Next to Junko Muto listened to the gunshots in her ear, she raised her head and looked at Gao Feng!

At this moment, Gao Feng is completely different from the Gao Feng he knew before!

Although it still looks like that, but the original elegant and easy-going temperament has become resolute and bloody, and the eyes have become extremely sharp! He doesn't blink when he pulls the trigger! It's as if the pistol in your hand is not a weapon, but a toy!

Seeing Gao Feng like this.. Junko Muto was stunned!

Opposite.. Song Mian and others are dumbfounded!

According to information, Takahashi Masao is just a businessman and has never received any military training, but what about his marksmanship?

Why shoot a friend of your own?

"Team leader! The information is wrong!"

A player next to him shouted loudly.

"Laozi still told you! Retreat! Retreat!"

Song Mian shouted.

Then everyone backed away while shooting!

Watching these people retreat, Gao Feng did not pursue, because Junko Muto was still by his side, it was better to stay where he was to be on the safe side.

In the blink of an eye, the attacker disappeared! The bodies of the seven attackers were left on the spot.

Looking at the corpses in the distance, Gao Feng has no anger or sympathy in his eyes at the moment. After all, his surface identity is Masao Takahashi, if he himself, he would definitely choose to assassinate Masao Takahashi!


He sighed inwardly, and then looked up at Junko Muto next to him.

"Junzi..Are you all right?"

Gao Feng asked softly.

"Gao... Takahashi-kun, you... who are you?"

Junko Muto looked at Gao Feng with a complicated face.

Although she is innocent, she is not a fool! Gao Feng's performance just now was not that of a businessman at all, but more like a soldier!

"I...I am your husband."

Gao Feng said.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto trembled!

Yes, Masao Takahashi is his husband no matter what his status is.

After thinking about it... Junko Muto had a smile on her face, and then threw herself into Gao Feng's arms.

Gao Feng reached out and patted Junko Muto on the back, then pushed her away from his arms and said softly, "Junko close your eyes.々"."

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto obediently closed his eyes and stood there motionless.

boom! boom!


Two consecutive shots were fired, mixed with Gao Feng's painful muffled sound..

Hearing the voice, Junko Muto opened his eyes subconsciously, and then he saw blood on Gao Feng's shoulder at the moment, and blood on his abdomen as well.

Seeing this scene, Junzi was dumbfounded, tears fell directly, and she looked at Gao Feng at a loss.

"Takahashi-kun... Takahashi-kun.. you. woooo..."

"It doesn't matter Junko, so that others won't doubt it. I'm just a one-meter businessman. How could I kill seven people on the other side without any injuries? They won't doubt it until I'm injured.,"

Gao Feng said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto covered his mouth with both hands, and the tears couldn't stop falling!

five minutes later..

The Japanese patrol team stationed in Shanghai was long overdue, and the leader of the team was none other than Matsushijiro, the captain of the gendarmerie corps who had dealt with Gao Feng several times before!

At this time, Matsushijiro looked at the corpse underground, looked at the car full of holes, and finally looked at Gao Feng, who was lying on the ground next to the car, and Junko Muto who was sobbing!

this moment..

Matsushijiro feels that the sky in Shanghai is about to fall!

"Baga! Quick! Doctor! Doctor!"

Matsushijiro shouted loudly.

The two military doctors accompanying the team hurried over. After a simple inspection and dressing, Gao Feng was carried into the car and sent directly to the hospital!


after an hour..

Fenghe Chamber of Commerce Headquarters ..


The door of the office was pushed open, and an assistant hurried in. Zhuang Xiaoman, who was working at the desk, thought it was Gao Feng, and she raised her head casually, but when she saw the assistant, her brows suddenly rose. Wrinkled, and then scolded: "What are you doing! I don't know how to knock on the door!"

"Ryoko...Miss Ryoko, the president was attacked! Rescue at the hospital!"

The assistant said in a panic.

Hearing the assistant's words, the pen in Zhuang Xiaoman's hand fell with a snap!

Puppeteer office.. In the office of the inspector general of the New General Administration of Customs, Minglou is explaining his work to a subordinate..


Mingcheng ran in from outside.

"What's the matter? Such a panic!"

Ming Lou frowned and scolded.

"Brother, Mr. Takahashi was attacked and is now in the hospital for rescue!"

Mingcheng said hurriedly.

"Mr. Takahashi? Which Mr. Takahashi?"

"It's Mr. Masao Takahashi."

"What! It's Mr. Takahashi, you didn't say it earlier!"

After Minglou finished speaking, he ran out of the office, while Mingcheng hurriedly followed.

Uncle Li's hiding spot..

Japanese consulate..

at last..

In a yard...

Minamizo Yunko and Fujita Yoshimasa sat opposite each other.

"¨"I got news just now that Masao Takahashi was attacked! He was seriously injured."

Fujita Yoshimasa said in a low voice.

"Assaulted? Attacked by whom?"

Nan Zao Yunzi raised his brows, and asked with a hint of surprise on his beautiful face.

"It should be the underground team in Shanghai. It is uncertain whether it is the Red Party or the Juntong, but I don't think Takahashi Masao is the person you are looking for. If his identity is really the Juntong or the Red Party, he can't be. attacked!"

Yoshimasa Fujita said seriously about his father.

Hearing the words of Yoshizheng Fujita, Nanzao Yunzi frowned slightly, she was silent for a moment and then said with a smile: "'s fine if the attacked Ministry of War does not represent his identity, it may be his scheming, and he made it by himself. (well) this attack."

"No.. this is impossible. According to what I know about the military and the Red Party, they will not sacrifice seven people. They cherish the lives of their team members. Unless their team members are arrested, they will punish their own people. Assassination, otherwise, even if there is a chance to save the team members, they will fight for it."

Fujita Yoshimaa shook his head and directly vetoed.

"Could it be that Takahashi Masao is a member of the military commander, and the attacker is a member of the Red Party, and the Red Party does not know that Takahashi Masao is a military commander?"

Nan Zuo Yunzi said again.


Fujita Yoshima hesitated.

for a long time..

He shook his head and said, "I still insist on my opinion, there is no problem with Takahashi Masao, and I want to remind you Ms. Yunzi Minamizo, Takahashi Masao is the person who Lieutenant General Gaoqiao Yoshida values ​​most! If you can't find any problems, I am afraid that General Tufa will not be able to keep you!".

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