one month, and I will ask the professor to approve it. .”

Gusta: " really push your limits."

However, they have already decided to let Charlotte have a try, and Gusta doesn't care too much about it.

He also knew that if he really wanted Charlotte to represent himself and go to the Qin family to convince that brat to come to Geworth, he would have to give her a title.

Otherwise, she would not even be able to enter the Qin family.

Not only that, the one-month long vacation, unless there are special circumstances, the college will generally not approve it.

However, if the applicant is a senior student, and the supervisor is not a lecturer, but a highly respected professor, if the professor agrees to the vacation application, the college will readily approve the leave, which is quite convenient.

Gusta turned on the optical brain, did some operations, and said not long after: "Okay, the materials have been submitted. As long as the college approves it, you will be a student under my name."

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