Hearing Gao Feng's words, Minglou was stunned, then nodded.

After learning about the accident in the special high school in the morning, he immediately thought of Gao Feng!

Yoko Nantian, Yoshiko Kawashima, and 90% of the staff of the special high school all died at once! And in the end, Fujita Yoshimasa judged that there was an infighting between the two sides!

In Ming Lou's knowledge, only his superior, Lieutenant General Gao Feng, and the legendary Minister Gao can do it~!

In fact, he came here this time not to ask about this matter, but to come to have a look.

That's right..

Just come and take a look.

After all, Gao Feng moved directly next door to his house without hesitation, and he would definitely come to visit - for a moment.

"By the way, didn't I bother you when I moved the furniture in the other day?"

At this time, Gao Feng thought of something and asked.

"No, I didn't bother. At first, when the minister next door moved in, I was shocked. I didn't expect it to be the minister, so it would save a lot of trouble in the future."

Ming Lou smiled and waved his hand.

"Hehe, it's just a coincidence. The house I asked Xiaoman to find was the most suitable place in the end, so I lived here. Now that the French Concession is gone, Shanghai will be even more chaotic in the future."

Gao Feng smiled and then sighed with emotion.

Hearing Gao Feng's emotion, the smile on Minglou's face disappeared, he nodded seriously and said, "Well, if something happened before, you can enter the French Concession to hide, and the whole of Shanghai will be unsafe in the future. "

"However, the minister directly paralyzed the special high school. It will take at least a month or two until the special high school is slowed down. During this time, it is enough for the team members to find a safe hiding place."

Hearing Minglou's words, Gao Feng smiled.

After the two chatted for a while, Minglou left the study.

After Minglou left, Zhuang Xiaoman also said: "I'll go first, there are still many things to be dealt with at the Chamber of Commerce, and I have to send someone to watch over Fujita Fangzheng, what happened to the accident? ."


Gao Feng nodded.

Then Zhuang Xiaoman left the study, and when only Gao Feng was left in the study, he picked up the paper and pen on the table and started writing.

What he wrote on the paper was a personal name!

The names of these people are all known from the memory of Yoshiko Kawashima, and the identities of these people are all spies planted in the National Army and the Red Party.

It took Gao Feng an hour to write a list of all the spies.


The maximum number of spies in the Red Party is close to twelve, and there are eight spies in the National Army!

A total of twenty spies, their code names, army numbers and contact information were all clearly written down by Gao Feng.

After writing, Gao Feng put the paper in his arms and left the study.


the other side..

"Bagga! Kawashima Fangzi is dead?!"

Doi, the famous spy chief in history, stood there looking at his subordinates angrily at the moment.

"Hey! Yes! This is the data.."

The subordinate lowered his head and handed the information to the soil fertilizer.

Tu Fei took the information and looked at it. When he saw half of it, the anger on his face disappeared, but his brows were wrinkled tightly!

The information clearly writes the cause and effect, and it is also well-founded!

"So Kawashima Yoshiko was killed by his own people? Not the military commander and the Red Party?"

Putting down the information, Toi said in a low voice.

"Hey! Yes!"

The subordinate nodded hurriedly.

"No.. There must be something wrong here! Go and call Nan Zuo Yunzi now!"


The subordinate nodded and hurriedly left.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

After hearing the voice, Toi said.

Then the office door was opened, and a woman in a Japanese military uniform walked in from outside.

The woman is tall, beautiful and charming. Although she is wearing a military uniform, she does not show a heroic appearance, but has a little more beauty that makes people imagine.

This woman is Nanzao Yunzi!


After entering the room, Nan Zuo Yunzi said.

"Well, take a look at this information."

Toi snorted and then handed the information on Kawashima Yoshiko's death to Nanzao Yunzi.

Nan Zuo Yunzi looked suspiciously. Ten minutes later, Nan Zuo Yunzi's beautiful face showed a serious look, and after returning the information to Tu Fei, she asked, "General, yours? meaning is?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"Kawashima Yoshiko's death is too reasonable, and sometimes too reasonable is a problem. I suspect that there is a very large intelligence network hidden in the underground of Shanghai! I need you to go to Shanghai to find this underground information!"

Tofu said seriously.

"Hey! I got it!"

Nan Zuo Yunzi said hurriedly.

"By the way, it's best to hide this time. I will give you a new identity so that you can better find your target."


Nan Zuo Yunzi nodded.

"Okay, you go down."


Nan Zuo Yunzi left the office, and there was only Tu Fei left in the office.


Returning to the seat at the desk, Tu Fei frowned, and his face showed irritability.

The above asked him to investigate the previous case of the leakage of the military strategic map in South China. It has been investigated for several months now, and the small fish and shrimp have caught a few, but there has been no clue about the leakage of the military strategic map. Now his own His right-hand disciple, Kawashima Yoshiko, was also killed, which made him want to go to Shanghai and sit in person himself!

However, the matter here has not been dealt with, and he cannot leave.


Tofu sighed again.


At night, in Gao Feng's villa study, Zhuang Xiaoman stood opposite Gao Feng with a piece of paper in his hand and frowned.

All the names are written on the paper, and the names are all written by Gao Feng during the day.

"Are these the names, contacts and codenames of Japanese spies?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked in surprise.

"Well, these are...you pick a part of the list and pass it to the top, and find some people to do the rest."

Gao Feng nodded and said.

"Choose a part to assassinate? Why?"

Zhuang Xiaoman was taken aback and asked in doubt.

"Have you never heard of a tree that attracts the wind?"

Gao Feng glanced at Zhuang Xiaoman and said.

"Uh, I'll make arrangements now."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and left directly.

After Zhuang Xiaoman left, Gao Feng took a note from his arms that read the list of Japanese spies in the Red Party, and then walked out of the study. Small.

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