"Miss Kawashima, your face..."

Yoko Nantian pointed to the five finger prints on Yoshiko Kawashima's face in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter, he was beaten by Masao Takahashi."

Kawashima Yoshiko had a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of coldness!

Today, Kawashima Fangzi made some tests on Gao Feng, but did not get any valuable clues, because Gao Feng's performance seemed to have no problems!

He is like what Yoko Nantian collected in the data, some condescending, very feminine, arrogant guy!

Even so, Yoshiko Kawashima still believes that there must be something wrong with Gao Feng!

And it's still a big problem!

"Humph! Is there any information about Feng and the Chamber of Commerce in the extra-high class?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked at this time.

"Yes, Miss Kawashima."

Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

"Well. Then bring me all the information about Feng and the Chamber of Commerce."

Yoshiko Kawashima nodded and ordered.

Hearing Yoshiko Kawashima's words, Yoko Minami 29 Tian hurriedly nodded and turned to leave.

After a while, Yoko Nantian came back with the information of Feng and the Chamber of Commerce, and Yoshiko Kawashima took the information and began to read it seriously.

after an hour..

"The Fenghe Chamber of Commerce also sells drugs, right?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked.

"Yes, Miss Kawashima, only Fenghe Chamber of Commerce dares to sell medicines in the entire Shanghai black market, and only they can obtain medicines."

Yoko Nantian said.

"Send someone to find out where they get these medicines,"


Nantian Yoko hurriedly responded.


In the evening, in Zhuang Xiaoman's villa, Gao Feng and Zhuang Xiaoman sat together, and Gao Feng talked about today's affairs with Kawashima Fangzi.

After listening to Gao Feng's story, Zhuang Xiaoman looked at Gao Feng with a strange expression.

Taking a look at Zhuang Xiaoman's strange eyes, Gao Feng continued: "I think this Kawashima Fangzi must find a solution as soon as possible."

"How to deal with it?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked.

"Wait...I'll figure something out."

Gao Feng frowned and began to think.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Feng said, "Kill her."

"Didn't you say before that you can't kill?"

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and asked.

"What if we make a game and let Yoko Nantian and Yoshiko Kawashima kill each other? Will anyone doubt me?"

Gao Feng laughed.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Impossible! How could the two of them kill each other."

"Hehe, the cannibalism I'm talking about is not the real cannibalism, but the cannibalism that others mistakenly believe."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"You mean..."

"I'll arrange this matter, you just need to prepare the staff."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he left Zhuang Xiaoman's villa, and he had to pick up Junko Muto.


In the next few days, Gao Feng did not go to Chuandao Fangzi again, and Chuandao Fangzi has only been investigating the source of the drug supply of Feng and the Chamber of Commerce. For Gao Feng personally, Chuandao Fangzi did not send anyone. to trace.

Everything is like something that didn't happen!

Three days later, the Red Party gave the address. That night, Zhuang Xiaoman arranged for someone to prepare the medicine and set off for the Red Party's base.

Fourth day.

Special high class, in Yoshiko Kawashima's office.

dong dong..

"Come in.."

Yoko Nantian hurried in.

"Miss Kawashima! I found an important piece of information!"

After entering, Yoko Nantian's face showed excitement and said hurriedly.

"Oh? What information?"

Yoshiko Kawashima stood up and asked.

"A large amount of medicine was shipped out of the city at a dock at the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce yesterday!"

"A lot? How many?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked with a frown.

"At least there is more than one meal of medicines! And according to my investigation, that warehouse will leave medicines every few days!"

Yoko Nantian said.

Hearing Yoko Nantian's words, Yoshiko Kawashima's eyes suddenly widened!

"More than a ton of drugs? Are you sure this information is accurate?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked hurriedly.


Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

"Okay! It's finally time to show off! According to our investigation, his medicines are all purchased from Baodao, and each time there are only dozens or even ten kilograms of medicines, such as a ton of more than one ton of medicines from Baodao. There are not so many drugs combined! They definitely have a secret purchase channel! In addition, there must be a problem with shipping such a large amount of drugs out of Shanghai!"

When Kawashima Fangzi said this, her eyes were full of excitement!

"Then shall we report to Chief Fujita immediately?"

Yoko Nantian asked hurriedly.

"Not for now! Chief Fujita knows that this matter will definitely stop us. He is afraid of offending Masao Takahashi. Even if he knows it is suspicious, he will not dare to act, because he is afraid of making a mistake in his judgment!"

Yoshiko Kawashima shook his head and continued: "We can't act rashly without getting sufficient evidence! By the way, have you arranged for someone to track those goods?"

"Someone has been sent to follow!"

Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

Hearing Yoko Nantian's words, Yoshiko Kawashima smiled and nodded.

at the same time..

Inside the office of Gao Feng of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce.

"The bait has been cast, and now both Kawashima Yoshiko and Nantian Yoko have found out, are we going to start the next step?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked in a low voice.

"Well, let's start the next step."

Gao Feng nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

After Zhuang Xiaoman finished speaking, he turned around and left.

the next day..

Yoko Nantian came to the special high class, and when he entered the special high class, he heard a whisper.

"I heard that Section Chief Nantian and Miss Kawashima have a good impression of Mr. Takahashi. In order to climb up the relationship with Takahashi Masao, they even begged to sleep with Takahashi Masao..."

"I heard that the last time Chief Nantian was beaten. In fact, it was because Section Chief Nantian wanted to hook up Mr. Takahashi first, but was discovered by Mr. Takahashi's wife Junko Muto.."

"Yes, yes. Then Mr. Takahashi came over to slap Section Chief Nantian in order not to make his wife suspicious."

"Yesterday, Miss Kawashima's face was slapped too. She was also beaten by Mr. Takahashi because she failed!"



Hearing these discussions, Nantian Yoko's face flushed, and she couldn't help but curse loudly.

The voice of the discussion disappeared instantly, and everyone in the extra-high class hurriedly bowed their heads and dispersed.

"Senior Nantian, Miss Kawashima is looking for you."

At this time, an assistant came over and said. .

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