The persuasion of the surrounding officers made Yoko Nantian somewhat unable to get off the stage.

She seems to have made Gao Feng do this on purpose!

"Takahashi... Mr. Takahashi, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's all my fault, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

"Mr. Takahashi, you can see that Section Chief Nantian admits that it was her fault, not your fault at all."

"Yes, President Takahashi."

The crowd hurriedly said.

Hearing what everyone said, Gao Feng said helplessly: "Okay, but alas... I was really impulsive that day."

"Mr. Takahashi, what's the matter?"

"President Takahashi is such a gentle person who can make you slap a fan, Mr. Nantian must have done something too outrageous."

"Senior Nantian, what did you do to make Mr. Takahashi so angry?"

At this moment, Gao Feng's status and the charm of money took effect, and the officers around him began to accuse Yoko Nantian.

Under the accusations of everyone, Nantian Yoko lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

After all, the youngest officials present were at the same level as her, and some of them were even higher than her superior Fujita Yoshio 29.

Yoshiko Kawashima saw this scene, smiled and said: "Mr. Takahashi, don't blame yourself, today is the banquet of Consul Muto, let's not mention those unhappy things, by the way, I don't know if we can Would you like to invite Mr. Takahashi to dance with you?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Kawashima, I have to leave my first dance to my wife, everyone, I'll leave first."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he walked directly to Junko Muto who had been looking not far away.

"Beautiful Miss Junko, can I invite you to a dance?"

Gao Feng walked to Junko Muto and asked with a smile.

Junko Muto blushed slightly and nodded slightly.

Then the two walked to the dance floor in the middle of the living room and started dancing.

Because of Gao Feng's departure, the group of people who were surrounded just now also dispersed, leaving only Kawashima Yoshiko and Nantian Yoko.

Looking at Gao Feng on the dance floor, Yoshiko Kawashima showed a smile on his face.

"Miss Kawashima.."

Yoko Nantian next to him said in a low voice.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Yoshiko Kawashima looked at Yoko Nantian and asked.

"Just now... Thank you Miss Kawashima just now, or else..."

At this moment, Yoko Nantian's face showed fear and anger!

If Gao Feng said that she was investigating herself on this occasion, then she would really be a little bit overwhelmed!

After all, she is only a woman, and Gao Feng is Japan's top noble.

A woman investigates the direct descendants of the top nobles, which will make all the nobles in Japan angry!

"It's okay, this Takahashi Masao is not easy whether there is a problem or not."

Yoshiko Kawashima said in a low voice.


Yoko Nantian nodded.

The banquet was held until more than 11 o'clock in the evening. After the end, Gao Feng took Junko Muto and left Masao Muto's house by car.

Along the way, Junko Muto chatted.

But when the car was halfway through, Junko Muto slowly became silent and then crawled into Gao Feng's arms and fell asleep.

Looking at Junko Muto sleeping, the smile on Gao Feng's face gradually disappeared. He frowned and thought about what happened today. If the guess is correct, Yoshiko Kawashima and Yoko Nantian should investigate themselves.

Are you going to kill them yourself?


Along the way, Gao Feng was thinking.

Soon the car arrived at the villa. After Gao Feng settled Junko Muto, he went directly to Zhuang Xiaoman's villa next door.

In the villa, Zhuang Xiaoman saw Gao Feng come in and did not wait for Gao Feng to speak. Zhuang Xiaoman took the lead and said, "I found out that someone was following me today."

"Who is it?"

Gao Feng asked with a frown.

"Extra-high class."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng nodded, and then told about his first meeting with Kawashima Fangzi at the banquet today.

"The one who followed you should have been ordered by Yoshiko Kawashima, and the reason why she was investigating you should be related to me. Yoko Nantian had always suspected me before."

Gao Feng said.

"Then what should we do? It's really impossible. I'll call a few brothers to ambush and kill these two people directly."

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and said.

"No, I can't kill..."

Gao Feng shook his head and refused.

"Why can't you kill it?"

Zhuang Xiaoman is puzzled.

"I was killed when they were investigating me. This is not to tell others that I have a problem, so the two of them cannot kill for the time being. Even if they do, they must think of a perfect assassination method! Let everyone think that I did not do it. "

Gao Feng said.

"Okay, what about the group of people following us?"

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and then asked.

"You directly contact the gendarmerie captain Matsushijiro..."

Gao Feng said directly without thinking.

"Well, okay, I see."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

"By the way, there is one more thing, you go to investigate the new assistant Xiao Tu of Muto Masao, I suspect this person has another identity."

Gao Feng said.

"You said it was the Red Party?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked.

"Well, it should be possible. I definitely know what the military commander said. You can send someone to check."

"Well, okay, I see."

Zhuang Xiaoman replied.

Afterwards, Gao Feng didn't stay here for too long, and went straight back to his villa.


The next day, Zhuang Xiaoman left the villa early in the morning as usual and went to the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Entering his office, Zhuang Xiaoman picked up the phone on the table and started shaking the phone of the Military Police Corps.

Soon the call was received by Matsujiro, the captain of the Military Police Corps.

"Captain Panasonic, I am the good son of Fenghe Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, so it's Miss Ryoko, what's the matter?"

Matsushita Lang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked.

"Yesterday, I found that someone was following me. When I came to the headquarters today, someone was still following me. Please send someone to help me. I suspect that the person following me is an anti-Japanese element."

Zhuang Xiaoman's words were filled with fear.

On the other end of the phone, after hearing it, Matsujirou hurriedly said, "Okay, Miss Ryoko, where are you now? I'll lead the team there immediately!"

"I'm at headquarters.."


The other end of the phone hung up.

In less than half an hour, Matsushita Lang led the team to the headquarters of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce, and then directly arrested the members of the special high class who observed Zhuang Xiaoman under the guidance of Zhuang Xiaoman. .

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