"Well, I see, by the way, I have sent someone to inform Xiao Tu, he said that he will be on time tomorrow,"

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he stood up and turned to leave.

the next day..

After Gao Feng got up, he sent Junko Muto to the orphanage, and then drove directly to the headquarters of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce~.

After arriving at the headquarters, as soon as Gao Feng walked in, an assistant walked over and said, "President, there is a gentleman named Xiao Tu waiting for you. He said that you asked him to come over, and he is in the lounge now." "

"Well, let him come to my office - let's do it."

Gao Feng walked towards his office while talking.

Not long after arriving at the office, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Xiao Tu walked in from outside.

After entering, Xiao Tu closed the door and walked over to Gao Feng and said respectfully, "Mr. Takahashi..."

"Hehe, Mr. Xiao Tu, please take a seat."

Gao Feng smiled and pointed to the sofa next to him.

"Uh, okay, thank you Mr. Takahashi."

Xiao Tu nodded and walked to the sofa next to him and sat down.

After Xiao Tu sat down, Gao Feng asked with a smile, "How did Mr. Xiao Tu and my wife's father know each other?"

"Uh, I met at a press conference held by Consul Muto. At that time, he said that the East Asian circle made me feel relieved. Later, I asked him for some things, and I began to become familiar with it."

Xiao Tu said hurriedly.

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought Mr. Xiao Tu had some other purpose."

Gao Feng laughed.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Xiao Tu's eyelids trembled, and he hurriedly said with a flattering smile, "Haha, Mr. Takahashi is joking."

"Haha, just kidding."

Gao Feng laughed, then walked across to Xiao Tu and sat down.

"By the way, I heard that Mr. Xiao Tu personally shot and killed his teacher after knowing that his teacher was an anti-Japanese element?"

When Gao Feng's voice fell, Xiao Tu's heart trembled.

But just a second later, he responded with a smile and said: "Mr. Takahashi, those are all things in the past, what is the matter with that Mr. Takahashi who called me over today? If there is nothing, I will first Let's go, there are still some things that Consul Muto told me to do."

After speaking, Xiao Tu stood up and turned to leave.

Looking at Xiao Tu who was about to leave, Gao Feng did not stop him. The few words just now, Xiao Tu's reaction, and the golden light and shadow detected by the eagle eye, Gao Feng was completely sure that Xiao Tu was a red party!

As for why Cheng Jinyun doesn't know, there may be two possibilities. One is that her level is not enough, and Cheng Jinyun can know the secret level of Xiao Tu!

Another possibility is that Xiao Tu is someone who has lost contact with the Red Party!

The upline he was in contact with had a problem, or died, leaving no one knowing his identity.

After confirming Xiao Tu's identity, Gao Feng decided to put Xiao Tu aside for now.

In the next time, his mind will be on Yoshiko Kawashima. After all, there is such a person in mind, Gao Feng is really worried about Ye Changmeng.

After leaving the office, Gao Feng went directly out of the headquarters. After getting into the car, Gao Feng said to Xiaohubei in the driver's seat, "Go to the special high school."

"Yes, Mr. Takahashi."

Xiao Hubei nodded, then started the car and drove towards the special high school.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the door of the special high school.

As soon as Gao Feng got off the bus, he saw Yoko Nantian walking out of the extra-high class.

Opposite Yoko Nantian also saw Gao Feng getting off the bus, her footsteps stopped, her body shrank subconsciously, and a trace of fear and hatred flashed in her eyes.

"Haha, what a coincidence, I saw Section Chief Nantian as soon as I came here. Where is Section Chief Nantian going?"

Gao Feng asked with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Yoko Nantian squeezed a smile and said, "Hello Mr. Takahashi, Miss Kawashima asked me to send some documents to Chief Fujita."

"Oh, okay, then I won't bother Head Nantian. By the way, do you know where Miss Kawashima's office is?"

Gao Feng nodded and asked with a smile.

"Miss Kawashima works next door to my office. Does Mr. Takahashi want to ask Miss Kawashima anything?"

Nantian Yoko asked.

"It's nothing, Head Nantian, you're busy first, I'll go first."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he walked in directly.

After entering the extra-high class, Gao Feng quickly came to the door of Fangzi Kawashima's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door. After hearing the sound from inside, Gao Feng pushed the door open and walked in.

In the office, Fangzi Kawashima was sitting on a chair and looking down at Gao Feng's information, but when he saw that Gao Feng was coming in out of the corner of his eye, Fangzi Kawashima was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a smile and said in surprise: " Takahashi-san, why are you here?"

"Haha, the previous banquet was too busy to have a good chat with Miss Kawashima, so this time I came to see if Miss Kawashima has time? How about having a meal together at noon?"

Gao Feng walked directly to the chair opposite Kawashima Yoshiko with a familiar look, sat down and said.

. . .

After sitting down, Gao Feng looked at the documents on the table, while Kawashima Fangzi raised his hand to block the documents.

"Sorry, Mr. Takahashi, this is a secret in the military, so..."

Saying that, Yoshiko Kawashima showed an apologetic smile on her face.

"Hehe, it's okay, Miss Kawashima, keep busy, I'll be sitting next to you and waiting for you."

Gao Feng smiled and then stood up and walked to a sofa in the distance and sat down.

Seeing Gao Feng's action, Kawashima Fangzi smiled, and she said, "How can I make Mr. Takahashi wait for me, you and let's go now."

"Wait a minute, Miss Kawashima, are you wearing this?"

Gao Feng asked, pointing to the military uniform on Yoshiko Kawashima.

"Giggle, I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Takahashi. I can't wear it like this. It's just that my clothes are where I live, so I have to trouble Mr. Takahashi to take me back."

"OK, all right."

Gao Feng nodded and stood up.

Then the two left the office and walked directly towards Kawashima Yoshiko's residence.

After changing their clothes, the two got into the car and went to the largest western restaurant in Shanghai.

At the door of the western restaurant, Kawashima Fangzi naturally took Gao Feng's arm, and Gao Feng also smiled and helped Kawashima Fangzi into the western restaurant.

After finding a quiet seat and sitting down, after ordering a good meal, Kawashima Fangzi suddenly asked, "Mr. Takahashi is a longboarder, isn't he?" Xiao.

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