After Mingcheng finished speaking, everyone in the living room was stunned, and even the nanny, A Xiang, had a strange look. After all, she knew that her eldest lady, Ming Jing, kept mentioning Takahashi Masao.

"Minglou, didn't you say that people will eat prison food, now let them eat!"

Ming Jing responded at this time and said.

"Ah.. that.. eldest sister, we can't press people with force, right? It's not necessary to move a piece of furniture, Acheng, did you tell Mr. Takahashi just now?"

Minglou smiled awkwardly, then looked at Mingcheng and asked.

"Oh, said . . . said, they said the movements would be lighter."

Mingcheng said hurriedly.


As soon as the voice fell, the villa next door made a loud noise again, and the sound was a little louder than before.

Suddenly everyone fell silent again.

"Oh, it's so annoying, I'm going out for a walk, you can buy me a plane ticket in Minglou, and I'll go to Mingtai tomorrow."

After Der Spiegel finished speaking, she stood up from Sha 29 and turned around to leave.

After Ming Jing left, Ming Lou and Ming Cheng looked at each other and walked upstairs.

When he got to the study room on the second floor, Minglou said directly: "Eldest sister said that she wants to go to see tomorrow, you should contact Wang Tianfeng immediately and ask him to send Mingtai to school, and you must not let the eldest sister know what happened to Mingtai! "

"Eldest sister is going to see Mingtai for you?! I'll contact you now."

After Ming Cheng finished speaking, he hurriedly turned and left.


The next day, the villa on Gao Feng's side was arranged and everything inside was ready, so Gao Feng, Junko Muto and Zhuang Xiaoman moved here that day.

Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters is still relocating, it will take at least a week, and it will take at least ten days for the French Concession to be completely handed over to the Japanese army, so there is no hurry in terms of time.

All the children in the orphanage have moved into the new orphanage. Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun have been busy in the orphanage for the past two days. Junko Muto comes back very late every day.

ten days later.

The last old French soldier in the French Concession withdrew from the French Concession, and the French Concession officially disappeared from history!

Near the Sixing Warehouse next to Su River, Gao Feng's car was parked there. He and Zhuang Xiaoman sat in the car, and the two looked at the Japanese soldiers in the French Concession.

"Get ready to start the next step!"

Gao Feng said suddenly.

"Well, well, all the personnel are ready, and they can act tonight!"

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said hurriedly.

"Then act tonight! I'm personally involved."

Gao Feng said.


Hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman did not stop him from participating. After all, they have been together for so long. Zhuang Xiaoman knows Gao Feng's character the most, even better than his bedside person Junko Muto. For such an important matter tonight, it would be impossible for Gao Feng not to participate.

After the two finished speaking, Xiaohubei, who was in the driver's seat, started the car and drove towards the distance.

after an hour.

Special high class.

Inside Yoko Nantian's office.

"Report, Section Chief Nantian, there is movement at Dongchuan Wharf!"

A Japanese operative hurried into Yoko Nantian's office to report.


After hearing the movement of Dongchuan Wharf, Yoko Nantian stood up from the chair and said excitedly.

"Yes! We found a large number of vehicles entering the dock, but they haven't moved the goods yet."

The action team nodded and said hurriedly.

"Okay! I see, you didn't tell anyone about this?"

Nantian Yoko nodded, and then asked in a low voice after thinking of something.

"I didn't tell anyone."

The operatives hurriedly said.

"You go down."


The operatives left the office. At this time, Yoko Nantian came out from behind the desk and walked back and forth in the office excitedly.


As soon as tonight's incident is over, the person who insulted her will be arrested, her great achievements are all on her own, and the person who should leave will leave in despair! No one can take her position as the head of the special high school!

What Yoshiko Kawashima told her before suddenly appeared in Yoko Nantian's mind.

We're friends!

hehe.. friends?

A sneer appeared on Yoko Nantian's face, and she remembered the letter written by Yoshiko Kawashima again!

Is this what a friend should do?

Time passes little by little..

In the afternoon, Yoko Nantian quietly led a group of people directly to Dongchuan Wharf.

On the other side, the residence of Yoshiko Kawashima.

dong dong..


Hearing a knock on the door outside, Yoshiko Kawashima asked.

"Miss Kawashima, Head Nantian said that he has urgent information to report to you, and asked you to go to the special high school."

A voice came from outside the door.

After hearing the voice, Kawashima Yoshiko frowned.

"Why didn't Director Nantian come to report in person?"

"I am not sure as well.."

"okay, I get it."

After speaking, Yoshiko Kawashima packed up and left the residence to go to the special high school.

After arriving at the special high school, Yoshiko Kawashima frowned again.

Because there are too few people in the special high school.

Is there something big going on today?

Doubt in her heart, Yoshiko Kawashima walked to the door of Yoko Nantian's office, pushed the door and walked in.

However, there was no Yoko Nantian in the office.

This made Yoshiko Kawashima's brows furrowed even tighter, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Where's Head Nantian?"

After calling a left-behind person, Yoshiko Kawashima asked.

"Miss Kawashima, Section Chief Nantian took someone to Dongchuan Wharf."

The guard said.

"Going to Dongchuan Wharf? What did she bring people to Dongchuan Wharf for?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked with a frown.

"This... I don't know either."

"Okay, I know."

Yoshiko Kawashima nodded.

After a while, she suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "Get everyone together immediately and go to Dongchuan Wharf with me!"


Ten minutes later, Yoshiko Kawashima took the group to Dongchuan Pier again.

An hour later, Fangzi Kawashima led someone quietly to Dongchuan Wharf.

"Come and find Head Nantian! Quietly, don't disturb anyone!"

Yoshiko Kawashima whispered to a player next to him.


The team member nodded and hurriedly left.

Soon the team found Yoko Nantian and told the story of Yoshiko Kawashima.

"What! Why is she here?"

Yoko Nantian frowned.

And at this moment...

Several cars approached from a distance...

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